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��14��374 <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sect�on 9 shall become addit�onal deb�of Bonower secured by <br /> this S��urity Instrument.These amounts shall bear interest at the Note ra�e from the date of disbursement <br /> and�hall be payable,vvith such interest,upan na�ice fram Lender to Borr�w�r requesting payment. <br /> If this Security Instrument is an a leaseho�d,B�rrower sha11 camply with a11 the provisions of the lease. If <br /> Borra�ver acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in vvri�ing. <br /> �I U. M�rtgage In�uranc�.If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a candition of making the Loan, Borro�uer <br /> sha11 pay the premiums required to maintain the Martgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason,the <br /> Martgage Insuraace coverage required by Lend�r ceas�s to be available from the mor�gage insu�rer tha� <br /> previously provided such insurance and Borrower was requued to rnake sepaxately des�gnated paymen�s <br /> toward the premiums for Mor�gage Insuran�e,Barrower sha�I pay the pr�mium�requ�.red to obtain coverage <br /> substan�ially equi�alent to the Mortgage Insurance previousiy�n effect,at a cost substant�al�y equivalent to <br /> the�ost ta Borrawer of the Mortgage Insurance pre�iously in ef`fect, from an alternate mart�age insurer <br /> selected by Lender. �f substantiatiy equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available,Borrawer shall <br /> continue�o pay to Lender the amaunt of the sepaxat�ly designated payments that were due when�he <br /> insurance caverage ceased to be in effect. Lender wi11 accept,use and reta�n these payments as a <br /> nan-refundable loss reserve in li�u of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserve shal�be non-refundable, <br /> nofiwithsta.nding the fact that the Loan is ultimately paid in fu11,and Lender shal�not be required�o pay <br /> Borrower any�nterest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer requue loss reser�e payments <br /> if Mortgage Insurance co�erage(in the arriount and for the period that Lender requires}provided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes availablea�s obtain�d,and Lender requires separately designated <br /> payments toward the premiums f�r Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a <br /> condition�f making the�oan and Borro�ver was requued to make separately de�ignated payments t�ward the <br /> premiums for Mortgage�nsurance,Bonower sha�l pay the premiums re�uired to maintain Mortgage <br /> Insura.nce in�ffect,or to provrd�a non-refundabie Iass reserve,until Lender's requuement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender providing for such <br /> termination or until terminati�n is requu'ed by Applicab�e Law.Noth�ng in this Section 1�affects <br /> Borrower's nbligation to pay interest at the rate pro�ided��the Nate. <br /> Martgage Insurance reimburses Lender(or a�y entity that purchases��.e N�te}for c�rtain losses it may incur <br /> if Borr��ver does nat repay the Loan as agre�d. Barrower is not a party t�the Mortgage Insurar�ce. <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on a11 such insuraace rn f€�rce from time to��me,and may�nter <br /> �nto agreements with other parties that share ar modify theu r�s�,or reduce losses. Th�s�agreements are an <br /> terms and conditions th�t are satisfactory to the mortgage insur�r and the other party�or parties]to these <br /> agr�ements. Thes�agreements may require the rnartgage insur�r to make pa�rments using any source of funds <br /> that the mortgage insurer may ha�e available(which may incl��e funds ob�ained from Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of these agreements,Lender,any p�rchaser of the Nate,an�ther in.surer,any rein.surer,any <br /> other entity,or any aff'�tiate of aay of the farego�ng,may receive(direc�t�or indirectly�amounts that <br /> deri�e from(or might be characterized as}a portian of B�rrower'�payments for Mortga�e Insu.rance, in <br /> exchange for sharing or modifyiag the mortgage insurer's risk,or reduc�ng losses. If such agreement <br /> provides that an af#"rliate�f Lender��s a share af�he insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the <br /> premiums paid to the insurer,the axrangement is of�en termed"captive reinsuraace."Further: <br /> qU333�4g8462 0�33 357 U917 <br /> NEBRASKA-Singke Fam�iy-Fannie MaelFneddie Ma�UNIFflRM iNSTRIlMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE}[13U2}.QQ <br /> Wolte�Kl�wer Financia�Services Page 9 of 17 <br /> �� <br />