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��14��447 <br /> fu11 af a�l sums se�ur�;d by ����s Security rns�rument. H�we�er, this apt�an shail nat be e�ercised by Lend�r if <br /> exer�is��s prohibited�y federa��av�r as of the�a�e a�this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> �f Lender e�er�ises this option, Lend�r sha�� b��e Barrawer nfl�ice �f acce�erat�a�a. The no�ice shall provide a <br /> per�od of na� �ess thar.t �he minimum number of days es�ablish�d by Applieable La�v from the da�e the notice is <br /> de�iver�d or mailed within which Bo�-ower must pay a�l s�zms secured by th�s Security �ns�rument. Tf Borr�v�er <br /> fa�ls �o pay�hese s�m� priar t� the expira��on of�h�s period, I�e�.der m.ay invoke an�r�medies permit�ed by �h�s <br /> Secur�ty�nstrumen����thout fu�her noti�e ar de�and on B�-rr�wer. <br /> ��rrower's lt�ght to l�einsta�ea �f �orr�wer meets cer�ai��. condit��ns, Bor�o�er shal� have the righl: to have <br /> enfar�emen��f th�s SeGu.rity Instrument discan�inued a� any�ime priar�o the �ar�ier+�f.: �a} 5 days (vr such��h�r <br /> per�t�d as Applica��e I�avv ma�specify for reins�a�ement��ef�re sale of�he Property pursuan��o any p��ver of sale <br /> con�a�ned in �l�is �ec�urity Ins�rument; or �b� entr� af a �udgmen� enfar�ing �his Security ��s�ru��nen�. Th�se <br /> condit��ns are tha� Borrflwer: �a� pays Lender all sums which �hen vsrould be due under th�s Secur��r �nstrument <br /> and the Con�rac�as if n�acceleration had occurred;�b}cures any default�f ar��o�her�a�enar�ts�r agreer�en�s;��� <br /> pays ali expenses�ncut�red�n enforcing�his Secur��ty Ins�rumen�, �n�luding,bu�n��limited to,reasonable att�rney�' <br /> fees to the extent permi�ted by la�; and�d}ta�es such ac��ox� as Lender may reasonably req�ire ta assure�ha��he <br /> lien of�his Secur�ty��strurn.en�,Lender's rights �n�he Properi,y and B�rro�nrer's ob�iga�ion�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Securi�y �ns�rument shal� con�inue un���anged. Upa�r reinstatemen�by B�rrovver, this Securi�ty Instrument <br /> and the obl�gati�ns se�ured hereby sha�� rema�n fu11y effectzve as if na ac�e�era�ion�aad o�curred. H�we�er, th�s <br /> righ�ta reinsta�e sha1�not app�y in the case of acc�lera�ifln under the se��ian til:led Transfer of�he�'rap�rty or a <br /> �ene��ial In�erest�n�3orro�er. <br /> Hazardous Subst�nc�s.B�rrawer shall no�cause ar permit�he presence,use, d�sposal, s�or�ge, or re�ease of any <br /> Ha�ard�us Substan�es on ar ir��he Proper�y.Barr�v�er shall no�do,nar allow anyane e�se�o d�,any�hing affec�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �hat is i� �iola�ion of any Environ.�ental Law. The preceding t�n sen�ences sha�l no� apply to the <br /> pr�sence,use,or st�ra��nn�he Prop�r�y flf smali quantities of Hazardaus Substances�hat are genera�ly recvgn��ed <br /> to he appropriat�to no�rma�res�d�n�tia�uses and ta ma�n�e�ance af�he Prope�:y. <br /> B�rrovver sha�l pr�mp�:�y g�ve Lender v�rri�ten notice��any investiga�ion,c�aim,demand, la�rrsui�or other a�t�an b� <br /> any governmen�a� �r regula�ory agericy or pr�va�e part�y involving �he Pr�per�y and any Ha2ardaus Subs�ance or <br /> En��ronmental La�v t�f v�rhich Borr�wer has ac�.�a� �n�wledg�. �f B�rrovsrer learns, or is n�tifed by any <br /> ga�rernmen�al or regul���ry authori�y,�ha�any rem�va� �r o�her remediatiori of any Haza�-dous Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Propert� is nece�sary, Borr�wer shall pr�7�np��y take a�� necessary ��emed�a� actians in accordance v��th <br /> En�riranmenta�Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragr�ph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances defined as to�i� �r ha�ardous substances <br /> by En�ironmental La�►� and the fol�ov�ing su�s�ances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tox�c petro�eum <br /> pr�ducts, t��ic pes�ic�des and her�b�c�des, vola�ile sol�en�s, materia�s c�nta�ning asbestos ar for�na�dehyde, and <br /> radioac�ive ma�erials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Env�rar�rner��a�La�r" means fed�ral lav�rs and lavvs af�he s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska�ha�rela��t�hea�th,safety ar environmenta�prote�tion. <br /> �c�e�erati�n; l�emedi�s. Le�der �ha�l gi�� �oti�e to Borra►�ver prior t� �cc��era�ion f���ow�ng ��rrawer's <br /> breach�f any c��en�►r�t or agreemen�i�n �his�ecuri�y Instrument or the Contract und�r vvhYch acc�lera�ion <br /> is perm��ted �but nat prinr t�acceler-ation under the s�c��on ti�led Transfer of the Prn�er�y or a Beneficia� <br /> In�eres� in I3orr��ver, unless Applic�ble Lavr� pra�ides other��s�}. The n�tice sh�l� specify: �a� #h� d�faul�; <br /> �b) th� ac�ian required ta cure the defaui�; [c� a da��, �x�� less thar� the m�nimurn numher of days <br /> est�b�ished by App�icab�e Law from the da�e th�nv�ice��g��en to Borrower, �y wh�ch the defauit must be <br /> cur�d; and �d3 that �f�iture �o cur� the def�u�t o� vr before �he c�ate s�ecif�ed �n th� not�ce may resu�t in <br /> accelerat�fln af the �ums s�cured by this �ecuri�y Ins�rument and �a�e o� th� Prop�rty. Ta th� extent <br /> permi�ted by law, thEe notic� sha�l further inform �.3o�r�w�r of the righ� �o reinstate after acc�leration and <br /> � the righ�tQ bring a c�aurt acti�n t�assert the�an-�x�s��mc�of a defau�t�r any nther defense of B�rrower t� <br /> �cc�le�ation and �ale:. If�he default i� no�cured on o� be�flre the date sp�c�f�ed in th� ��ot�ce, lLender at i�� <br /> op��on may requir� �mmediate payment in fu�� of a�� �ums secured hy thi� Security lr�strument �vithout <br /> further demand �nd may �nvak� the pawer of sal� and any �ther remed�e� p�rmi�ted by Appi�cable Law. <br /> �'o the extent perm��ted �y �aw, Le��er shall �� en�it�ed tv c��lect atl ex�ense� incurred in �ur�uing the <br /> remedi�s proW�ded in� th��Sec�i�n, in�ludingg but n�t�im�ted ��, �-e�sonab�e attarney5' f�es and cost� of t�tle <br /> e��dence. � <br /> If the power af sale is iravaked,Tru�tee shall ��card � mo�ice af defau�� �n ea�h c�unty in which any part of <br /> th�Prop�r�ty is �o�at�d and sha��m��l ca�i�s of su�� n��ice�n the mann�r prescrihed b�Appl�cable Law t� <br /> Borror�ver and to the other persvns �rescri�ed hy A���ic���e Law. After the time req�ir�d �y App��cab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee shall �ive pu��ic notice of sa�e tm the persons �nd in the �anner prescribed by Appl�cab�e <br /> �La,w. Trus�ee,wi�hou�demand orn I�arr�we�,sha�� se�l�he Pr�per�y a�publi�auc�ian ta th� highe,s� bidder <br /> at�he time and place and under�he�erms d�signa�ed �n the notice of sale in one or mor�parcels and�n any <br /> order Tru��ee d�terr�ines. '�'rus�ee may ����pone sale nf all or any parce� of the Propert� by pu���c <br /> �n��uncex�e�t a�th�time and p��ce vf any p�-eviously sch�dul�d. �a�e.Lender or its de�igne�may purchas� <br /> the Proper�y at an�s�aie. <br /> IJpon rece��f of�aymei�t of�he pri�� bid, Trustee shal� deli��r to th� purchaser Trustee'� deed c�n�eying <br /> th�Prop�rty. The rec�tals in the'I'ru�te�'s�Ieed 5ha11 b�prima faciQ��id�nc�af�he truth �f the sta�ements <br /> made thQr�in. Trustee sha�� ap��y thQ praceed� af the s�le �n the fo�lo�va�ing �rder: �a} to a�1 c�sts and <br /> expen�es af exercising the p�wer of sa�e, and �h� �a�e, including the payment af the 'I`ru5tee's fee� ac�ually <br /> C�2004-2013 Compliance Sys�eans,I�e.9F96-1�'Q4-20I3L2.4.721 <br /> Consun3er Real Es#ate-5ecurity Instrument DL2Q36 Page 4 of 5 <br />