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��14��739 <br /> � L��E� �F �RU�T' <br /> � ��onf�nu�d} - Page 2 <br /> Qxpended a�-ad�anced as pra�ided �n �ither�he [ndebtedness parag�raph or this paragraph, shall nat exceed #he Cr�dit <br /> Limit as pro�ided in the Credi�Agreement. lt�s the intention nfi Trus�or and Lend��tha�'�h�s Deed o�f T�ust se�ures th� <br /> balance ou#s#and�ng under the Cred�t Agreement from time tr�#ime �rvm zero up #v the Credit Limit as prov�d�d in �he <br /> Cred�t A�reemenf and any intermed�at� balance. <br /> Trustor present�y assigns to Lende�- �also known as Beneficiary in this D�ed af Trus�} all a� Trustnr's right, �it�e, and <br /> interest in and to ali present and €u�ure leas�s af the Property and a�l Rents ��om the Property. ln addition, Trusto�- <br /> �ran�s t� Lender a Unifo�m Commer��al Code s�curity interest in the Personat Property and Ren�s. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST, 1NCLUDING THE A5SICNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRaPERTY, IS GIVEN T� SECURE {A} PAYMENT C]F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �6} PERFC�RMANCE �]F <br /> EACH �F TRUST�R'S A�REEMENTS AND �BL��ATl4N5 �NDER THE CRED[T AGREEi�IENT, THE RELATED <br /> D�CU111IENTS, AND TH1S DEED �F TRUST. TH15 DEED UF TRUST �5 G1VEN AN� ACCEPTED flN THE F�LLaVti11N� <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�R11111ANCE. Except as othenN�se pro�ided in �his De�d of Trus�, Trustar shal� pay �o Lender al� <br /> amounts secured by this Deed of Trust as they be�ome due, and sha�l strict�y and in � timely manner per�arm a�! af <br /> . Trustor's obli�a�ions unde��he Gredif Agreement,#his �eed of Trust, and the Refated Qacuments. <br /> P�SSESSC�N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trus�fl� agrees that Trust�r`s passessian and use o� �he <br />� Property sha�l be�o�erned by the following prav�sions: � <br /> Possess�an and Use. Until the �ccurren�e of an EWen# of Default, T�ustar may �'�} remain in possession and <br /> con�rol of the Proper�y; ��� use,ope�ate or manag�the P�aperty; and �3} col[ect#he Rents from #he Proper�y. � <br /> []uty �o Maintain. T�ustor sha�l rnaintain the P�aperky in goad condition and prompt�y pe�form all repairs, <br /> rep�acements, and main�enance necessary�o preserue i�s�a�ue. <br /> G�mplian�e W�#h En�irvnmental Laws. Trus�or represents and war��n�s to Lender tha�: �'�} During the periad of <br /> Trustor`s ownership of the Property, there has been no use, generation, manu�fac�ure, starage, treatmen�,disposal, <br /> release or th�ea�ened release of any Hazardous Substan�e by any person on, under, about or frflm the Property; � <br /> ��} Trustor has no knowledge o�, or reason ta bel�eve that there has been, excep� as p�e�iausly disclos�d to and <br /> aeknow[edged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach or �ia[ation of any En�ironmental Laws, �b} any us�, <br /> generation, manufa�ture, sforage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened re�ease ❑f any Ha�ardous 5u�sfance <br /> ❑n, under, about or f�om �he Property by any prior awner� or oecupants ofi the Praperty, or �c} any ac�ual or <br /> threa�ened litiga��on or cla�ms of any kind by any person �-e�at�ng tv sueh ma�ters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> discl�sed ta and acknowledged by Lender in wr�ting, �a} n�ither Trustor nv�any tenant, �onfra��or, agent or other <br /> au�horized user of the Proper�y sha�l use, generate, manufac�ure, s�ore, treat, d�spase of or release any Hazardvus - <br /> Subs�ance on, und�r, about or�rom the P�-operty; and �b} any such acti�i�y shall be conducted in comp�iance with <br /> all app�icab�� federa�, sta#e, and �oca� laws, regulations and ordinances, inc�uding without limitation a�l <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lender and i�s agents t� enter upan �he Prope�ty tv make such <br /> inspections and �es�s, at Trus�or`s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tn de�ermin� cflmp�iance �f the <br /> Property with tnis sec��on of the Deed of Trus�. Any inspections o� �ests made by Lender shail be far Lender's <br /> � purp�ses only and shal� no� be cons�rued �o create any respansibility or liabi��ty on the part af Lender to T�-ustor o� <br /> ta any afher p�rson. The representa�ior�s and war�anties contain�d herein a�-s based on Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�est�ga�ing the Pr�perty�or HazardQus 5ubstances. Trustor he�eby �'�} releases and wa��es any fu�ure cla�ms <br /> agains# Lender fa� indemni�y o� �ontribufion in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable for �leanu� or other costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees�a indemnify, defend, and h��d harmless Lender agains#any and al! claims, losses, <br /> liabili�ies, damages, pena�ties, and expenses which Lende�may direc�ly or indirectly sustain or suffer resul��ng from <br /> a breach ofi this sec��ort o�th� Deed o�T�-us� or as a Gonsequence o�any use, gen�ra�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> . disposal, release o�-threatened release❑ccurring priar�v Trust�r's ownership vr in�erest in the Property,whether or <br /> nofi the same was or shou�d have been knawn to Trustor. The pra�isions a�th�s section o� the Deed of Trust, <br /> including the obligation fio indemnify and defend, shal� survive the paymen#o�the Indebtedness and the sa�isfaction <br /> and re�on�eyance of the �ien of�h�s Deed o�F Trust and shall not be affected by L�nder's acqu�sitian o�any interes� <br /> in the Property,wh��her by forecl�sure or o�henivise. <br /> Nuisance, �Jllaste. Trustor sha�l na� cause, conduc� or permit any nuisan�e nor commit, permi�, or suf�er any <br /> stripping of or waste on or tn the P�-operty ar any portion ofi the Properky. Vllithout limi�ing the generali�y of the <br /> �oregoing, Trustor will not rema�e, or grant�o any other par�y the r�gh�to remo�e, any timber, minerals {including <br /> oil and gas�, coal, clay, scoria, soil, gra�el or r�ack produc�s wi�hout Lend�r's prior w�itten cvnsent. <br /> Remv�al of lmproWements. Trustor shal� not demo�ish or r�mo�e any Impro�em�nts€rom the Reai Property wEthout <br /> Lender's priar writ�en consent. As a condit�on to the remo�al o�any Impro�emen#s, Lender may requ�re Trustor ta <br /> make arrangemen�s s�t€sfac�ory ta Lender tv rep�ace such impra��men#s with ImproWernents af at least equal <br /> �aiue. <br /> Lende�'s Right to Ert�er. Lender and Lender's agents and represen�ati�es may en�er upon the Real Prope�ty at al1 <br /> reasonable times to attend '�o Lender's interes#s and fv inspect the Reai Prflper�y for purposes o� Trustor`s <br /> complianc�wi�h the��rms and candi�ions of this ❑eed�f Trust. <br /> . Compliance ��th Governmen#al Requiremen�s. Trustar shall promptly comply ►�vith afi laws, ord€nances, and <br /> reguiations, now ar herea�ter �n ef�ec�, afi al� gove�-�mental authori�ies applicab�e to the us� flr occupancy of�he <br />