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, ��14��57� <br /> B. Property Insuranc�. So lvng as th� awners Association maintains, with a g�ne�a��y <br /> accepted insurance carrisr, a "mast�r" or "b�ank�t" p�licy insuring the Property which rs <br /> sati�factvey to Lend�r and which pra�ides insurance co�erage in tne amounts �includ�ng <br /> deductible �e�efs}, far the per�ods, and against lass �y fire, hazards inc�uded W�tn;n tn� te�m <br /> "�xtended co��rage,�' and any ath�r hazards, inc�uding, but nvt limited to, ea�thquak�s and <br /> fl�ods, far which Lender requires �nsuranc�, th�n: �i� Len�er wai�es the pro�isi�n in Section � <br /> for the Period�c Payment tc� Lender of th� year[y premium insta��ments for p�operty insurance <br /> on the Property; and �ii� Borrower's obligation under S�ct�on 5 t� maintain p�operty insurance <br /> co���ag� an the Praperty �s deemed satisfied to the �xtent that the required co�erage �s <br /> pr���ded by the �wners Association po��cy. <br /> What Lend�r r�qui�es as a cond�tion �f this wai�er can change during the term vf the <br /> I�an, <br /> Borrower sha�� gi�� L�nder prompt not�ce of any laps� in r�quired property insu�ance <br /> co�erage pro�ided �y the master vr blanket pv��cy. <br /> ln the e�ent of a distribution of pr�perty insuranc� proceeds �n �ieu af r�stvratian �r <br /> repa�r following a ��ss to the Property, ar t� ��mmvn a�eas and fac'r�ities vf the PU D, any <br /> proceeds payab�e ta Borr�we� are here�y assigned and shall be paid to Lender. Lend�r sha�f <br /> app�y th� proceeds to the sums secured by th� Security �nstrument, whether or nat then du�, <br /> w�th the exc�ss, if any, paid ta B�rrower. <br /> �. Public L�abil�ty Insurance. Borrower sha[L take such act�ons as may be reas�nab�e ta <br /> �nsure that the C]wners Asso�iat�on maintains a pub��c liabi�ity insurance policy acceptable �n <br /> farm, amount, and extent af �o��rage tv Lender. <br /> D. C�ndemnation. The pra��eds af any award ar claim fvr damages, direct �r <br /> consequential, payab�e t❑ Bv��ower in �onn��t�on with any condemnatit�n o� ather tak�ng of a�l <br /> or any part af th� Prop�rty or the comm�n areas and faci��t�e� vf th� PUD, vr far any <br /> con�eyance in �ieu of condemnat�an, are her�by assigned and shail be paid tv Lender. Such <br /> pr�ceeds shall be app��ed by Lender to the sums secured by the Security �nstrument as <br /> pro�ided in �ecti�n 1 �. <br /> E. Lender's Priar Consent. Barrower sha[[ not, exc�pt afte� notice to Lender and wit� <br /> Lend�r's p�iar written consent, e�th�r partition or subdi�ide the Property or consent ta: �i} the <br /> abandanment or term�natian of the PUD, except for abandonment vr termination requir�d by <br /> �aw in the case af substantial destruction by fir� vr other �asualty ar in the case of a taking <br /> by c�ndemnat�on or eminent domain; �i�3 any amendment to any pro�isian of the "Constituent <br /> Documents" if the pro�ision is fo� th� exp�ess ben�fit of Lend�r; ��i�} termination vf <br /> professiona[ managem�nt and assumpt�on af se�f-management vf the �wners Assaciativn; or <br /> �i�� any action which wvuld ha�� the effect af rendering th� public liability insurance �o�erage <br /> maintained by the Owners Assoc�ation unacceptable to Lender. <br /> F. Remedies. �f Borrawer does not pay PU D dues and assessments when due, then <br /> Lend�r may �ay th�m, Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph F shall become <br /> additional d�bt of Bflrrower s�cur�d by the Security lnstrument. Unless Borrawer and Lender <br /> agree t� other terms of paynnent, these am�unts sha�� bear interest f�am the dat� af <br /> disburs�ment at the Note rat� and sha[� be paya�l�, with interest, upon nat�ce from Lender to <br /> Bnrrvw�r requesting paym�nt. <br /> N[ULTISTATE PLJD FiIDER - Sing�e Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac C.��VIF�RM INSTRUMENT <br /> VMP�-7R ��8� 1} Page 2 of 3 �nit�als: Form 3"i�� �1�� <br /> ��� <br />