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��14��374 <br /> S�cur��y Instrurnent,whether or not th�n due. "�pposing Party"means the�hird party that owes Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Praceeds or the pa�y against whom Borrower has a right of action in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in defau�t if any action or proceed�ng,whe�her ci�it or criminal, is begun tha�, in Lender's <br /> judgment,cauld result in forfei� of the P�operty or other ma�eria�impairment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Proper�y or r�ghts under this Security Instrument. Borr��ver can cure such a default and, if acceleration has <br /> occurred,reinstate as provided in Section 19,by causing the acti�n or pro�eeding to be dismissed with a <br /> ruting that,in Lender's judgment,precludes forfeiture�f the Property or c��her ma�erial impairm�nt of <br /> Lender's interest in the Property or rights uader this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or <br /> clairn for damages that are attributab�e to the im�airment af i.ender's interest in the Property are hereby <br /> assigned and sha11 be paid to L�nder. <br /> A11 Miscellaneaus Proceeds that are not applied�o restoration or repair of the Property shall be appiied rn <br /> the order pro�ided for in Section 2. <br /> 1 Z. Borro�nrer Nvt Re�eased;Forbearanc�By LenderNot a Vllaiver.Extens�on af the time for payment or <br /> rno�.i�'�cation af amvrti�ation of th�sums secured by this Security Instsumeat�ranted by Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Su�cessor�n Interest of Borrower sha11 not operate to release the liability of Borrower ar any <br /> Success�rs in In�erest of Borrower. Lender shall not b�required to commenc�proceed�ngs aga�nst any <br /> Successor in Int�rest of Borrower vr to refuse to ex�end time far payment or other�vi�e modify am�rtiza�ion <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrurnent by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower ar <br /> any Successors in Interest of Borrower.Any forbearance by Lender in.exercising any right or remedy <br /> inc�uding,without l�mitatian,Lender's acceptance of payments from third persons,entities or Success�rs in <br /> In�erest of Borrow�r or in amounts less than the amount then du�, shall no�be a waiver of or preclude th� <br /> exercise of any r�ght or remedy. <br /> 1�. Jaint and Se�eral Liability;�v-signers;Successarsand A�signs Bound.Borrower covenants and <br /> agrees that Borro�ver's abli�ations and liabili�y sha�l be joint and se��ra1. How'ever,any Borrower�vho <br /> co-signs�his Securi�ty�nstrument but does not execute the N��e{a"co-signer"): �a}is co-signin�this <br /> Security I�.strument only to mortgage,grant and eonvey the co-signer's interest rn the Property under the <br /> terms of this Security Instrument; (b}is nat personally abiigated ta pay�he sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument;and�c}agr�es that Lender and any ather Barrower can agree to extend,modify,farb�ar or make <br /> any accon�modatians with regard to the terms of�his Security Instrument ar the Note without the co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject�o the pro�isions of Se�tian 18,any Su�cessor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrovver's <br /> obligations under th�s Security Instrument in writing,and is apgr�v�d by Lender, shall obtain a11 of <br /> B�rrower's rights and benefits under this Security Instrument. Borrower shalt nat be released from <br /> Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees�o such release in <br /> writing. The covenants and agreemen�s of�his Secu.rity Instrument shall bind(except as provided in Sectivn <br /> �Q}and b�nefit�he successors and assigns�f L�nder. <br /> 'I 4. Lvan�harges.Lender may charge Borrower fees for services performed in connection with Banower's <br /> defaul�, for the pwrpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security <br /> instrument, including,but not limited to,attarn.eys'fees,property inspect�oa and valuation fees.In.regard ta <br /> any ather fees,the absence of express auth�rity in this Security Instrument to charge a spec�f c fee to <br /> Borrower�hal�n�t be construed a�a prohibition on the c�arging of such fee.Lender may not charge fees <br /> that as�e expressly prQhi�ited by this Security Instrument ar by Applicable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingke Family-Fannie MaelFrgddie Mac�NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VMf'BA�NE)(13�2�.�0 <br /> Wolters Kit�wer Financial ServiGes Page 11 of 9 7 <br /> q4333444846� 4�33 357 1117 <br /> � <br /> � <br />