<br /> aE�a oF T�usT
<br /> 4Contitlu�d} Page 9
<br /> regula#ians and ardinances rela�ing to the protectian of human heal�h or th� en�ironment, including withouf
<br /> limi�ation the �omp�ehensi�e En�iranmenfal Respons�, �ompensat�on, and Liabi[ity Act c�� 1�8�, as amended, ��
<br /> U.S.�. Section 96Q'I, et seq. �"CER�LA"}, the Sup�r#und Amendments and Reauthorization Act of'1�8�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99µ4�9{"SARA"}, the Hazardous Materia�s Transporta�ion Act,49 U.S.C. Sectian '!8�'!, e�seq., �he Resour�e
<br /> Conserva�ion and Recovery Act, 4� ll.S.C. S�ction �9�'�, et seq., or o�her applic�ble state �r federaf �aws, rufes,
<br /> or regulatians adap�ed pursuant there#o.
<br /> E�en�of D�fau�t. The words"E�ent af De�ault"mean any af the ev�nts af defiaul�se�forth in this Deed o�Trust�n
<br /> #he e�en#s�f default sectian of th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Exist�ng fndehtedness. The words "Existing �ndeb�edness" mean the indebtedness described in the Existing Liens
<br /> pra�is�on of this Deed❑�Trust.
<br /> �ua�anty. The ward "�uaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommoda�ion par�y to
<br /> Lende�, incEuding without limitation a guaranty a�a�l or part of the Nate.
<br /> Haza�dvus Substances. The words "Hazardous Subs#ances" mean mate�ials that, because �f fheir quantity,
<br /> concen�rafian ar physical, chemicaf or infe��ious charact�ristics, may cause ar pvse a present or potential hazard
<br /> to human heaith or�he en�ironmen#when imprope�[y used, �rea�ed, stored, disposed of, yenerated, manufactured,
<br /> fransport�d or o�hen�v�se hand�ed. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used '€n �he�r�ery broades�sense and
<br /> include wi�hout [imita�ion any and all hazardous or toxic substances, mate��als a�-waste as defined by a� lis#ed
<br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Ha�ardous 5u�stances" a�so includ�s,without 1�mitation, pe�roleum and
<br /> petroleum by-praduc�s o�ariy�raction thereof and asbestos,
<br /> �mprvvements. The word "Impro�em�nts" means a!I existing�and future impro�emen�s, bui�dings, structu�es,
<br /> mabile homes affixed on the Rea� Property, #'acilities, additions, rep�acements and other�vnstruc�ion on the Real
<br /> P�operty.
<br /> indehtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�l principal, interes�, and other amaunts, costs and expens�s
<br /> payable under �he No�e ar Re�a�ed Documents, toge�her wi�th all renewals af, extensi�ns of, modifica�ions of,
<br /> cansolidatians o�and substitutions for�he Note or Related Dacuments and any amounts expended ar�d�an��d by
<br /> L�nde� ta discharge Trustor's abliga�ions or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trus��r's
<br /> obl�ga�inns under th�s Deed❑f Trust, together with in�eres�on such amaunts as proW�ded in this Deed��Trust.
<br /> Lend�r. The word "Lender" means BANK❑F THE WEST, �ts su�cessars and assigns. Th�wo�ds"successors or
<br /> assigns"mean any person or company that acquires any�nterest in the Note.
<br /> Note, The word "Note" means #he pramissory note dated September ��, �D'14, �n th� original principa�
<br /> amaunt of$�Q,������from Trustor to Lend�r, tage�her w��h a[1 renewa�s of, extensions of, m�difi�ations o�,
<br /> �efinancings of, consaf�dations o�, and substitutians for the promissory note or agr�ement. The maturity date of
<br /> this Deed o�Trust is�ctaber'�5, ��'19.
<br /> Persona� PrQpe�ty. The words "Personal Praperty" mean a!I equipment, fixtures, and other articl�s ❑f personai
<br /> p�ope�ty now or hereafte� owned by Trus�or, and now ar hereafte� attached vr affixed ta the Real Prvpe�ty;
<br /> together with all accessions, parts, and addi#�ans to, a�l replacemen�s �f, and a�1 substi�utians �or, any of such
<br /> prap��ty; and together with ail proceeds (inc�ud�ng without limitation a�l �nsurance proc�eds and re#'unds of
<br /> � premiums}from any sa�e ar❑�he�dispasitian of#he Prape�ky.
<br /> Property. The word"Prvperty"m�ans coilect��e�y the Real Properky and�he Persanal Proper�y.
<br /> Real Property. The words"Reai Pr�perty" mean the rea! property, in#erests and righ�s, as�urther described in �his
<br /> Deed of T�ust.
<br /> Re�a�ed Dvcum�n�s. The wards "Related Documents" mean all promissory no�es, credi� agreements, loan
<br /> agreemen�s, environmental agr�ements, guarantiesy S�CI.�I"I�]� agreements, mo�tgages, deeds of '�rust, security
<br /> deeds, collat�ral mor�gages, and a�l o�her �nstruments, agreements and da�uments, whe#her now or hereaf��r
<br /> existing, execufed in connectian wi�h the Indeb�ednes�.
<br /> Rents. The vuo�d "Ren'�s" means all present and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royal�i�s, profits, and
<br /> o�her benef�s der��ed from the Property.
<br /> Trustee. The ward "Trus�ee" means BANK �F THE WEST, whose address is P4 B�X 51 E�, 5AN RAMQN, CA
<br /> 9�4583 and any substitu�e�r successar trustees.
<br /> Trustar. The word"Trus�ar"means GARY L THIEDE and JERI L TH�EDE.
<br />