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��14��5�� <br /> App�ication �f Paymen�s. t]�nl�ss Appli�able Law prov�des oth�rwise, aIl payments rece�ved by L�nder sha11 be <br /> ap�l�ed: frst, to an�prepaym�nt charges due under the No�e; se�ond, to interest due; �hird, �o principal due; and <br /> �as�,to any�ate�harges due under the Nate. <br /> C�arges; Lien�. Borrowver shal� pay a�l taxess assess�nen�s, charges, fines and imposi�ions attributab�e to �he <br /> Property v�hich ma� at�ain priority flver this Securi�y Instrument, and Ieasehold payments or ground rer�t�, if any. <br /> Barrawer shall pay�hese o�bliga�ions �n t�me and directiy t� �he person owed payment. A��he requ�st�f Lender, <br /> Barr�w�r sha�1 pr�mptiy furnish�a Lender receipts e�idencing�he paymen�s. <br /> B�rrower sha��promptiy discharge any lien which has priority over this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�unXess Borrower: �a� <br /> agrees �n writ�ng to the payment of th� flbliga�ian secured by the lien �n a manner accep�able �o L��der; �b� <br /> co��ests �n gaod fa��h �h.e l�en by, or defends agains� enforcement af�he lien in, legal prac�ed�ngs v��i�h in �he <br /> Lender's op�n�on �perate ta pr�ven� th� enf��cem�nt of th� lien; or �c� secures from the ho]�der of�h� li�n an <br /> agreemen� satisfactory�o L�nd�r subordina�ing the lien to�his Security Ins�rument. �f Lender c�etermines that any <br /> pa�t�f the Pr�perty �s subj ect�o a lien which ma� atta�n prior�ty over this Security �nstrumen��, Lender may g��e <br /> B�rrov�er a notice xden�ifying the l�en. Borra��er shall sat�sfy�h� lien or�ake one or more of�he actions set for�h <br /> ab��e�vithin �D days of�he giving of no�ice. <br /> H�zard or Property Insurance. Barrower shall ke�p the improvements n�v�existing or here�.fter erec�ed on the <br /> Property insured agains�lflss by fire,hazards i��cluded vt�ithin�he term"ex�ended co�erage" and any other ha2ards, <br /> ir�clud�ng floods ar flooding, for which Lender requxres �nsurance. Th�s znsurance shall be main�a�ned �n the <br /> an�.ounts and f�r the per�ads�hat L�nder requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sha���e��osen by <br /> Barrower sub�ect ta Lender's appro�a� wh�ch shall not be unreasana�Iy withheld. If Borrow�r fails to maintain <br /> co�erage d�scribed aba�e, Lender may, at Lender's opt�on, �b�a�n c�verage to pro�ect L�r�der's righ�s in �he <br /> Properfiy in acc�rdance wi�h sec�ion ti�led Prote�tion of Lender's I�,�ghts in the Property. <br /> Al� insurance po�ic�es and renewals sha�� be a.cceptab�� to Lender a�d sha�l include a standar�i mortga�� clause. <br /> Lender shali have�he r�gh�to hti�d�he po�icie�and renewals. 7f Lender requir�s, Borrow�r sha��promp��y gi�e�o <br /> Lender all rec�ipts of pa�d pr�m.�ums and renewal no���es. �n the��ent of lass, Borrower sha�1 give prompt notice <br /> to�h��nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender ma�make proof af Ioss if no�made prompt�y�y Bflz�roW�r. <br /> Ur�less Lender and Borrower ��herwise agre� in writ�ng, �nsurance proceeds shall b� app��ed �� resto�ation �r <br /> repaxr �f the Properry damaged, if, in Lender's so�e discre��on, �he restoratian or repair is ecanamica�ly feas�bl� <br /> and L�nder's s�curr�y �s not �ess�ned. rf, in Lender's sole discret�on, �he restorat�on or repair �� nfl� econom�ca�Iy <br /> feas�b�e or Len�er's s�curity would�e�essened,the insurance pr�ceeds shall be appli�d�o the s�ms secur�d by�h�s <br /> Se�uri�y �nstrumen�, whether or nat then du�, w��h a�y �xc�ss pa�d �o Borrov�er. �f Borrov�er abandons �he <br /> Froperty, ar does n��answer�ithin�he number of days prescr�bed�y Appl�cable Lavtl as set fflr�h�n a no�ice from <br /> Le�der to Borrower that�he insurance carrier has offered�� settle a cla�m, then Lender may�ol�ec�the insuran�� <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the pro�eeds to rep�a�r ar restore �h� Prop�r�y or to pay sums secur�d by this Security <br /> �nstrument,whe�her or not then due.The perio�of��me for Borrov�er to ansv�er as set forth�n�he n�tice w i��begin <br /> �hen the no��ce�s g�ven. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver otherwise agree �n writing, any app��cation�f proceeds�o princ��al sha��not extend <br /> or p�stpfln� �he due da�e of the payments ref�rred to �n the secti�n t�t�ed Payment of Pr�nc�pa� and Intere5t; <br /> Pr�p�yment and Late�harges or change�he amount af the paymen�s. �f under�he section���:led Acce�erat�on; <br /> l�emed�es, �he Prapert�y is acquired by Lende�, Sorrower's r�gh��o any �nsuran�� po���ies and proceeds resulting <br /> fram damage to�h�Proper�y prior to the acquisi�ion sha��pass�o Lender�o the extent of�he sums secured by th�s <br /> Serur�ty Instrumen��mmedia�ei�prior�o the acquisitxon. <br /> Preser�ation, 1'�Iaintenance and Pro�ection of the Property; BorroYver's Lflan App�ica�ion; Le�seholds. <br /> Borrov�er shall n��destroy, damage�r�mpa�r the Fraperty, allflw the Pr�per�y�o deter�orate, or c�mm�t r�as�e an <br /> �he Proper�y.Barrovver shall be�n default�f any forfeiture ac��on ar proceeding,�vhe�her c�vi��r�rim�nal, �s begun <br /> �hat in Lender's good faith ju�gmen� cauld result in forfe��ure of�he Proper�y or o�hervvise rn��er�a��y �mpa�r the <br /> lien created by thxs Secur��y Instrument or Lend�r's security interes�. B�rrower may cur� such a defau�� and <br /> rell�s�a�e, as provided �n se�tian tit�ed Borrower's R�ght to Reinstate, by causing the ac�ion�r pro�eeding to be <br /> d�smiss�d w�th a ru�ing that, in Lender's good faith deter�nination,precludes forfeiture of the�orro�er's�n�erest in <br /> the Proper�y or other mater�a� impairmen� of�he ��en crea�ed by �his Security �nstrument �r Lender'� securi�y <br /> in��res�.B�rravv�r sha��also�e in default if Barrower,durrng the loan applica�ifln process,gave ma�erially fa�se or <br /> inaccurate znforma�ion or statemen�s to Lend�r �or fai�ed �o provide Lender wi�h any materxal informa�ion� in <br /> c�nne�tion wi�h the Iaan e��dence� �y �he No�e. If this Securifiy Instrument is on a leasehold, Borro�er shail <br /> ��mp�y with a11�he pro�isions�f the�ease. �f Borrov��r acqu�res fee title tQ the Prflperty,the leaseho�d a�d�he fee <br /> �it��shall not merge unl�ss Lender agrees ta the merger in wr��ing. <br /> Prote�tion of Lender�s R�gh�s in the Prop�rty, �f Borra�er fa��s �o perform �he co�enan�s and agreemen�s <br /> c�ntained u�.th�s S�cur��y Instrumen�, or�here is a legal�roc�ed�ng tha�may s�gnifican�Iy aff�c�Lender's rights �n <br /> �he Froperty �such as a pr�c�eding in bax�kru�tcy, prabate, for condemnation or farfe�ture or�� enfor�� Iavvs or <br /> regulations�, then Lender may do and pay far wha�e�er is necessar� to prot�ct the �a�ue �f�he Prap�rty and <br /> Lender's rights in the Praperty. Lender's ac��ons may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a I�en,vs�hich has priority <br /> over this Security Instrument, appear�ng in cou�,pa�ing reasonable at�orneys'fe�s and en�er�ng on the Properry t� <br /> m.a�e repairs.Al�h�ugh Lender may take act�on under�his section,Lend�r does n��have t�do so. <br /> An�y amounts dzsbursed �y Lender under �his section shall become additiona� debt of Borrov��r secure� by thxs <br /> Security �nstrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agre� �� o�h�r �erms of paymen�, these amounts sh�all bear <br /> �20a4-2Q13 Cvmpliance Systems,InG.9F9d-1 t8D-2�13LZ.Q.721 <br /> Cansumer Real Es#ate-Security Instrument DL�435 Pa�e 2 of 5 www,�ampliances}rstems.cQm <br />