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��14��397 <br /> for�earance by Lend��• in exercising any righ� �r remedy includin�;, withou� Iimita�ion, Lender's accep�ance of <br /> payn�et7ts froi�a third persons, en�ities or S��ccessors�n Interes�a:C Barrc�vver or in a�a�.ounts less than the amoun��hen <br /> due, sha11 no�be a waiver of or pre�f ude the exercise of any r��h�or remedy, <br /> 1�. Joinx and Several Liab�l�ty; Co-si�ners; Success�r�and AssYgns Bound. �3orrovver cavenan�s and agrees <br /> �hat Borrovver's oUligati�ns and 1�ability shall be joint and severa�. HavSre�er,any B�rro�rer who co-signs�his Secur�ty <br /> In��rum�nt�u�docs not ex�cu�e�he Note�a"ca-�igner"}; �a}is co�signing this Security Ins�rumen�only to�nor�gage, <br /> grant and con��y the co�signer's interest in �he Property under �he �erxn� of th�s Secu�ity Instrument; �b} is nat <br /> personally a�liga�ed to pay the sums secuz ed by t�is Sec���ity Inst�un�ent; and(�}a�;rees�hat Lender and any other <br /> B�rrov�er can agr•ec�o extend, 1.T1�C�lf�, forbear or mal��any ac�otnir�odatx�ns wit�r��ard�o�h��er�ns of�his Security <br /> Instrument or th�Note without�he co�-�igner's consei�t. <br /> Subjcc� to the prov�sions of Section �7, any Success�r in In�crest of Barrower who assu�nes B�rrov�er's <br /> obligal:ions undeY•this Secu�•ity Instrumen�in wr��ing, and is appraved�by Lender, sha�l�btain all of Borravver's righ�s <br /> �.t�d bene�ts under this S�cuxi�y Instruznen�t. Borrower sha�l not be reZeased fram�orrower's obliga�ions and liabilit� <br /> ��nder���is Sec��rity Instiruna�nt unless Lenc�er agrees to such r•elEase in writing, The covenan�s anr�a�reemen�s of this <br /> Securi�y Instrumcn�shall bind �excep�as provid�d in Sec�ion 19} and benef�t the successoz s and assigns flf Lender. <br /> 13. Loan Ch�rges. Lender��-�ay charge Borrower fees fo�-services perfo�rxned in connection with Borrov�er's <br /> default, fo� �he purpose af protecting Lender's �n�ez est in �he Property and righ�s under this Security �nstrument, <br /> �r�c�udin�, bu�n��limi�ed�o, a��orneys' f�cs,praper�y i��spection ar�d va�ua�ion fees. rn regard�o�.ny ather fees, the <br /> absence af express auth�ri�y in this Securi�y�nstrument t�chargu a speci�ic fee to Borrower sha11 not be construed <br /> as a�rohibi�ion ot�the charging af s��ch fee. LendEr t��ay�a�c�at•gc fc�es that a�re express�y prohibi�ed b�this Securi�y <br /> �ns�r��xnen�o�r by Applicable La�v. <br /> �f tl�e Loari is s��bject t� a law whic��s��s���aximum�oa��harges, and t�at Iaw is I"�na�ly interpretcd s❑�hat the <br /> interest or a�her �oan ch���es col�ected or to be�allecter�in con�aec�i�n wi�h �he Loan exceed thc permit�ed 1�z-ni�s, <br /> then: �a}���y such��an char�e shai�be reduced by tihe az��out�t necessaxy fo r�duce�he charge to t�e pe�i7li��ed�izn�t; <br /> and �b� any sunas already col�ected fro�n�3orrower which exceeded pei t��it�ed �imi�s will ve refunded to Borrower, <br /> Lender�a�ay choflse to���al���his�•eFund by reducing tlae principa�owed urider t�ae No�e o�•by mal�ing a di�ec�payment <br /> to Barx�we�. If a refund z educes pr�ncipal, �he reduction will be ��r�a�ed as a partial pre�aynx�nt wi�hout any <br /> p�r�p�yment charge�wheth�r ar no�a prepayment c�ar�e is provided.for ul�der�he Not��, B�rrowei•'s accep�ance or <br /> any s��ch�•eFund n�ade by direct paynlent to Borrawer will coi�stitute a waiver oF any ri�h�of ac�ion Sorrowc�m�gh� <br /> ha�e arisZn�ou�of su�h overchaz•ge. <br /> T4. NotiCes. A11 nn�ices gi�en by�3orz ower or Lender i�c�nnection with�hi� �ecur�ty Tns�ru�nent mi�st be in <br /> writing. A�ly n�tice�a Borrower in cflnnec�ion with this Securi�y Ins��u���en�shall be deem�d�011av�been�i�en�o <br /> Bnz•rower when x��ai�ed by firs� class mail o�r when ac�ual[y d�liv�red ���orro�ver's no�ice address if sen�by other <br /> means. No�ice ta any Barrow�r sha�l cons�itute notice to a�l Boz rovvers unless Applicable Law ex�ress�y requires <br /> o�herwise. The notice address shall be the Property Add�ess ut�less Borrovver has dest�;nated a subs�i�u�e natice <br /> address by t1o�i�e t� Lender. Borrow�r shal� �rotnptly no�ify Lender of B�rr�wer's chan�;e of address. Zf Lender <br /> speciC'ies a p�•acec�ure fat•re��rting Borrower's change of address,�he��Box z ower sha11 only�•eport a chan�e of address <br /> thro��gi� �ha�specif�d procedure. There may�e on�y one designa�ed natic� addre�s under this Securi�y��strumen� <br /> at any one�ime, Any notice�o Lender sha�X be�i�en by deliverir�g��ox�ay mai�ir�g it by�rst c�ass�nail to Lender's <br /> adc��ess s�ated he�•ein unless L�nde�has designa�ec�anothe�r address by notice to Borrower, Any t�ntice�n connectian <br /> wit�� t��is Se�ur�ty Instrulne�t shat� not be de�tned�o have be�n giWen �o Lender untiX actua�l�r�ceived by Lender. <br /> IC a��y natic� requi�e� by this Security Instrumen� is a�so rec�uircd under Applicable Law, the Appli�able Law <br /> requiz emer�t wil�satisf y the�oz z•espai�dir�g requiretnent under this Securit�Instr���nent, <br /> I5. Go�erning Law; Se�erabil�ty; Ru�es af Cons�ruction. This S�curi�y Ins�zumer�t shall be go�ern�d by <br /> federal law�nd tt�e law oF tl-��j��risdiction in which�he Prop�rty is located. AI1 �ights and abligations con�a�ned in <br /> this S�cur`1�;�Z1�S�:1'LI171i�17t a�'�SLI��eCti�� at1�1 T�C�UII C1YlEri�S a�7C��11111tat1C7�lS OC A��7�1Ca�]�e L�.W. Appiicable Law might <br /> expli�itly or �z��.plicitly allaw tlae parties to agr�e by contract or i� mi�ht be �i�en�, but such silence sha11 not be <br /> �onstrued as a prohibitian agains�agreeme�at by cot��rac�. In th�even�tha�an�pro�isian or clause oF thrs Securi�y <br /> NEBRAS�tA-Single Family-UiVIF�RM ENSTRUMENT ����,���,� a � <br /> IVI�DiFIED F4R DEPARTMENT �F VETERAIVS AFFAlRS - iVIERS www.d��m <br /> �Rev. �In�� Page 9 af �4 <br /> ���� �� <br /> ; <br /> BANK ��2186945 <br /> '�FM DEEa 14�8D82399 <br />