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��14��4�4 <br /> STJ�STI'��J'T'Y[�N�F TRiTSTEE <br /> Eric Lemp,who is a member af th�Nebraska State Bar Association,NSBA#Z4�9�5, <br /> 1�4�� ��iv�B�vd., Ste. 5 5 5, St. Louis, M� 63�41, is hereby appointed successor trustee under <br /> the trust deed executed by Joni R Steinwart, a single person, as Trustor, in which Mor�gage Elec- <br /> trani�Registra�ion Sys�erns, Inc, acting s�lely as nom�nee for CharterWest Nati�nal Bank , is <br /> named as Beneficiary, and�harterWest National Bank, as Trustee, and filed for rec�rd on <br /> �812312�13 in�he RegisCer of Deeds af Ha1I County,Nebraska. Said deed of trust and underlying <br /> note assigned ta Wells Fargo Bank Nationai Associa�ion. The trust praperty affected is legally de- <br /> scribed as fQllows: <br /> L�T�EVEN(7} IN BL�CI�FIVE�5}IN M�RRIS F�URTH ADDITI�N T� <br /> THE�ITY�F GRAND ISLAND, HALL C�UNTY,NEBR:ASKA <br /> �omrnonly known as: 10�W 20tih St, Grand Island,NE 688�I <br /> In Witness Whereaf, �he undersigned holder or authorized agent for#he halder of the <br /> Nate has executed this document. If the undersigned is a corparation, it has caused its name to be <br /> sigmed and i�s seal, if any, affixed by an�fficer�r otiher p�rson duly au�horrzed ta�10 so by order <br /> of its baard�f directors. <br /> Execu�ed�his day af - ,2�14. . <br /> Wells Farga Bank Nationa� Assa�iatian <br /> �y: rry e <br /> Its: Attorn 1n--Fact <br /> * FC M 9 2 8 '1 1 2 'I K M � <br />