<br /> A�p��cable La�vv. As used �n th�s S�cur�ty �[�strumen�, �the term "Applicable Law" sha1� mean a�l contral�ing
<br /> appl�cable fede�-aI, s�a�e and ��ca� sta�u�es, re�u�a��ans, �rdinances and admin�stra��v� ru�es and �rd�rs �that have .
<br /> th�effect of lav��as v�el1 as a11 appl�cable fina�,nonWapp�alable�udi�iaX opinions.
<br /> �lharges; Li�n�. B�rro�nr�r sha�I pay a1� �axes, assessmen�s, char�es, f�nes and �mpflsi��o�s attr�butab�e to the
<br /> �'roperty wh�ch may at�a�n�rior��y aver this �ecurity��s�rument, ar�d Ieaseh�ld payments or gr�und ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borra�ver shal�promp��y furnish�o Lender rece�p�s���denc��g the paymen�s.
<br /> �3orrov�er shall promptly discharge any lien�nFhich has prior��y over th�s S�curi�y�nstrumen�unless Borrflv�er: �a�
<br /> agrees �n wr��ing to the paymen� of�he �bl�ga�ion secured by �he lien in a manner acceptab�e ta Lender; (b�
<br /> ��n�ests in good fa��h �he lien by, or defends� agai�s� enfor�ement of the lien in, legal proee�di�gs �hich �n�he
<br /> Lender's opini�n �pera�e �o prevent �he enfa�r�ement of�he lien; �r �c� secures from the h�lder of the lien an
<br /> agreemen�satisfac�ory�� Lender subordinatin.g the Iien ta this Se�uri�y Instrument. �f Lender�.etermin��tha�any
<br /> p�rt of�he Propert�r �s subject�� a lYen v�rh�ch�may atta�n priar�ty a�er th�� Securi�y Instrument, L�nder may give
<br /> �3�rrov�er a no�ice �den��fying the 1�en. B�rra�uer shall satisfy the Iien�r take�ne or more of th� ac�ions se�for�h
<br /> above vsri�hin 1�days of the gi�ring of n���c�.
<br /> �az�rd vr Proper�y Insurance.Bvr�-�wer s11a�1 keep�he improvemen�s nav�existing or hereaft�r erec�ed on�he
<br /> Prope�y insured against loss�by�.re,ha�ards�n�luded�vi�hin t�e�erm"e�tended caverage" and any other hazards,
<br /> inc�uding flaods or f�o�dxng, for vvh�ch Len.der requires insurance. Th�s i�suranee shal� �e ma�n�ained in the
<br /> ar�oun�s and f�r the periods��a�Lender requir�s.The insurance carrier prti�iding the insurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Barrower su�j ect to Lender's appro�al whic�i shall no� be unreasonably wi�hheld. If Borr�vver fails t� main�ain
<br /> �averag� described ab��e, Lender may, a� :Lender's �p�io�, obtain coverage to pr�tect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Proper�y in acc�rdance w��h sec�ion�itled Prot��tion of L�nder's R�ghts in th�Pr��er�y.
<br /> A1� insurance p�1�c�es and ren�wals shal� be acceptable �o Lender and sha�l inc�ude a standard �nor�gage ��ause.
<br /> L�nder sha1�h�.�re�he righ�to hald the p��icies and renewals. �f Lender r��uires, BorrovWer shal��rampt�y give to
<br /> Lender a11 receip�s af paid�remiums and renPwal n�t�ces. �n the event of�oss, S�rrow�r sh�.l� gi�e pra�.pt not�ce
<br /> �o�he�nsuranCe carrier and Lender.Lender m�.}�make proof of lass�f not made promp��y by Bflrrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rrower othe�-vrr�se agre� �n �vri�ing, �nsurance pr�ceeds shall be app�i�d �� r�st�ration �r
<br /> repair of��e Property damaged, if, in Lende�-'s s��e discreti�n, �he res��rat�on or repair is econom�ca�ly feasible
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is not ��ssened. If, in I�ender's s��e dis�re�iQn, the res��rat�on or repair is nflt e�onom��al�y
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's security�ou�d be lessened,the insura�ce proceeds shall be applied�o�he surr�s secured by�his
<br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�, v�he�her or n�t then due, wi�h any e�cess paid to Borrflvver. �f Barrower aband�ns the
<br /> ProperCy,or does not answer within�he num��er�f days prescribed by Applicable Lav�r as se�far�h in a nat�ce from
<br /> L�nder to Borrower�ha��he insuran�e carrier has affered�o sett�e a claim, �hen Lender may�o�Xect the insurance
<br /> praceeds. L�nder may use the pr�ceeds �o repaxr or r���ore �he Property �r t� pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> ��strumen�,wh��her�r not then�ue. The per�ad�f�ime far Borr�wer t�answer as se�f�r�h�n the natice�ri�1 begin
<br /> when the notice is given. �
<br /> Un�ess Lend�r and L�rrov�er��her-vvise agree in v�rx��ng, any appl�ca��on�f pr��eeds�o prin��pa�shall not extend
<br /> or pastp�ne�he due da�e of�he pa�ments duE under the �ontrac�or cha�ge�he amoun�of the p�.yments. �f under
<br /> �he sec���n t��led Acce�erat�on; Remed��s, th�e Pr�perty is acqui�-ed by Lender, I3orr��ver's righ�t� any �nsuran�e
<br /> pol�c�es and proceeds resulting from damage �o the Property pri�r ta the acqu�s���on shall pass to Lender to the
<br /> e��ent of�he sums secured by��his Se�urity�nC�rument immediate�y przor�o�he a�quis�tian.
<br /> P�eser�a��on, Ma�ntenanc� and Protectian vf the �roperty; �vrrow�r's lL�an Appiication; I��aseha�ds.
<br /> Borrower shall not des�r�y, damage ar impair the Property, a���v�the Proper�y to de�er��ra�e, or commi�was�e on
<br /> the Proper�y.Borrawer shall be in defaul��f a�y f�rf�iture ac�ion or proceeding,v�hether civi�or cr�m�naX,�s begun
<br /> tha� �n Lender's goad faith�udgmen� cou�d r��sult in fa�•fe�ture of fhe Praperty or otherwise mater�all� �mpa�r�he
<br /> Ii�n created by �his Security �nstrurnent or Lender's securi�y in�erest. Borrower may cure such a defau�� and
<br /> re�ns�ate, as pr��ided in sec�ifln titled Borro�ver's Righ# t�Reinstate, by causing�he ac��on or proc�ed�ng to be
<br /> dism�ssed with a ruling tha�, in�,ender's g�oc�faith det�rminatxan,p�-ec�udes farfei�ure�f the Borrower's �nteres��n
<br /> �he Praper�y �r other rnateria� �mpaxrmen� a�f�he �ien �reated by t�ais Security �nstrumen� or ��r�de�'s s�curity
<br /> interest.Borrower shal�a�so be�n defau�t if Borrower,during�he�aan appliCa�ion pr�cess,ga.ve materially fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�e informat��n �r sta�emen�s �o Len�er �or fa�led to pr���de Lender w�th any ma�erial infor�ation� in
<br /> cannec�ion wi�h the �oan evidenced b�the ��n�ract. rf this Security�ns�rumen� is �n a�easeha�d, Bflrrower shal�
<br /> �amply with a11 the pro��si�ns of the�ease. �f Borrov�er acquires fee title��the Praperty,�he I�asehold and�he fee
<br /> ti�le shall not rr�erge unless Lender agrees t�the merger in v�riting.
<br /> Pro�ectian of L�nder'� Rights in the Pro��rty. �f Borr�wer fai�s to perform th� co�enan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> conta�ned in this Secur���nstrumen�, or�here is a legal prac�eding that may significan�ly affe��L�nde�-'s rights in
<br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a proceeding in bankr�:�ptcy, praba�e, f�r �ondemna�ion flr forfe�ture �r t� enfarce �aws �r
<br /> regu�ati�ns�, then L�nder may da and pay for �vhatever is necessary to pratec� the �alu� �f the Propex-�y and
<br /> L�nder's r�gh�s in�he Praperty. Lender's actions ma�includ�paying any sums secured by a lie�which has pri�r�ty
<br /> o�er this Securi�.y Instrumen�, appearing in caur�,pay�ng reasona��e at�orr�eys'fees and en�er�ng�n�he Pr�perty t�
<br /> ma�e repairs.1��though Lender may�ake acti�n under t�is se��ion,Lender daes not ha�e��do�o.
<br /> Any amflunts disbursed b� Lender under t]hi� secti�n s��all bec�me add��ional debt of Borro�rer secur�d by �his
<br /> S��urxty �ns�rumen�. Un�ess F orrow�r and ���nder agree to ��her ��r�ms of paymen�, �hese amounts shall bear
<br /> ir��erest from�. the date of disburseme�t at �h� same rate assessed on ad�ances under �he �ontrac� and shall be
<br /> payab�e,v�ith�nterest,upan noti�e from Lend��to��rrower requesting payn�ent.
<br /> C 20DA�-2013 Cam�liar�ce Systerns,Inc.9F9d-DCBI-2fl13L2.Q.72I
<br /> Cons�mer Real Es�ate-Security Instrument DL?43b Page 2 of 5 WWW,CQi7Ip]1�ItC�SyS��FI1S.Cdri?
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