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��14��57� <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Bnrrawer shal�pay to L�nd�r the amaunt nece�sary to make up the de��i�ncy in <br /> ac�ordance with RESPA, but zn no mare than �2 manthty payments. <br /> Upon pa�ment in fuii of al1 sums secured by th�s Secur�t� �nstrum�nt, Lender sha��prflmptiy refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. B�rrawer sha�1 pa�r a�l ta�es, assessments, charg�s, f�nes, and�mposit�ons a��r�butab�e t� <br /> the Prope�.y�vhich�an atta�n priarity aver th�s Se�urity�nstrument, ieaseh�ld payments or ground rents on <br /> the Prop�r�y, if any, and Community Assacia��nn I3ues, Fees, and Assessments, zf any. To �he ex�ent that <br /> thes�i�ems are EsCrow �tems, Borrower sha��pay�hem�n�he n1a.x�.ner provided in Se�tion 3. <br /> Barr�wer shali promptly discharge any Iien which ha�priorit�over this Secur�ty Instrumen�un�ess <br /> Barrower: �a}agrees in writing ta�he payment of the obl�ga��on secur�d�y �he lien�n a manner accep�able <br /> �o Lender, but on1� so I�ng as B�rr�wer is perf�rming such agreemen�; �b} contests th�lien in ga�d faith b�, <br /> or d�fends against enfarcement of the�ien�n, ��ga�proc�edings which in Lender's opinion�pera�e�o prevent <br /> �he enforcement af the Iien whil��hose praceed�ngs ar�pending, but�nl�un��l such pr��eed�ngs are <br /> canc�ud�d; or�c} secures from th�ho��er af�h�lien an agre�men�sat�sfac�ory ta Lender subordinating�he <br /> �ien to this�ecuri�y �ns�rument. �f L�nd�r d��ermines tha�any par�af the Proper�y is sub�ec��o a�ien which <br /> �an attain�r�ar�ty ov�r�his Securz�y �ns�rum.ent, Lender may give Barrower a natice id�nt�fying the�ien. <br /> W��hxn ��days af the da�e on which�hat no�ice is given, Borrower sha11 sa�isfy�he lien or take ane ar mare <br /> of�he ac�ions set for�h above�n this Section 4. <br /> Lender ma�require Barrower t�pay a one-t�me charge far a real esta�e tax verificatian andlor repor�ing <br /> service used by Lender�n connect�an w�th th�s Lroan. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Barrawer shall k�ep the impra�ement�now �xisting or hereaf�er ere�ted�n the <br /> Praper�y insur�d agains��oss by fire, hazards �nc�uded v�i�h�n the term "extended caverage," and any ather <br /> hazards inc�uding, but nat�imited t�, ear�h�uak�s and flo�ds, for v�hi�h Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insuran�e shall be mazn�a�ned �n the axnaunts �including deduetibl�I�vels} and for the periods that L�nder <br /> requires. �'VL�'hat Lender requires pursuant�o the preceding sentence�can char�ge during the term nf the L�an. <br /> The in�urance carrier praviding�he insurance�ha���e ch�sen by Borro�er subjec�t�Lender's r�ght to <br /> disapprove Borrawer's chaiGe, which righ�sha11 not�e exerc�sed unreasonab�y. Lender may require <br /> Borrower to pay, in Connec�ion v�ith this L�an, e�ther: �a} a on�-t�me charge for f��od zane d��erminat�on, <br /> cer�ification and tracking servxces; ar�b} a one-��m�.e charge for fl��d zane det�rminati�n and cert�f�ca��on <br /> s�rv�ces and subsequent charges each time remapp�ngs�r sim�Iar�hanges accur whi�h reasanably might <br /> affec�such de��rmination or�er�ification. Borro�v�r sha�� a�so be respans�b�e f�r the pa�rment of any fees <br /> �xnposed by the Federal Em�rgency Management Agency in�onnectzon�v�th the review�f any f�aod zon� <br /> det�rmination resulting obj e�t�on b�B�rrawer. <br /> If Borrawer fa�Zs to ma�nta�n any of�he c�verages describ�d above, L�nder may�btain�nsuran��coverage, <br /> at Lender's op��an and B�rrow�r's expens�. Lender is und�r no�bixgation�a purcha�e any par�i�u�ar�ype or <br /> amount flf co�erage. Therefor�, �u�h c�verage sha��ca�er Lender, but m�gh�ar m.�ght not pro�e��Borrower, <br /> B�rrow�r's equity �n�he Praperty, or th�cflnt�n�� af the Property, against any r�sk, hazard or liabil�ty and <br /> might pro��de greater�r�ess�r co�erage than v�ras prev�ously �n effect. Borrower acknowledges that the cos� <br /> of the�nsurance�overage sa obtained might significan�ly�xcee�i�he cost of insurance tha�Barrower couid <br /> ha�re obtain�d. Any amaunts disbursed by L�nder under this Section 5 shall�ecome additional debt�f <br /> Barrower secured by this Security Instrument. These amaunts shai�bear znteres�at the Note rate fr�m th� <br /> date of disbursement and shall be payab�e, with such interest, upfln no�i�e from L�nder�o Borr�wer <br /> requesting paymen�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gIs�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac 11NIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3028 1I�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi4N���13�Z) <br /> WQ}tEfS KIIIW�C Ff[l�C10E�I S��'VIC�S Page 6 af�7 <br />