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A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (N 1/2 SW 1/4) of Section Twenty -three (23), <br />Township Ten (10) North Range Eleven (11):Weet of the 6th <br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follower Beginning at :a =point -,on. the .West line of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) . eaid.,Ipoint ..being . Seven Hundred <br />Sixty- Three and Twenty -Five Uundradthe.(703.25) feet South of <br />the Northwest corner of ;,said .Southweeti-Quarter (SW 1/4); <br />thence Southerly along the ',feet line of .said Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 1/4), a distance of Five Hundred -Eight and Ninety- <br />Six Hundredths 1548..96 feet to the Southweet corner of <br />Northwest - Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1/4 SW 1 / <br />thence Easterly along the South line of said Northwest Quarter <br />of the Southweet Quarter (NW 1/4 SW 1/4), a distance of One <br />Thousand Two Hundred Ninety -Hight (1,298.0) feet, to,. <br />Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest <br />Quarter (NW 1/4 SW 1/4); thence Northerly along the Naot line <br />of "said Northweet`Quarter of the Southweet Quarter (NW 1/4 SW. <br />1/4), .a distance x:of : One ' Sundred :Seventy -Two and Seventy . <br />Hundredths ( feetf thence deflecting right 89 32. 30 ". <br />and .ruiuring Easterly, a'diatanceiof 0rie''Thousand TWO ;Hundred <br />Ninety-Sight and Five:Tenthe (1,298.5) feet to the st,..line <br />.of .i.eaid Southwest. Quarter SW 1/4). theme; Northerly along. the <br />East line of said Southwest Quarter 1/4 a dia tancd col <br />Seven litindied Aran KandATweney -$ix Uuadradtha 26) Meet: <br />thence deflecting. -left- .91 •11 aird. tinning Westerly a <br />distance of::;OnizAThoueand Six unfired One `'('1,601w0)Meet; <br />thence deflecting left.'�87 56' 50 ";`. and running Soutl a <br />dietanco of ,. .Bundred:r:One and Thirty EightHwtrdredthe' <br />(301.38) feet; thence - .deflecting right 87, 20' 20" Viand 'svAniag <br />Westerly, a :: distance , of ' Nine , Hundred r. ° <br />Ninety- Fouand 4Nine <br />Tenths (994.9) feet:,, the place and containing <br />39.852 acres more or lees. <br />AHD <br />Plat of a treat of land comprising a part of the North <br />Half of the Southweet Quarter (N 1/2 SW 1/4) of Section <br />Twenty -Three (23), Township , (10) North, Range Eleven <br />(11) West of the Sixth P.M. in : Nall County, Nebraska, <br />sore particularly described as follows Beg at the <br />Northweet corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1 /4); <br />thence 11aatorl along the North line of *aid Southwest <br />�'arh SW 1/4) a distance of Two Thousand Six Suuudrod <br />feet to the Northeast' corner of said <br />; er , (SW 1/4); thence Southerly along .the <br />t le(t Southwest Quarter (SW .1/4), a distance <br />di Pour Twenty -Nine and 3Twent -Three Hundredths <br />(429.23) feet; -thence deflecting rght 88° 49' and <br />running Westerly, ,a distance of One Thousand Six Hundred <br />One (1,601.0) . thence deflecting left 87° 56' 50" <br />and running Southerly, a distance of Three Hundred One <br />and Thirty -Bight Hundredths (301.38) feat; thence <br />deflecting right 87°20 20" and running Westerly, a <br />distance of 'Hine Hundred Ninety - Four and Nine Tentha <br />(994.9) feet to the West line of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 1/4); thence Northerly along the West line of said <br />Southwest Quarter ;(SW 1/4), a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Sixty -Three and. Twenty -Five Hundredths (763.25) feet to <br />the place of beginning and containing 33.338 acres more <br />or less. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />201406240 <br />