<br /> ful� of a�� sums se�ur�ed by thxs Se��.r�ty �nstrument. Howe�er, th�s op�ion shall n�t be exercised by Lend�r �f
<br /> exerc�se�s prohibi�ed�by federal�aw as of the da�e of th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�.
<br /> If�,ender exercises �his option, Lender shall give Bnrrow�r n��ice of a�cel�ration. The notice shall pr���de a
<br /> period of n�� less �ha;�. the m�nimurn number of days es�a�lished by Applicable Law from the da�e the no��ce is
<br /> delivered or mailed v�ith�n whi�h Borrower must pay all sums secured by �his Se�uri�y Instrumen�. �f Barrovver
<br /> fai�s to pay these sums priar�fl the e�pira�ifln of th�s per�od, Lender may ��.vok� any remedi�s per�mxt��d by �h�s
<br /> Security�nstru�ment w�ithout fur�her no�i�e or d�mand on Borrowe�.
<br /> Borrower'� Right to Re�nstate. �f Barrower meets �erta�r�. ��nd����ns, Borrow�r sha�l hav� �h� r�gh� to ha�e
<br /> enforcement of�his SPcurity Instrum�n� d�scan�inued a� any��me prior ta�he ear�ier�f: �a� � days ��r such �ther
<br /> periad as App�icabie I�aw may spe�zfy for reins�tatemen�}before sale of�he Property pursuant to any power af sa�e
<br /> con�ained irz this Securi�y rnstrumen�; or (�} entry of a �udgment enf�rc�ng this Secur��y 7nstrument. Those
<br /> condit�ans are �ha� Borrower; �a) pays Lender a�l sums vvhi�h th�n wou�d be du� under th�s Secur��y �ns�rument
<br /> and th�C�n�ract as if mo ac�elera�i�n had accurred;�b�cures any d�fau��of any o�her�o�enants ar agr�ements;�c} �
<br /> pays all expenses incurred xn enforcing�his Security�nstrum�n�, �ncluding,but no��imited�n,reasonable attarn�ys'
<br /> fees�a �he extent pern��tted by lavsr; and �d�takes such action as L�nder may reasonab�y r�quxre�a assure that the
<br /> Iien vf this SecUr���n�s�rument, Lender's rights in�he Property and Borrower's obligat��n to pay�the sums secured
<br /> by this Securi�y �nstru�ment shal� con�inue unchanged. Up�n re�ns�atemen� by Borro�er, this Security �x�strument
<br /> and �he obiigat�ons secured hereby sha�� remain fu�Iy effective as if no a�celerat�on had occurred. H�v�ever, thrs
<br /> righ�to re�nstate sha�l not apply xr�the case of accelera�i�n under�he sectian titled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> �e�efic�al Interes�in��rrower.
<br /> Ha�ardflu� Subs�anc�es.Barrav�er shall no�cause or permi��he presence,use, disposa�, storag�, or release of any
<br /> �azardous Substances an�r in the Properry.Borrower shal�not da,nor al�ovv anyone else t�do,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> �he Pr�perry that is Yn via�a�ian flf any En�ironmental Lavv. The preced�ng tvv� sentences shall no� apply �to �he
<br /> � presence,use,or stora�e on the Properry of small quant�ties of Ha,�ardaus Subs�anc�s that are genera�ly recognized
<br /> t�be appropria�e�o narmal r�s�dential uses and to maintenance af the Pr�perfiy.
<br /> Borrflwer shal�pr�mpl�ly gi�e Lender�nrr�t�en notx�e af any inves��ga��on,c�airn, d�mand, lawsui�or o�her ac�ian by
<br /> any governmenta� ar regula�ory agency or pr��a�e party inv�l�xng �he Properfiy and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Environmental Law �f wh�ch Borrower has actual know�edg�. �f B�rro�er learns, or �s natif ed �y any
<br /> go�ernmental flr regu���ory authority,�hat any rern.o�al or ot�er remediation of any Hazardaus Substance affec��ng
<br /> th� Praperty is ne�e�sary, Borrawer shal� promp�iy take all necessary remedial ac�ions in acc�rda.nce vvith
<br /> En�ironmen�al Lav�.
<br /> As used�n�h1s paragr�ph, "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" are those substances defined as�axic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by En�ironmental La�N and the fol�ov��ng subs�ances: gasoline, ker�sene, oth�r flammable or t���c p�traleum
<br /> produc�s, �oxic pest�ci.des and herb�cides, �ala�ile solv�nts, materia�s containing asbestos �r f�rmaldehyd�, and
<br /> rad�oac�rve materials. As used in this paragraph, "Envxronmental Law"means federal Iaws arid laws of�he state af
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relat�to health, safety or environmen�a�protectzon.
<br /> A►cceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give nv�ic� to Bor�-awer pr��r �o �cceleration fo��owing Borrvwer's
<br /> brea�h of any c���nant or agreement in th�s Security Instrument or the�on�ract under wh��h acc�Iera��on
<br /> is permxtted �but not pr�ar t� ac�eleration und�r the se�txon ti�led Transfer vf the Property or a �3ene�c�a�
<br /> Int�rest �n Borrower., unless Appiica��e Law provide5 otherwise}. The n�tic� shall spe��fy: �a� the defaul�;
<br /> �b) the act�on requir�d to cure the defau�t; �c} a dat�, not �e�s than �he m�nimum number of days
<br /> esta�lished by Applicable L�vv from the dat�the notice�s giv�n to�arrower, by wh�ch the default must be
<br /> �ured; and �d} tha� faiiure to cure the default on or bef�re the date spe�ified �n the not�ce may resu�� in
<br /> ac�eleration of the s�ums secured by this Security Instrum�nt and sal� af the Prvp�rty. To the extent
<br /> perm�tted by �aw, th� notice shall fur�her inform Borrvwer of�he right t� r�zn5�ate after accQ�era�ion and
<br /> the right to br�ng� c�urt ac��on t�assert�he n�n-ex�st�nce of a default vr any other def�nse of Borrvwer to
<br /> aCeelera�ion and sale�, If the default i5 not cured on vr befare the date �pecified in the notice, Lender at its
<br /> option may require �immed�ate payrnent in fu�� of aIl �ums �ecured by this Secur��y InS�rument v��thau�
<br /> fur�her demand and may in�vake the power of sale and any other rem�dies permitted by AppI�ca�le Law.
<br /> To the extent permitted by �aw, Lender shal� �e entitied to �ollect a�l e�penses in�urred zn pursu�ng the
<br /> r�medies pro�ided in �h�s Se�t�on, �nGIuding, but no� lim�ted to, reasonable attorneys' f�es and co5�s�f titie
<br /> ev�den�e.
<br /> If�he pvwer of sa�e i� in�oked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in ea�h county in which an�part of
<br /> th�Property is �v�ated and shall rna�i copxes�f such notice in �he manner prescrzbed by Applicable Law to
<br /> Borrower and to �he other persons prescribed by App�icable Law. After the �ime required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, TruS��e shaZl g���e publ�c no��ce of 5a1� ta the persons and in the rnanner prescribed by Applicable
<br /> Law. Trust�e,without demand �n Borrower,shall sell the Pr�perty at publ�c auction t��he highest bidder
<br /> at the t�me and pl��e and under the�erms des�gnated �n the notice of sale in one or m�re parcels and in any
<br /> order Trustee de�errnine�, Trustee may pos�pone sale of al� or any parc�i of the Praperty b� pu�li�
<br /> annvunc�m�nt at�he time and p�a���f any pre��flusly scheduZed sa�e.Lender or i�s designee may pur�hase
<br /> the Prvperty at any sale,
<br /> ITpon receipt of payrr�ent of th� price bid, Trustee shal� de��ver to the purchaser Trust�e's deed ��n�ey�ng
<br /> the Proper�y. The re��tals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie ev�dence�f the truth af the st�tements
<br /> rr�ade therein. Trus�ee shall apply �he pro�eeds of the sale �n the foll��vi�g arder: ��� to alI costs and
<br /> exp�nses af exerc�sin�; �he power of�a�e, and �he sale, �nclud�ng the payment af the Trustee's fees actual�y
<br /> �2D�4-2Qi 3 Campliance Syste�ns,Inc,.9F95-2EE0-2013L2.4.72�
<br /> Canst�mer Real Estate-Security�nstnimer�t DL2436 Pa�e 4 of 5 � www.c�mpliancesystems.cam
<br />