<br /> ful� �f al� sums secured by �his Securi�y Instrumen�. H�v�ever, th�s �pti�n sha�I no� be e�erc�sed by �ender if
<br /> ex�rc�se is prahibited by federal law as of the date�f th�s Se�ur�t��nstrumen�. �
<br /> If Lender exercises �his op�ion, L�nder sha�l g�ve Borrower no���e of acceleration. T`he natice sha�I prov�ide a
<br /> period of n�� less �han the minimu�m nurnber of days established by Applicab�e La�u fr�m th� date �he noti�e is
<br /> del���red or mailed vsr��hin v��ich Borrower n�.us� pay al� sums s��ured by th�s Secur��y �ns�rum�nt. �f�Borro�er
<br /> fails to pa�these sums prior ta �he �xpira�ion. of this perifld, Lender may �n�ake any remedies permitted by �h�s
<br /> Security Znstrum�nt v��th�ut fur�her natice�r dema�d�n Barrov�e�r.
<br /> �orrow�r's Right t� Reinsta�e. �f B�rro�er m�ets certa�n conditi�ns, B�rr��er shall ha�� the �igh� �o ha�e
<br /> enfor�ement�f�his Securi�,y�ns�rumen� discon�inued a�any time pr�or to�he earl�er of: �a} 5 days ��r su�h o�her
<br /> per�od as Applical��e Lav�may specify for reir�s�a�en�.en��before sa�e of�he Property pursuan�t�any po�er�f sa�e
<br /> canta�ned in �his Security �nstrument; or �b� entry af a �udg�nent enforcing �his �Securit� �nstrumen�. Thflse
<br /> cflnditi�ns are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender al� sums �nrh�ch then �vould be du� under this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the�ontract as if n�accelera�ion had�cc�:�rred;�b��ures any defauit�f any o�her ca�enants or agreements;t�}
<br /> pays a�l expenses�n�urred in enfarcing�his Security�nstrum�n�, �ncluding,bu�not�imi�ed to,reas�nab�e�t�orneys'
<br /> fe�s to the ex�ent permi�ted b��aw; and�d}�akes such actian as Lender�may reasonahly require to assure�hat the
<br /> �ien of this Secu�ity�ns�rument, Lender's r�ghts in t�e Property and Borrov�rer`s ob]iga�ion t�p�y the sums se�ured
<br /> by�h�s Security �nstrument shall continue un�hang�d. Upan reinstatemen�by B�rrower, this Securi�y �nstrumen�
<br /> and the obligat�ons secured hereby s�all rem��in fu��y effec��ve as ��no a�c��era��on had flccu�-red. Hv�ever, �his
<br /> right ta re�nsta��shall no�appty�n�he case of acceleratitin under�he sectian����ed Transfer of the Praperty❑r a
<br /> ��neficia�Interes�in Borrov�er. .
<br /> �Iazardous Su��tances.Borr�v�er sha11 no�cause or perm��t the presence,use, disposal,starage, �r rele�s�of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n or in�he Prape�.y.E��rr�wer sha��not do,n�r a�law anyone else��da,anyth�ng affec�ing
<br /> �h� Property �hat �s �n vio�atian �f any En�rironmen�al Law. The preced�ng t�ro sen�ences shal� na� apply to the
<br /> presenCe,use,vr starage�n the Property�f small quan�i�i�s of Hazard�us Substances tha�are genera�Iy�ecogniz�d
<br /> �o be appropriat��o normal res�dentia�uses and t�main�enance of�he Property.
<br /> B�rrower shall pramp��y g��e Lender v�rit�en��otic��f any�nvestigati�n,claxm, demand,lawsui�or a�her actiQn by
<br /> �.�y go�ernmenta� �r regula�ary ag�ncy or priva�e par�y in�ol�ing �h� Praperty an�. any Hazard�us Substance or
<br /> En�iranmen�al Law of v�hich B�rruv�er has actual knowledge. �f Borrovver �earns, or is notified by any
<br /> governmen�al �r regu�a�flry au�hori�y,�hat an�remava� ar o�her remediation of.any Hazardous Subs�ance affec��ng
<br /> � the Proper�y xs necessa�-y, �orrower sha�� �romptiy ta�e all necessary rem�dial actions �n ac�ordance wx�h
<br /> E��iranmen�al Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazard�us Substances" are �hase subs�an�es defined as tox�c ar hazardous subs�ances
<br /> b� Environmen�al Lat�v an�. �he ffl���W1I7� S���JS���"IG�S: gas��ine, ker�sene, other f�ammab�e or toxic �etro�eum
<br /> prflduc�s, ���ic pestici�es and herb�c�des, ���la�i�e sol�vents, mater�a�s con�ainzng asbes��s or f�rmald�hyde, and
<br /> rad�aacti�e ma�eria�s.As used in�his parag�a�h, "�n�iron�nen�al Law"means federal Iavvs and la�vs of�he state�f
<br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e to health, safety ar env�ra�nmental pra�e�tion.
<br /> Ac�e�eration; Remedies. Lender shal� g��e ��t�ce �a ��rrowe�• prior t� acce�eratian fo��ov�ving �orrower's
<br /> b�each of any cnvenant ar�greement�n�his Security In�trument or the��ntract under which acc��eratian
<br /> is permitted �but not prior t� acceleration urid�r the secti�n titled Transfer of the Pr�p�r�y�r a Benef�cial
<br /> Int�rest in Borrower, unless Applica��� Law pro��des athervvise}. The nati�e shal� spe�ify: �a� th� defau�t;
<br /> (b} �he actia� required to cure the defaiu�t; �c� � date, not less th�n the r�inrmu�rn r�um�er �f day�
<br /> e�ta�l�shed by Appl�cable Law fram the da���th�nutice��g��ven to Barr�wer, by whi�h the�efaul�must be
<br /> c�.red; and �d} that fai�ure to cur� the dei�au�t on ar before �h� date specified in th� nt�tice may resu�t �n
<br /> a�celeration �f the �ums secured hy this Security Instrument and s��e af the Property, To the e�tent
<br /> p�rmitted hy�avv, the nat�ce shall further imf�rr� ]B�rro�ver vf the r�ght to r�instate aft�r acc�ler�ti�n and
<br /> t�e right�a bring a cnurt action ta as�ert the non-ex�ste�ce�f a defau�t�r any❑ther defense of�vrrovver to
<br /> a�ceieration �nd sale. If the defau�t is na���ured vn or bef�re �h�date specif�ed in th�n�ti�Q,Lender at �ts
<br /> o�ption ma� r�quire �mmed�ate payment �n ful� of al� sums �ecur�d lby this Secur�ty I�strume�t withvut
<br /> further demand and may in�ol�� the power af�ale and any n�her rQmedies permitted 1�y Applicable Law.
<br /> Tv th� e�tent permi�ted by �av�, Lender shal� �e en�itled �� �oliect aI� expenses incurr�d in pursuing the
<br /> rPm�dies pro�ided in th�s �ec�ion, including, but not l�rn�ted.t�, reasanalble attorney5' fe�s and co5ts af title
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If the power�f sale is inv�ked,Trustee sha�� recard a na��ce❑f d�faul�ir� each caunty in which �ny part of
<br /> the Praperty�s Iocated and shall mail copi+�s af such na�i�e in the mann�r prescribed by Appl�ca�le La�v to
<br /> �orr�wer anc� ta th� other �ers�ns prescr��bed hy Ap��icab�� l�aw. Aft�r the time requ�red by A.pp��cab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee sha1� give pubiic notice �f s�a�e tv �he persons and in �h� nr�anner prescribed �y Appiicahle
<br /> Lav�. Trustee,w�thout d�mand on B�rrav�ver,shall sei� �h��ro�er�y at puh��c auct�an t�the h�g��st bidder
<br /> a�the time and place and under the terms,designated in the natice of sal�in one ar m�re parcels�nd in any
<br /> o�der Trustee determines. 'I`rustee ma� p�5tpone sale of axx �r any parcel af the �'roperty by pubii�
<br /> a�nouncement a�the time and p�ace vf an� pr��ious�y s�he�uled sa�e.L�nd�r or i�s designee may purchase
<br /> the�'rapertiy at any sale.
<br /> Upon receip� �f payment of the g�r�c� b�d, Truste� sh�Y� de�i�er to the purchaser Trus�Qe's d�Qd con�eyi�g
<br /> the Prflperfy. The recitals in �he Tru�tee's deed shall b� prima facie e�idence�f���e truth af�he statQments
<br /> x�ad� �here�ne Trus�ee shall app�y the pr��ceeds of the sale ir� the fa��ov►�ing �rder: �a� �o al� ��sts and
<br /> e�pense� of exerci5ing the power of�a�e, and the sale, including the pa�ment af the Tru�tee's fees actual�y
<br /> C�2404-2013 Carr�p�iance Systems,Inc.9F96-DCB1-2413L2.0.721
<br /> Cans�mer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 of 5 ��ww.compIiancesystems.com
<br />