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2014064 ; <br />In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements exchanged, the parties hereto agree as <br />follows (notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Note or Security Instrument): <br />1. As of, SEPTEMBER 1, 2014, the amount payable under the Note and the Security Instrument(the <br />"Unpaid Principal Balance ") is U.S. $69,240.51, consisting of the unpaid amount(s)loaned to <br />Borrower by Lender plus any interest and other amounts capitalized. <br />2. Borrower promises to pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest, to the order of Lender Interest <br />will be charged on the Unpaid Principal Balance at the yearly rate of 4.5000 %, from SEPTEMBER <br />1, 2014. Borrower promises to make monthly payments of principal and interest of U.S. $ 350.83, <br />beginning on the 1ST day of OCTOBER, 2014, and continuing thereafter on the same day of each <br />succeeding month until principal and interest are paid in full. The yearly rate of 4.5000% will remain <br />in effect until principal and interest are paid in full. If on SEPTEMBER 1, 2044 (the "Maturity <br />Date "), Borrower still owes amounts under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this <br />Agreement, Borrower will pay these amounts in full on the Maturity Date. <br />3. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is <br />not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior <br />written consent, Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by the Security <br />Instrument. <br />If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall <br />provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which <br />Borrower must pay all sums secured by the Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums <br />prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by the Security <br />Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />4. Borrower also will comply with all other covenants, agreements, and requirements of the Security <br />Instrument, including without limitation, Borrower's covenants and agreements to make all payments <br />of taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escrow items, impounds, and all other payments that <br />Borrower is obligated to make under the Security Instrument; however, the following terms and <br />provisions are forever canceled, null and void, as of the date specified in paragraph No. 1 above: <br />(a) all terms and provisions of the Note and Security Instrument (if any) providing for, <br />implementing, or relating to, any change or adjustment in the rate of interest payable under the <br />Note, including, where applicable, the Timely Payment Rewards rate reduction, as described in <br />paragraph 1 of the Timely Payment Rewards Addendum to Note and paragraph A.1. of the <br />Timely Payment Rewards Rider. By executing this Agreement, Borrower waives any Timely <br />Payment Rewards rate reduction to which Borrower may have otherwise been entitled; and <br />(b) all terms and provisions of any adjustable rate rider, or Timely Payment Rewards Rider, where <br />applicable, or other instrument or document that is affixed to, wholly or partially incorporated <br />into, or is part of, the Note or Security Instrument and that contains any such terms and <br />provisions as those referred to in (a) above. <br />5. If the Borrower has, since inception of this loan but prior to this Agreement, received a discharge <br />in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and there having been no valid reaffirmation of the underlying debt, <br />by entering into this Agreement, the Lender is not attempting to re- establish any personal <br />liability for the underlying debt. <br />FHANA HUD -HAMP Loan Modification Agreement 02192014_111 WD12106.1 9902424557 <br />First American Mortgage Services Page 2 <br />