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! <br /> ��. . �� ' � ' . <br /> ' <br /> � � C�� CQ�� 0� � C���� N�� <br /> IN THE MATTER OF TH� ESTATB ) <br /> $STATS N0. <br /> OF ) <br /> DFxRR�BE DETERHIDTIb�Q II+�iERITAaiCE TJIZ <br /> � r w�+� �....r�� .�• <br /> HENRY J. GOODWIDI� DFJCFJSED. <br /> Thie cause aamo on to be heprd tMa �'�dsy ot 8eptember� 19�s upon the peti- <br /> tion of Lloyd aoodxin and �loy+d (}oodxin� brothers �od' aaid deceased� for a determiaa- <br /> tion ot ar�r Nebraska inheriLance tax due or oxing in this cause �nd the court llnda <br /> that the voluatary appearaace and vaiver oi notica to ahou cauae oY tho County <br /> Attorney of Hall County, Hebraaka haa been entered herein and that all poreona <br /> intereated are befaa�e thia aourt. <br /> Th� court Yurther finds that said decedeat died Septembar 13, 1958, iuteatate� <br /> and a resident of Hall Couuty, Nebraeka end t�hat these proceedinga praporly aome <br /> under the praviaioaa ot 7?-2018.02 (5) of the Revised 3tates oS Nebraska� as amend�ed <br /> in 1959, and that t.his court has �uriadiction oi t.heae groceediraga. <br /> The court further Yinda that said decedent leYt no property requiring a�dministra- <br /> tion of his estate and that all debts and e�gensea of his laet illnees and burial <br /> hsve been paid by the petitioners; that said decedent left him survi�ving as hia aole <br /> heira-at-l8�a the Yollowing personss James M. (3oodFria� father� and Idella t}oodxin� <br /> mother. <br /> The court flu�ther finds that the time of his death decedent vae the owner aa �oint <br /> tenant tirith petitionera, hie brothere, of the follaring described property vhich had <br /> a fair market value as of September 13, 1958, as set torth belaxi <br /> The Noa�ttn�est Quarter (NW�) of Sectfon TrenLy (20) in <br /> To�rnship Tamship Twelve (12) North� Range Tvelve �12)� <br /> Wast of the 6th P.M.� in Hall Couatyj Nebraaka - $].la�000.00 <br /> and that the foragoing property constituted ail oroperty aub�ect to c maidaration for <br /> Nebraaka inher3tance tax purpaees. <br /> The court turther iinda that petitionere eaoh furniahed ane-third (1/3)oY the � <br /> original aot�aideration 3n�the acquieition of �hhe abov� deacribed real e�tete, and <br /> that eaah oY the petitiemera ia entitled to a atatutory exe�ption iu the computation <br /> of Nebreaka inheritance tax oY $10,000.00� xhich exea�ption !ar eooeeeda the nat amount <br /> paasing to eaah ot thmi aa aurviving �oiat teaanta by reason oi the death of' eaid <br /> deeedenL, and that t2�ere is no Nebraeka inheritance tax due or owing ia this cause <br /> and no Federal nor State eatate tas due or oxing herein. <br /> �� <br />