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�, _ <br /> r _ ,. �.._... . .._.._. _.�. <br /> � <br /> IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEHRA3KA <br /> IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF � <br /> : D E C R E E <br /> HAZEL E. CARTEft, DECEASED. � <br /> This matter cor.�ing on to be heard on the G�day of <br /> August, 1963, John F. McCarthy, Attorneq for a�lter A. Carter, <br /> Petitioner, appearing in person and shows the Court as followst <br /> That the Petition was filed in this Court on the 5th <br /> day of Au�ust , 1963, which� among other things, prayed <br /> for a ti;ae and place for hearing to be held upon the determi- <br /> nation of an inheritance tax. The Petition furt-.her states <br /> that the deceased, Hazel E. Carter, held in 3oint title with <br /> :�alter A. Carter, her husban3, with rights of survivorship, <br /> the follo�ring described property situated in Hall County, Ne- ' <br /> braska, to-wit: ' <br /> Lot Nine (9), in Hlock Nine (9�, wallich�s Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Va7.ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�7500.00 <br /> That hazel E. Carter and petitioner, Walter A. Carter, <br /> were the co-owners of 1293 shares of stock in the National <br /> Television Association, af the value of . . . .� 950.00 <br /> That the said Hazel E. Carter, died on the 2�r�� day of ' <br /> Jul , 1963, at Grand Island, ATebraska; and that <br /> alter A. Carter an3 Hazel E. Carter, w�re the owners of the <br /> above-descr3bed property with the right of survivorship. <br /> That this is all of the property owned by the deceased or <br /> petitioner, or property in which either of them had any interest I <br /> at the ti�e of the death of Hazel E. Carter. ' <br /> The Court further finds that the Countq xttorney of Hall <br /> County, �iebraska� has filed his Voluntary Appearance on behalf <br /> of the County of Hall, State of �Iebraska. I <br /> IT IS THEPEFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT . � <br /> That i�'alter �+. Carter and Hazel E. Carter, his �,rife, were the <br /> owners of the following described property with rights of sur- ,� <br /> vivorship: ; ' <br /> Lot Nine (9� , in Block Nine (9). Wallichts Additi�n <br /> to the C G <br /> it of rand Islan3 Nebraska. <br /> Y , <br /> 4�lue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�75�.00 <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT <br /> That Walter A. Carter and Hazel E. Carter, his wife, were <br /> the co-owners of 1293 shares oF stock in the �tational <br /> Televi�ion Association, of the value of . . . .� 954•00 <br /> IT IS FURT�iER ORDERED� ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT <br /> that this is all of the property owne3 bq the decease3 or the <br /> P�titioner, or property in which either of them had any interest <br /> at the tirae of the death of Hazel E. Carter. ; <br /> IT IS FURTHER ORDERED� ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT �� <br /> fro*� the evidence and the valuation of the property described i <br /> in the Pet3.tion, that there is no inheritance �ax due the 3tate I <br /> of Nebraska. <br /> IT I5 FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT that <br /> thex�i `��g':�p; inheritance tax due and that any potential lien is ex- <br /> t3ri�u9;sli�d���;;, " <br /> , •. �; �' • BY GOUR . I <br /> :�,� I <br /> - �.` � ` , Y J GE. �, <br /> , -_,�,o - �� <br /> _ -:� I <br /> G r�7� <br /> . -� <br />