<br /> �EE� �� ��u�-r
<br /> {�or�t�t�u�d� IPage 4-
<br /> 4inc[uding e�fforts to modify or�acat� any automatic stay or inJunct'ron}, appeals, and any anticipat�d p�st-judgment
<br /> cof[ect�on s�r�i�es, the c�st �f searching records, o�taining title reports �including foreclosure reports�, surWeyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� �ees, tit�� insurance, and �ees for the Trustee, to the e�tent permitted by applica��e law.
<br /> Trustor also wi[� pay any court costs, En addition to a!�othe�sums pra�ided by law.
<br /> MlSCELLANE�US PR�VIS[�N�, The�a�lowing miscel�aneaus p�o�isions are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Gv�ern�ng La►rv. This Deed of Trust wi�[ be go�erned by federal law �pp�icable �o Lender and, �v the exten� nat
<br /> preempted by�ederal [aw.the laws vf the 5#at�o��ebraska►►vithout rega�d fio its conflicts of faw prvvisivns. This
<br /> Deed af T�ust has been accepted by Lender i�fihe 5tate of Nebraska.
<br /> Time is o#�he Essence. Time �s o�the essence in the performance of this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Wai�e Jury. Ail partie� #o th�s Deed o�Trust her�by�►r►ai►re the righ�ta any�ury#rial �n any�c�ion, prviceeding, vr
<br /> coun�er��aim braugh�by an�party agains#any o�her par�y.
<br /> VIlai�er a� Homestead Exemp#ivn, Trustor hereby re[eases and waiWes aff rights and bene�its af the homes�ead
<br /> exemption laws of the 5tate of Nebraska as�o all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFIN�TIaN5. The fo�lowing capi�aliz�d words and te�-ms shal[ ha�e the fQliowing meanings when used in th�s Deed af
<br /> Trust. UnEess specifically s�ated t� the cantrary, a�l re�ferences �o d�[[ar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful m�ney
<br /> of the United States of America. Vllords and terms used in fihe singu[ar shall include the plura�, and the plural shal�
<br /> inc�ude the singular, as �he �on�ext may requir�. V1lords and terms n�t a�therwise d�fined in this Deed �f Trus� shalf
<br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such t�rms in the Uni�orm �ommercial Cade:
<br /> Benef6ciary. The word "Bene�iciary" means Pinnac�e gank- KMN, and i-�s successors and assi�ns.
<br /> Bo��ower. The wvrd "Borr�wer" means LAND 4 SALE, L.L.C. and includes al[ cv-signers and co-makers signing
<br /> �he Note and a[f their successors and assigns,
<br /> Deed vf Trus�, The words '=aeed of Trust" mean this Deed a� Trust amvng Trus�or, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�h�ut limita�ion a[f assignment and security interest proWisions relafiing t� the Personal Pr�p�rty and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Env�ron�mental Laws. The words r'En�iranmenta[ Laws" mean any and af f state, �ederal and local statutes,
<br /> regulat��ns and ordinan�es refating to the protection of human hea[th vr the en�ironment, including withou�
<br /> l�mi�ation �he �omprehensi�e En�ironmental Resp�nse, �vmpensation, and Liability Act vf 198D, as amended, 4�
<br /> lJ.5.C. Sec�ti�n 9��1, et seq, {"CER�LA"}, �he 5uperfund Amendments and R�authori�a�ion Act of '1985, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"�,the Hazard�us Materia�s Transportation A�t, 49 U.S.C. 5ec�i�n �801, e�seq,, the R�saurce
<br /> �onserva�ifln and Recv�ery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. 5ection 69��, efi seq,, �r other app[ica��e s�a�� or federa[ faws, rules,
<br /> or�-egulations adopted pursuant�here�o.
<br /> Even��f De#aul�. Th�words "Ev�nt o�Defaul-�" mean any o�the e�ents of de�au[t set�orth in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the e�ents o'�default sectivn of this Deed vf Trus�.
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, end�rs�r, surety, or accammodativn party to
<br /> Lender, inc[uding without��mitat�on a guaran�y of all or part of the Note.
<br /> [mpro�ements. The w�rd "Impro�ements" means all existing and futur� imprv�ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mob�[e hames a�-�ixed an th� F�eal Property, �aci�i��es, additions, replacements and other cons�ruction on the Reaf
<br /> Property.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "'lndebt�dnessiF means a!I principa�, in�erest, and other amoun�s, �asts and expenses
<br /> payab[� under the 1Vofie or Related ❑ocumen�s, together with all renewals of, ex�ensions of, modificati�ns of,
<br /> �onso[ida��ons of and su�stitu�ions for the Nate or Re[ated D�cumenfis and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender t❑ dis�harge Trust�r's obligations ❑r expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enfarce Trust�r's
<br /> obligations unde� this De�d vf Trust, tog�ther with interes� ❑n such amaunts as p�-o�ided in this Deed o� Trust,
<br /> 5pecifica[[y, without limitat�an, Indebt�dness inc{udes the �u�ure advances set �Forth in the Fu�ure Ad�ances
<br /> proWisian, tage�her with al[ interest thereon and all amoun-�s that may be indirect[y secured by the
<br /> Cr�ss-Cvllateralizafiion pr�visivn a#�his ❑eed ❑f Trusfi.
<br /> Lenc��r, The wo�d "Lender" means Pinnac�e Bank- KMN, i�s successors and ass�gns.
<br /> No�e. The word "Nate" means the prvmissory note da�ted Dct�ber �, 2fl�4, in the origina� prin�ipai ar�vunt
<br /> �f $��'I.�'19.4'1 fram Trustor �o Lender, together with all renewals of, ext�ns�ons o�, m�difica�ions of,
<br /> refinancings of, c�nsolidations of, and substituti�ns�or the prvmissary note ar agreement.
<br /> Persvr�a[ Pro�aerty. The wards "Persanal Property" mean aI� equipment, fixtures, and o�her ar�icles o# personal
<br /> property na�nr or hereafter owned by Trustor, and now �r hereafter attached or affixed ta the Real Proper�y;
<br /> ��gether with a!! accessions, parts, and additions �o, al� replacemen�s of, and al! suhstitu�ivns fvr, any of such
<br /> property; and �ogeth�r with all proceeds �including wi�hout fimitation all insurance proceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums� �rom any sale�r�ther d�sposi�ion o#the Property.
<br /> P�operty. The word "PropertyTF means ��IlectiWe�y�he Real Praperty and the Personal Proper�y.
<br /> Real Prvp�rty. Th� words "Reaf Property" mean the rea� prQperty, in�erests and r�ghts, as further des�ribed Fn this
<br /> Deed of Trus�.
<br /> R��ated Documenfs. The words "Related D�cuments" mean all pr�missQry notes, cred�t agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, securi�y agreem�nts, mortgages, deeds ofi trust, s�curity
<br /> deeds, co[fateral m�rtgages, and all other instruments, agreement� and dflcuments, whether n�w vr hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in cannec�ion v�ri�h the [nde�tedness.
<br /> Rer�ts. The word TF Rents'T means all present and future rents, r��enues, in�ome, issues, royal�ies, prv-�its, and
<br /> vther�enefits der��ed from the Pr�perty.
<br /> Trus�ee. The wQrd "Trust��" means P1IVNACLE BANK, whose address is 53� N BURLINGT�N, HA5T1NG5, NE
<br /> �89�� and any substitute or su�cessor-trustees.
<br /> Twr�r.�►�r TI-..-.....-....-1 1�Tw.....��...il .�_.���_ E A 1�1 e1 n r+n�t' � � r�
<br />