<br /> Transfer of�he Proper�y or a Beneficial In�erest in B�rrower. �f a���r any par�of�he Prop�r�y or a.ny interes�
<br /> �n it is sold �r transferred �or if a benef c�a� �nteres� �n Borrawer is sold or lxansferred and Barrow�r �s not a
<br /> na�ural person� wi�hou� Lender's pr�ar writ�e�� cansent, Lender may, at �ts optian, require immed�a�e payment in
<br /> ful� of al� sums secured by �his Security In�trument. However, this op��on sha�� not b� ex�rcised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�se is proh�bited�y federal law as af the date of�his Security Instrumen�.
<br /> If Lender exercis�s this apt�fln, Lender sha1� g�ve Borrow�r notice �f acce�erat�on. The not�ce sha�� prov�de a
<br /> per�od af no� ��ss �han�he m�nimum num�er of days es�ablished by Appl�cable Law fr�m �he da�� the noti�e �s
<br /> delivered or ma�l�d wxthxn which B�rrow�r must pay a�I sums secured by �h�s Se�urity �nstrument. �f Borrower
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums prior ta the expira��o�z of�h�s peri�d, Lend�r may in�oke any remed�es permi�ted by this
<br /> Se�urity Instrumen�withflu�fur�her no�i�e or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> Borrawer's Rfght ta Reinstate. rf Borrflw�r meets cer�aix� condzt�ons, Borrower sha�l have the rzgh� �o have
<br /> enfflrcement of th�s Securifiy Ins�rumen� discan�inued a�any time p�ior to th� ear��er�f: �a� 5 days �or such�ther
<br /> period as App��cable Law may spec�fy for rei�sta�em�n��befflre sa���f th�Pr�perty pursuan�ta any power of sale
<br /> �ontained in �h�s Security Instrument; or �b� entry af a judgmer�t enforc�ng thxs Secur�ty Ins�rum�n�. Those
<br /> �ond��Y�ns are �ha� B�rrower; �a} pays Lender a1� sums u�h�ch then would b� due under�h�s Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the�ontrac�as if no acceleration had o�c�arred;�b}cures any default�f any a�her co�enan�s or agre�men�s;�c}
<br /> pays a��expenses�ncurred i.n enforcxng�h�s Se�urit��nstrurnen�, inc�uding,bu�not limi�ed to,reasona��e a�t�rne�s'
<br /> fees�to �he ex�en�permi�ted by lavv; and �d}�akes such action as Lender may reasonably requzre tn assure�ha��he
<br /> I�en of�h�s Security�nstrumen�, Lender's r�gh�s �n�he PraperCy and Barrov�er's ob�igation to pay the sun�s secuared
<br /> by �h�s Securzt� Instrumen� shall con�i�r�ue unchanged. Upon rei.nstatemen�by Borrower, �h�s Securi�y �x�strumen�
<br /> and�he nbligations secured hereby sha�l rem�in fu�ly effective as if n� accelerat�on had occurred. Ho�vever, this
<br /> r�ght�o re�ns�ate shall not apply in the case of ac�e�erati�n under�he sec�ion�itled Tran�fer of the Property or a
<br /> B�ne�cial In��rest in Borrawer.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. Barrower sha�l no�cause or perm�t the pres�nce,use, d�sposal, s�orage, �r release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�an�es on or in the Properry.Borrov�er shal�no�do,nor allov�anyone e�se�o d�,anything affec�i.ng
<br /> the Properfiy that is �n �riolat�on of any Env�x�onmenta� Lav�. The pr�ceding �wa sentences sh�.I� not app�y �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or storage ori th�Proper�y of smal�quant���es of Hazardous Substances�hat are generally�ecognized
<br /> tfl be appropria�e ta normal r�s�d�n�ial uses�x�.d���nain�enan�e of the Praperty.
<br /> B�rrovver shal�promptly give Lender wrztten notice of any in�es�iga�ion,�laim, demand, lav�su�t�r other a�t�an by
<br /> any gavernmer��a1 flr regula�ory agency ar priva�e par�y �nvolving �he Proper�y and any Hazardous S�bs�ance or
<br /> Environm�ntal Law of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Borrower �earns, or is no�if�ed b� any
<br /> gflvernmental c�r regula�ory au�hority,that any rema�al�r ather remedia�zon flf an�Hazardous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Property is ne�essary, Borrower shall ��romp�ly �ake a�i necessary remediai actions in accardance vv�th
<br /> En��rox�m�ntal Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazard�us Su�sta�nces" are �hose subs�ances defi.n.ed as toxi� or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmen�al Lavv and �he fo��awing substances: gasaline, ker�sene, other flammable or taxic petraleum
<br /> produc�s, ��xrc pest�cides and herb���des, �alatile solvents, mat�r�als containing asbes�as ar forma�d�hyde, and
<br /> rad�aa�tive ma�erials. As used in th�s paragraph, "En��ronmenta�Law"means f�deral Taws and�aws flf the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska that re�at��o h�a��h,safety or enviranmen�a�pro�ection.
<br /> A�celera��an; :Remed�es, Lender shall gi�e no��ce ta Bo�rawer prior to a�celera�ian fo��owing B�rrower's
<br /> breach of any covenant ar agreement in thi�s Security Instrument or the�ontrac�under�h�ch acce�eratian
<br /> �� permitted �k�ut not privr t� acceiera�io� under the secti�n ti��ed Transfer�f�he Property or a Benef�c�a�
<br /> Interest in Bo�rower, unless Appl�cable La�w pro��des otherwise}. The no��ce�h�ll specify: �a) the default;
<br /> �b} �he act�on required to cure the defau�t; �c} a dat�, not �ess than th� minimum numbe� of days
<br /> ��tabl�shed by App�ica�le Law from �he date�he not�ce i�gi�en to Borrower, by which thQ d�fau�t must be
<br /> �ured; and �d� tha� failure ta cure the default an or before th� date spe�i�ed �n the n���ce may resu�t zn
<br /> ��celera��fln flf the sums se�ured by th�s Sec�r�ty Instrument and sa�e af �he Property. To �he ex�ent
<br /> permit�ed by�aw, the notz�e sha�l further infnrm Borrower of the right to re�nstate after acce�eration and
<br /> �he right ta br�ng a court ac��on to asser�t�ie n�n-exi5ten�e of a defau�t or any other defensQ of B�rrawer to
<br /> a�Celeration and sale. If tihe default is not cured �n flr before the date spe�i�ed in the n�tice, Lender at its
<br /> �ptxon may requ�re immediate payment ��x ful� of alI sums secured b� this Security I�.strumer�t w�thout
<br /> �urther dema�d and may �n�oke the pov�er af sale and �ny other remedi�s permitt�d b� ,A,.pplic�bt� Law.
<br /> Ta �he extent permitted by law, Lender sllali be entitled �fl collect aIl expenses incurr�d �n pur�uing ��.e
<br /> remedie5 pro��ded �n th�s Sectzon, includ�n;, but not l�mited to, reasonable attor�aeys' fees and co�ts of t�txe
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee sha�� record a notice of defaul�in each county in vvhich any part of
<br /> the Property r� Iocated and shai�ma�� copies�f such noti�e in the manner prescr�bed by�.pp��cable Law to
<br /> I3orrower and �� �h� other persons prescr�bed by Applicable L►aw. Af�er the tir�e required by .�.pplicab�e
<br /> I�aw, Trustee �ha�Z give pub�ic no�ice of s�Ie t� the pers�ns and in the manner pr�scr�bed by App��cable
<br /> I.�aw. Trustee,�i�hout demand �n Borrawer, shail sei�th�Property a� pub�xc au�tion �o �he high�st b�dder
<br /> at the�ime an� P�ace and under�he terms c�es�gnated �n the nat�ce of sale�n one or more parce�s and in any
<br /> flrder Trustee detQrmines. Trus�ee may p�stpvne sale of al� flr any parce� of the Pr�perty �ay publi�
<br /> ar�nouncement at th�t�me and pZace flf an�pre�iously scheduled�axe. Lend�r ar its designee may purchase
<br /> the Prvp�rty at any sa��.
<br /> i�pon re�e�pt�f payment flf the pr�ce bid, 'Trustee shall �el�ver to �he pur�haser Tru�st�e�s deed �onveying
<br /> the Property, The reci�als in the Tru�tee'� deed shall be prima facie evi�enc�of�he�ruth of the s�atemen�s
<br /> Q 2404-2Q I3 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-BDD?-ZO i 3L2,0,72I
<br /> Consurner Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�35 Page 4 of 5 www.complianc�systems.cvm
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