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��14��4�5 <br /> 3. �o�erning Law. This Assignment is made and entered into in the State vf�afif�rnia and <br /> shall be interpreted, construed and enfarced in accordance w�th the laws af�he stat� in <br /> which the Property is Iocated. <br /> 4.f Bind�n Effect. This Assignment sha�l apply to, bind, and inure�o the ben�f�t of Assi�nor <br /> and Ass�gnee, and �he�r respecti�e heirs, legal repr�sentati�es, success�rs and assigns. <br /> 5. �vunter arts and Facsim��e. This Assignment may be executed in one ar more <br /> counterparts, each of which shall be an nri�inal, �ut all of which shall together constitute <br /> one instrument. Facs�miie copies shall be deemed originals. <br /> fi. Fur#her.Assurances. Assignor and Assignee shall, at either's reasonable request and <br /> wfthout further cansideratian, execute and deli�er such further instruments, as either may <br /> reasonab�y be requir�d to fur�her e�idence this assignment and the transactions related <br /> hereto. <br /> �SIGNATURES �N FDLL�IN�NG PACE} <br /> � <br />