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-- . ��14��35� <br /> DEED �F T�IJST <br /> ��or1t1r1u�d� Page � <br /> Praper�y shal� be go�erned by the fo�lowing pra�isions: <br /> Pvssession and �se, Unti� �he oc�urrence o� an E�ent of Defaul�, Trus�or may �'i} remain in possession and <br /> control of the Prape�#y; ��} use, aperate or�manage�he Property; and �3} �ollect the Rents�rom�he Pr�perty, <br /> Duty �o I�laintain. Trustar shall main�ai� the Prope�ty �n goad conditian and promptly per�orm a�! repairs, <br /> replacements, and�maintenance necessary�o preserve its�a�ue. � <br /> �ompliance Vlli#h En�i�anm�n�al Laws. Trus�or represents and warran�s to Lender tha�: ��} During the period �f <br /> Trustor's owne�sh�p of the Properky, there has been no use, gene�ation, manufacture,sto�age, trea#ment,disposal, <br /> release or threatened release af any Hazardaus Subs�ance by any p�rson on, under, about tir from �he Proper�y; <br /> � ��} Trustor has no know�edge of, or r�ason to believe tha�fher� has been, except as pre�ious�y disc�ased to and <br /> acknawledged by Lend�r in wr�ting, �a} any breach ar �ialation of any Envirar�men#a� Laws, �b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture, storage, treatment, disp�sa�, release a�threat�ned release ❑f any Hazardous Su�s#ance <br /> on, under, about or frQm the Proper�y by any prior vwners or occupants of the Property, �r �c} any actual or <br /> threatened l�tigation or claims af any ki�d by any pers�n rela�ing �� such mat�ers; and �3} Except as previously <br /> d�sclosed to and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustar nor any tenant, c�n�ractor, agent or ather <br /> author�ized user af�he Prop�rty sha�! use, generate, manufa�ture, sto�e, treat, dispose a�ar rel�ase any Hazardous <br /> Substance an, under, about ar�rom�he Prope�#y; and th} any such acti�ity shafl be canduct�d in compiiance wi�h <br /> alf app[icab�� federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ord�nanc�s, inciuding wi�haut limitation ai� <br /> En�iranmental Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lender and i�s agents t� enter upon the Prope�y to make such <br /> insp�ctions and t�sts, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate tfl det�rmine compliance af the <br /> Prope�ty with �h�s section a�the Deed of Trust. Any �nspections o� tes�s made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and shal! na�be canstrued �a create any responsibili�y or I�ab�lity an the part o�Lender to Trustor ar <br /> to any a�her person. The representa#ions and warranties cantained herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es#igating the Proper�y for Hazardous Substan��s, T�us�or he�eby �'�} releases and wai�es any future cla�ms <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity o�contrihu�ic�n in the event Trustor becomes liable far c�eanup ar o�her costs under <br /> any such lav►rs; and ��} agrees�o indemnify, d�f�nd, and hoid harmiess Lender against any and a11 claims, losses, <br /> � fiabil�ties, damages, penalties, and exp�nses vuhi�h Lender may direc�ly or indirec�ly sustain or suffer resuiting from <br /> a breach of this sec�ian of the Deed af Trust or as a consequence o�any use, generation, manufacture, st�rage, <br /> disposal, release or#hreatened release�ccurring prior ta Trusto�'s owne�ship or in��rest in the Proper�y,whether or <br /> not �he same was or should ha�e been knawn to Trustar. The pravisions of this secti�n of the ❑eed of Trust, <br /> � including the obligation to indemn�fy and defend,shalL survi�e the payment of the lndeb�edness and the sa��sfa�tion <br /> � and re�onWeyance af the lien of this ❑e�d a�Trust and shall no�be affected by Lender`s acquisitian o#any interes� <br /> €n the Properky,whether by forec[osure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, l�aste. Trus�or sha�l n�t cause, conduct or permi# any nu�sance nor commit, perm�t, or suf�er any <br />. stripping of or wast� on ar to the Prope�ty or any portion of the P�op�r�y. Without limiting the genera[�ty af the <br /> foregoing, Trustor will nvt rema�e, or grant�o any o�her party the right to remo�e, any�imber, minerals��ncluding <br /> al and gas}, coal, cfay, scoria, soil,gravel or rqck praducts without Lender's prior wri�ten cansen�. <br /> Remo�al a�lmpro�ements. Trustor shali not dem�lish or�emove any�mpro�emen�s fr�m#h�Reai Property withouf <br />� Lender's priar written consent. As a condit�on to�he rema�al of any lmpro�ements, Lender may require Trus�or to <br /> make arrangements satisfactory �o Lende� to replace such lmprvvem�n#s with Impro��men#s of at least equa� <br /> vaiue. � <br /> Lender`s Right ta Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upan the Real Pr�per�y at a�i <br /> �easanabl� times t❑ attend to Lender's in�erests and �� inspect �he R�a� Property �or purpases of Trustar's <br /> compf�an�e with the terms and conditians af�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Campl�ance w�th Governmental Requiremen#s. Trusto� shall pr�mp�iy camply with al� laws, ordinances, and <br /> regula��ons, now or hereafter in effect, of all ga�ernmentai au�hori��es app�icable to #he use ar occupancy of the <br /> Prap��y. Trustor may con#�st in good faith any such �aw, ordinance, o�regu[ation and withhoid compiiance during <br /> any praceeding, including app�apriate appeais, so long as Trus��r has no��fied Lender in wr�ting prior �o doing so <br /> and sa long as, in Lender's sal�apinion, Lender's interes�s in#he Property are not jeapardized, Lender may require <br /> Trusto�to post adequa#e security❑r a surety bond, reasanabiy sa�isfactory ta Lend�r,t�pro�ect Lender's interest. <br /> ❑uty ta Prvtect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandon or �ea�e unattend�d #he Praper�y. Trustor shali da all other <br /> acts, in add�tion t❑those acts set forth above in this section,which �rom th�charact�r and use o��he Prope�ty ar� <br /> r�asonabiy necessary to protect and prese�v��he Prop�rty. <br /> TAXES AN❑ L�ENS. The �olfowing p�o�isions reiating ta the �axes and liens on the Properky are pa�t of�his D�ed o� <br /> Trus�: <br /> Paymen�#. Trustvr sha��pay when du� �and in all e�en�s priar to delinquency}all taxes, spec�al taxes, assessments, <br /> - charges �in�luding water and s�wer}, fines and impositions 1e�ied agains#or on account a�F the Praperty, and shall <br /> pay�hen due all ��a�ms far work dane on ar for servi��s rendered or materia� furnished #o the Prap��ty, Trus��r <br /> shal� main�a�n the Property free o�a�l liens having prio�i�y o��r or equaf to the interes#ofi Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, �xcept for �he �ien af �ax�s and assessments not due, except for �he Existing Indeb#edness refer�ed tv <br /> below, and except as othe�vuise provided in th�s Deed o�Trust. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may withho�d paymen�o€any�ax, assessment, ar cl�im in �annection with a good fai�h <br />