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��14���91 <br /> Inspection. Lender ar �ts agen�may make r�asonab�e en�ri�s upon and inspections of the Proper�y. Lend�r shall <br /> gzve Borrawer natice a��he tim�of or prx�r�o an�nsp�c��on speczfying reasar�ab�e cause far the�nspec�ion. <br /> Condemnatxon. The proceeds af any award or�Iaim for damages, direct or cansequential, in c�nnection wi�h any <br /> cond��an or�ther�aking af an�par�of�he Froperty, �r for conveyance in l�eu�f c�ndemnatzon, ar�hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he even� flf a�o�al �aking of�he Praper�y} the proceeds shall be applied �a the sums secured by �his S�curx�y <br /> Instrument, whether or no� �hen due, w��h any excess paxd ta B�rrovv�r. �n the e�en� of a par�ia� �ak�ng �f the <br /> Proper�y �in which the fair marke� value af the Pro��rty xmmed�ate�y be�ore �he �aking is equal to or greater than <br /> �h� amount of�he sum.s secured by thxs Secur��y Instrumen� immediate�y before the �akxng, un��ss Borrflwer and <br /> Lender��herw�se agr�e in writing,�he sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrument shail be reduced by the am�unt af <br /> the proceeds mu��zpl�ed by the follawing fract��n: �a}�he to�al amoun�of�he sums secured zmmedxa�e�y before�he <br /> tak�g, divid�d b� �b� the fa�r marke� value af�he Pro�erty immed�a�e�y before �he �aking. Any balance sha�� be <br /> paid t� Borrawer. �n �he event of a par�ial �aking of�he Proper�y in wh�ch the fa�r marke�va�u��of the Property <br /> immed�a�e�y bef�re the �aking is less than�he amaun� of�he sums secured imm�d�ate�� bef�re �he taking, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender o�h�rv�zse agree �n wri�ing or unless Appl�cab�e Law o�herwise pro��des, the proceeds shall <br /> b�appl�ed to�h�sums se�ured by�his Securi�y Instrumen�whe�her or na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Pr�per�y is abandan�d by Borrov�er, or if, after no��ce by Lender�o Borr�vver�ha�the condemnor�ff�rs�a <br /> make an award or settle a c�aim.far damages, Borravsrer faz�s to respand to Lender w��h�n�he minimum number�f <br /> days es�ablished by App�zcab�e Law after th�da�e the notice is given, L�nder xs au�horized to col�ect and a�ply the <br /> prflceeds, a� i�s op�xon, e��her ta res�ora�ion ar repair �f�he Praper�y ar ta the sums secured by this S�cur��y <br /> �nstrument,whe�her or not then due, <br /> Unless L�nder and Barrawer o�herv�rise agree �.n writing, any app��ca�i�n of praceeds to principal sha��no�extend <br /> or postp�ne the due date of�he payments due under�he�ontract or change the amoun�of su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not ReZeased; Fflrbearance I3y Lender Not a Wa��er. Extension of �he time for paymen� or <br /> madzf ca�ion nf amor�xzati�n of�h� sums secur�d by �his Securzty �nstrumen� granted by Lend�r �o B�rrovWer or <br /> any successor in interest of Borrow�r shall no� op�r��e �o release �he lia�i�ity of �he flr�gina� Borrov�er or <br /> Borrower's successors in int�res�. Lender shal�na��e requ�red to c�mmence praceed�ngs against any successor�n <br /> inter�st or refuse ta ex�end time for paym�nt�r o�herwise m�dify amor��zation af�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any demand made by the original Barrov�er or Borrow�r's successors in in�eres�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerc�sing any righ�ar remedy sha�� not be a�ax�er flf or prec�ude th� �xercise �f any <br /> rxght or remedy. <br /> Suceessors and Assigns Baund; Ja�nt and Several Lia����ty; A�commvdation S�gners. Th� cavenan�s and <br /> agreements of�h�s Security �nstrument shall bind and benef��he su�cessors and ass�gns of L�nder and Borrflv�er, <br /> subject to the provisxons of sect�on �i��ed Transfer of the Property ar a Seneficia� Interest �n Borrovver. <br /> Barrower's c�v�nan�s and agreements sha�1 be joznt and several.Any pers�n who�o-srgns thxs Securzty�nstrument <br /> bu� has no personal �zahility under �he Con�rac� �"Accommoda�ion Sign�r"}: (a} �s co-signing �his S�curi�y <br /> �nstrumen� only �o m�r�gage, grant and convey �ha� Accommodat�on S�gner's in��rest in �he Pr�per�y under the <br /> �erms of the Securi�y �ns�rumenr; �b} is no� personally ob�igated t� pay �he sums secured by �his Securxty <br /> �nstrumen�; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any o�her Borrower may agree�a extend, madify, forbear nr make any <br /> accommodat�ons v�ith regard to�he terms of�his S��urity�ns�rument or�he�ontract with�u�tha�Accommodat��n <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the l�an secured �y �h�s 5ecurxty �nstrument is subjec� ta a 1aw wh�ch sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and that Iaw is fnally xn�erpr�ted so�hat the in�erest ar�ther loan charges col�ec�ed or�o be colie�ted in <br /> connection with �he l�an ex�eed �he permit��d limits, �hen: �a� any such Ioan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary t� r�duce�he charge to�he permitted �xmits and�b} any sums alr�ady col�ec�ed from Borrovv�r <br /> v�hich exceed�d perm��ted I�m��s vvill be refunded �o Borrower. Lender may chflose �a make tih�s refund by <br /> reducing�he principaX �v�ed under�he �ontrac� ar by making a direct payment to Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,�he reduc��on vwz�l�e treated as a partia�prepayment under the�on�rac�. <br /> Nvt�ces. Any notzce �o B�rrovw�r provided for �n this Securi�y �ns�rument shall �e giv�n by de�i�ering it or �y <br /> mai�zng it by f rs��lass mai�unless Applicable Law requir�s use of ano�her me�hod.The natice sha�l be direc�ed�a <br /> the Properry Address or any ather address Barrower designa�es by notice tfl Lender. Borrower agrees to provide <br /> Lender with Borrower`s mast current maz�ing address, as �t may change from ��.me��o-time. Any notice to Lender <br /> sha�1 be gi�en b�f�rs�c�a�s ma���o Lender's address s�a��d here�n or any other address L�nder d�s�gnates by na�ice <br /> to Borrflwer. Any na�ice provided for in�his S�cur�ty�ns�rumen�sha1�be deemed�o have b�en given to Borrower <br /> or Lender vvhen given as pro�ided�n this paragraph. <br /> �o�vernxng Law; Se�erabil��y.This Security�nstrument shall�e go�erned by federal law and�he laws of�h�state <br /> of Nebras�a. �n the e�ent that any prov�si�n or �Iause of this Securi�y �nstr�umen� ar the Cvntrac� conflic�s v���h <br /> App�icab�e Law, such conflic� sha11 not affec� ather pr�v�s��ns af�his Security �nstrumen� or�he Contrac�which <br /> can be g�ven�ffec�w�th�ut the confl�c�ing prov�sion. Ta�h�s end the prov�srons of th�s Securxty�ns�rumen�and the <br /> �ontract are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrovver's�opy.Barrovver sha�I b�gi�en one copy❑f th�s Se�urity Instrum�n�. <br /> Transfer�f�he Pruperty ar a Bene�c�a�Interest in Borrower. �f a�I or any par�of the Property or any interest <br /> in �� �s so�d or transferred �or xf a h�n�fic�al int�rest in B�rrower �s s�Id or �ransferred and Borr�wer �s n�� a <br /> natura� person} with�ut Lender's prxor v�ritten c�nsent, Lender may, a� its op��on, require �mmediate paymen� in <br /> fl Z004-2D 13 Cvmpliance Systems,Ir�c.9F96-7�41-2�13L2.0.721 <br /> Cvnsumer Reai Es�at�-Security InsErument DL2636 Page 3 af 5 www.complian�esystems.cvm <br />