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��14��447 <br /> Appiica�le Law. As u�ed in this Se�urity ��as�rum�n�, �he term "Appli�able Law" shall mean a�l control�ing <br /> a�pl�cab�e federa�, stat�e a�r�d .local statu�es, regu�at�ons, ordinances and adm�nistr�.�i�e rules and �rder� (tha�have <br /> the effect of la��as v�rell as aIl applicable fina�,non-appealabl��udic�a�ap�n�ons. <br /> �harges; Li�n�. �orr�ower shall pay all ta�es, assessmen�s, �harges, f nes and impositions attribu�ab�e to �he <br /> Praperfi�vWh�ch ma� attain pr��rity a�rer this Security�ns��ument, ar�d leas�hold paym�n�s or�r�und rents, if any. <br /> A�the reqUes�of Lend�r,Bt�rrower sha�l promptly fur���sh ta Lender receip�s e�v�denci�g the paymen�s. <br /> B�rrow�r shall promp�ly d�scharge any l�en wh�ch has priority �ver�his Se�uri�.y �nstrument unless Borrawer: �a} <br /> agrees in vvriting �o tr�e payment af�I�e obl�gation se�ured by the lien in a manner accep�able to Lender; �b} <br /> cont�sts in gflod faith the lien by, or def�nds aga�nst enforcement of the l�en in, legal proceedings �hi�h �n�he <br /> Lender's �pinion operate to pre�en� ��e enforcement of�the lien; ar (c� secures fr�m the ho�der of the lien an <br /> agreement sa��sfac��ry to Lender subardinating�he �ie�ta�:h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�. If Lender de�ermiries�hat any <br /> par� of�he Proper� is sub�ect�o a lien �h�ch�nay at�ain pr�ority over�h�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rumen�, Lender may gi�e <br /> B�rra�uer a not�ce id�r���f}r�ng�he lien. �nrro�ver shall satisfy�he �ien �r take one or more of�he ac�ions set forth <br /> ab��e wi���in �D days of�he giving�f no�ice. <br /> �a�ard ar�roperty �insurance. Borrower shall���p �he impravements na�v exis��ng or hereaf�er erec��d on�he <br /> Property�nsured again���oss�y fre,hazards�n�luded v�i�hi.n the t�rm"extended c��erage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> including f7oods or fl��ding, for which Lender requires �nsurance. This insur�nce sha�l be maintained in the <br /> a�m�un�s and far�he periods t�ha�Lender reauires.The insurance�ar��er praviding the insurance sha�l l��chosen by <br /> Barrov�er subje�t �� Lender's approval which shal� not be unreasonably �vi�hheld. �f B�rrower fai�s �� mainta�n <br /> c��rerage descri�e� a�iave, Lender may, at L�nder's ��]�1Q17, �bta�n co�erag� to pra�ect Lender's r�ghts in ��e <br /> Pr�perty�n accordance vvi�h sec��on ti��ed�Prot�c�i�n �f�ende�-4s�igh�s in the property. <br /> A�� insurance polic�es and renewals sha�l be accep�able �o Lender and shall ��►clude a s�andard mor�gage c�ause. <br /> Ler�der shall have�he right t�hoid the pol�cies and renevvals. If L�nder�requires, Bnrrow�r shali pr�mptly give to <br /> Lender al�r�ceip�s af paid premiums and re�ewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shal� give prampt n���ce <br /> to the��surance�arrier and Lender. Lender may make proaf�f lflss�f n�t made promptly by�orrovsrer. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrov�er a�herv�ise agree i� vvr�ting, insurance pr�ceeds sh.a�l be applie� t� res�orat�on or <br /> repair of�he Property damaged, �f, in Lender's sole d�scre��a��, the res��rat��n or re�air is economi�ally feas�ble <br /> and Lender's secur��y �s no� ]es�ened. If, zn Ler�der's so�e discre�ian, the res�ara���n or repair �s na�t econam�cal�y <br /> feas�ble or Lender's se��urity w�u�d be Xessene�,�he�nsurance pr�ceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by�his <br /> Se�ur�ty rnstrumen�, �v�hether ar n�� �hen due, �ri�h ariy excess paid to Borro�ver. �f �orrower abandons t�e <br /> Property, �r dfles n��answer w��hin the number of days prescribed by App�icab�e Lav�as set f�r�h in a noti�e fram <br /> Ler�der�� Borrflv�er tha��he insurance carr�er has offered to settle a claim, then L,ender may col�e�t the �nsurance <br /> proceeds. Lerider rx�ay use th� pr�c�eds ta re�a�r or restare the Proper�y or�o pay sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whe�her�r no�then due.The period�f time for B�rrav�er to ansv���-as s�t�f�r�h in the no�ice�r�l�begin <br /> when�he no�ice�s giv�n. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrovver�ther�is� agree i�vvriting, any app�ication of proceeds to pr�ncipal s�all no�ex�end <br /> or p�stpone�he due da�e of�he payments due under�he �ar��:rac�or change�he a-moun�of�he payments. �f u.nder <br /> the sect�on t��Ied Aceel�ratifln g �er�ed ies, the Pr�per�y �s a�quired by Lender, �3orrav�er's r�gh�t� any insurance <br /> p��i��es and pr�ceeds result�ng from damage �o the :Proper�y pr��r �o �he acquis��ian shalX pass to Lender �o �he <br /> ext�nt of���e sums sec��red by this Security�ns�rumen��mmed�a�ely pr�or to the acqu�s���on. <br /> l�reser�a��nn, Ma�nt��n�nce and �rotec��vn af th� prop��ty; �orravc�er's Loan App�ica��on; Leaseho�ds. <br /> Bo�-rov�e�-shal� no�deatroy, damage or impa�r�he Proper�y, �ll�w�he Pro�er�y to deteri�ra�e, ar cnmmit waste an <br /> the Proper�y. Borr�v�e�-sha�l be in default�f any f�rfeiture ac�ion or proceed�ng,v�hether ci��l or cr�mina�,�s begun <br /> that in Lender's g�od faith judgment c�uld result in �orfeiture of�he Praper�y or a�hervv�se rna�erial�y �mpair the <br /> �ie� cr�ated by �his �ecuri�ty �nstrume�� �r L��der's secur��y �nteY•es�. �3or-r�wer may �ure such a defau�� and <br /> re�nsta�e, as provide� :�n sec��on titled�arr�w�r's Ri��t t� Re�nSta�e, b� caus�ng�he ac��on ar proceec�ing�o be <br /> d�smissed vvi�h a rulin�;tha�,in Lender's goad faith de��rm�na�i�n,precludes�orfeiture�f the Bo�ro�rer's interest in <br /> the Praperty or other ma�erial �mpairmen� �f t�e lien crea�ed by �his Securit� Ins�rument ar Lender'� securit-� <br /> interest. Borrower sha1.1 also be in default if Borro�vver,dur�ng the loan app�ication pr�cess,gave ma�er�a�ly false or <br /> inac�ura�e �nformatior.E ar statements to Lender �ar failed ta pravide Lender vvith any ma��rial information} �n <br /> c�nnect��n vv�th the loan e�ridenced by�he �on�rac�. If th�s Secu�rity Ins�:rumen�is on a leasehold, Bo��rav�er sha�l <br /> camply wi�h a���he provisions�f the lease. �f Borrov�er acqu�r�s f�e�itle ta the Propert�,the�easeh�ld and�he fee <br /> t�tle sha�1 nat merge urnless Lender agrees�o�he merger in writing. <br /> Pro�ect�ara of ]Lende�-'s Righ�s in th� �'roper�y. �f �orrower fails �o perform �he c��venants and agreements <br /> c�ntairned�n�his Securifiy Instru�nen�, or�here is a 1ega1 proc�eding tha�may s�gn�fican�ly aff��t Lender's rights in <br /> �he Proper�y �su�h as a in bankrup�cy, proba�e, far candemna���n ar farfe�ture or ta enfor�e �aws or <br /> reg�la�ions}, �hen �ender may da and pay f�r wha�ever �s nec�ssary �o pr�tec� �he value of the Proper� and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Property.Lender's ac��ons may include pay�pg an�sums se�ured by a�i�n which has priflrity <br /> a�er�his Security Ins�rumen�,appearir�g�n�our�,paying reasonable at�orneys'fees and en�ering�n�he Pr�pert�to <br /> ma�.e repairs.A1�hough Lender may�ake ac�ion under this se�tian,Lender d�es no�hav�t�d�s�. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lend�r under �his sectiar� sha1� become additiana� del�t af Borrov�er secured by �this <br /> Securit� Instrumer�t. �Jnless Borrawer and Lender agree �� ��h�r terms of payment, �he�e amounts shall bear <br /> in�erest fram �he c�ate of d�sbursement at �he same ra�e assessed �m ad�anc�s �ander �he Con�ract and shal� �be <br /> payah��,w�th in�eres�,up�n n�ti�e from Lender to Borrov�rer request�ng payment. <br /> Q 2fl04-2flI3 Compliance�ysterns,Tnc.9F9d-1F44-2013L2.fl,721 <br /> Cor�surner Reai Estate-Security Xnstr�rinent DL2fl3d Pa�e 2 of 5 <br />