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Prepared by and upon recording <br />Please return to: <br />Ginsberg Jacobs LLC <br />300 S. Wacker Drive <br />Suite 2750 <br />Chicago, Illinois 60606 <br />Attn: Steven F. Ginsberg, Esq. <br />(Site Name: NE07 New Fair) <br />Parcel ID No.: 400207044 <br />" <br />201406270 <br />MEMORANDUM OF LAND LEASE AGREEMENT <br />This Memorandum of Lease is made this 'i day of y , 20 1, between <br />Midland Ag Service, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, with its principal offices located at 1012 S. Shady Bend <br />Road, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, hereinafter designated LESSOR and Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC <br />d/b /a Verizon Wireless, with its principal office located at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking <br />Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (telephone number 866- 862 - 4404), hereinafter designated LESSEE. The <br />LESSOR and LESSEE are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the <br />1. LESSOR and LESSEE e tered into a Land Lease Agreement (the "Agreement ") on <br />7171, 20 14 for an initial term of five (5) years, commencing on the <br />Commencement te. The Land Lease Agreement shall automatically be extended for four <br />(4) additional five (5) year terms unless the LESSEE terminates it at the end of the then <br />current term by giving the LESSOR written notice of the intent to terminate at least six (6) <br />months prior to the end of the then current term. <br />2. LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE a portion of that certain parcel of property (the entirety of <br />LESSOR's property is referred to hereinafter as the "Property"), located Stuhr Road S & <br />Former Park Road E, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and being described as a 32' by 52'- <br />6" parcel containing approximately 1,683 square feet of land space ( "Land Space "), located at <br />the Property, as shown on the Tax Map of the County of Hall as recorded in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds for Hall County, together with the non - exclusive right ( "Right of Way ") for <br />ingress and egress, seven (7) days a week twenty-four (24) hours a day, on foot or motor <br />vehicle, including trucks over a fourteen foot (14') wide right -of -way extending from the <br />nearest public right -of -way, S Stuhr Road, to the Land Space, and for the installation and <br />maintenance of utility wires, poles, cables, conduits, and pipes over, under, or along over an <br />eight foot (8') wide right of way or more rights of way ( "Further Rights of Way ") over the <br />Property to the demised premises. The Land Space, demised premises, and Right of Way and <br />Further Rights of Way are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises." The Premises <br />are described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, and as shown on the plat of <br />survey attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. In the event any public utility is <br />unable to use the Right of Way, LESSOR has agreed to grant an additional right -of -way either <br />to the LESSEE or to the public utility at no cost to the LESSEE. <br />
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