<br /> 11. ENVIRUNMEIO�'I'AL LAWS ANI] HAZARD�US SLT�STANCES. As used in this sectian,
<br /> �1� Environmental Law means, withaut ��m�tatXon, the Comprehensive En�xronmental Response,
<br /> Campensati�n and Liability Act ��ERCLA, 42 U.S.�. 95�I et seq.}, and aII other federal, sta�� and local
<br /> laws, regulatians, �rdinan��s, cour� orders, attorney general opinions or interpreti�e �etters con�ern�ng the
<br /> public hea.lth, safety, we�faxe, en�ironm�nt or a hazardaus substance; and �2} Hazardflus Substance means any
<br /> taxic, radioacti�e or hazardflus mater�a.l, waste, pollutant or contaminant which has character�stics whi�h
<br /> render the substance dangerous or potentzally dang�rous to �he public health, safety, welfare ar environm.ent,
<br /> The term �nciudes, without ��m�tation, any substances defined as "hazardous materia.l," "�oxic substances,"
<br /> "hazardous vvas�e" or "hazard�us subs�ance" under any Environmen�al Law.
<br /> Trustor represen�s, warran�s and agrees�hat:
<br /> A.Except as pre��ousiy discl�sed and acknawXedged in writing �o Beneficiary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> ar w�l� �e �ocat�d, s�ared ar released on ar in the Propex�y. This restric�xon does not apply �o small
<br /> quant�t�es af Hazardaus Substances that are generally recognized to b� appropriate for the normal use
<br /> and maintenan��of�he Property.
<br /> B. Except as pre�xousiy disclosed and ac�owledged �aa writing to Benef���ary, Trus�ar and every tenan�
<br /> have been, are, and shall remain in fu11 complYance vv�th any app�icable Enviranmenta.� La�.
<br /> C.Trustor shal� immedxately no�ify Benefic�ary if a release or threatened r�lease of a Hazardous Su�stance
<br /> occurs an, under or abaut the Property or there is a��olatian of any Envxrflnmentai Law cancerning the
<br /> Prap�rty. In such an e�ent, Trustor sha.�l take a11 n�cessary remedial a�tion in accardance wi�h any
<br /> Envir�nmental Law.
<br /> D.Trustar shaii immediate�y notify Beneficiary �n wrx�ing as soon as Trust�r has reason to �belie�e there is
<br /> any pending �r threa�ened �n�estigatian, �laim, �r proceeding relating to the reXease or threatened
<br /> release of any Hazardous Substance ar�he violation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> 1Z. ESCR�W F�IZ T.A�ES AND INSiJRANCE. Un1�ss oth�rwise pro�ided in a separate agreement, Trustar
<br /> w�ll not be required ta pay to Ben�ficiary funds for taxes and�nsurance in escr�w.
<br /> du�ies under this Security Instrument are j axnt and individual. �f Trustor signs th�s Security �nstrument but
<br /> does n�� sign a.n evxdence of debt, Trustor does so only to mortgage Trustar's u�.teres� in the Prop�rty to
<br /> secure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustar dves nat agree to be personal�y lxable on the 5ecured Debt. If
<br /> this S�cur�ty 7nstrument secures a guaranty betWeen Beneficiary and Trustor, Trust�r agrees �o waive any
<br /> rxghts tha� may prevent Benefxciary fr�m bring�ng any action or ��a�m agai.ns� Trustor or any parCy ind�bted
<br /> under the o�ligati�n. Thes�righ�s may include, but are not 1imYted to, any anti-defic�ency or one-action laws.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this Security �nstrumen�sha.I�bind and benefxt t.h.e successors and assigns of Trust�r
<br /> and Ben�ficiary.
<br /> 14, SEV�R.ABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. This Security Instrument �s comp�ete an�i fu11y �.ntegrated, �Chis
<br /> Security �nstrument may na� be amended or mod�fied by aral agre�m�nt. .Any section in thxs Security
<br /> �nstrum�nt, at�achmen�s, or an.y agreement relat�d to �he Secured Debt that �onfl�cts w�th applicable law wi�I
<br /> nat be effect��e, unless that law e�press�y or impli�dly p�rmi.�s the variatYons by writ�en agreement. �f any
<br /> sectifln af thxs Security Instrum�nt canno���enforced according ta its terms, that sect�on w�11 be se�ered and
<br /> w�11 nat affect �he �nfor�eability �f the rema.inder of this Security Instrument. Whenever used, the singular
<br /> sha�� inc�ude the plural and�he p�ural the singular. The captions and headxngs af the sections af this Security
<br /> Ins�rument are for con�enxence ax�ly and are not to be us�d to interpret ar define the terms af�his Security
<br /> �nstru.ment. Time is of the essence zn this Security Instrument.
<br /> 15. SUCCESSQR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, may from time to time rem.o�e Trustee and
<br /> appaint a successar trustee withaut any ather farmali�y than the designatian �n wri�ing. The successar trustee,
<br /> without conveyar�ce of.the�Proper��;�sha�� succeed to aJ.� the titie, pawer and dut�es conferred upon Trus��e by
<br /> thXs Security Ynstrum�nt and app�icable Iaw.
<br /> 'F .. . . ..... .� .F ..• .. '
<br /> 15. N�TICE:.Unless othe�rwise�required by 1aw, any notice shall be gYven by deli�ering �t flr by mailing it by
<br /> first class maii �� the appropriate party's addr�ss on page � of �his Security Instrument, ar to any other
<br /> address d�signated rn writua.g. Notice to on� trustor will be deemed to b� notice to al� trustors, Trustor and
<br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any noti�� af defau�t, and a copy �f any not�ce of sale ther�under, be
<br /> mailed to each party at the address far such party set forth on page 1 nf th�s Securit�r Ins�rument.
<br /> 17. �V'AIVERS. Except to the e�tent prahibit�d by �aw, Trustor waives aI� appra.�sement and homestead
<br /> ex�mp�ion rights relating to th�Praperry.
<br /> 18. LINE �F CREI]IT. The S��ured Debt includes a revolving ��ne of credit. Althaugh the Se�ured 1]�bt may
<br /> b�reduced�o a zer�balance, this Securxty Ins�rument will remain xn effec�unt�i releas�d.
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument-C3pen-End-Cansum�r-N� DCP-REDT-N� 7121201'i
<br /> VMPQ�ankers 5ystemsTi" VMP-C465(NE} t��07J.00
<br /> Wa�ters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices C��994,2�1� Page 5 of 5
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