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��14���1� <br /> [�EE�3 �F T���T <br /> Loan �o: 1�Q��74D {��rtt�nu�d� P�ge � <br /> against Lender:�or indemnity or c�n�ribu�ion in �he e�ent Trustor I�ecomes Iiable for c�eanup or o�her costs under <br /> any such �aws; and ��� agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all ciaims, lasses, <br /> �iabilities, damages, penal�ies, and e�cp�nses vsrhi�h Lender may d�re�t[y or indir�ct[y sustain or su��er resuC�ing�rrom <br /> a breach o��his section �f�he Deed o�T�ust or as a �onsequence afi any use, generafiion, manufacture, storage, <br /> d�sposa[, release or�hreat�ned �e�ease occurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property,whether or <br /> not �he sam� v�ras �r should ha�e been knawn �o Trustor. The p�o�is�ons �f this se�tian a�the Deed of Trust, <br /> inc[uding the ob��gat�vn ta indemni�y and de�end,shall sur�ive�he payment of�he [ndebtedness and�khe sa�isfac�ion <br /> and recon�eyance o�the lien o��his Deeci ofi Trust and sha�� no�be affecfied hy Lender's acqu�sition o�any interesfi <br /> in the Property, �vhether by forecCosure or otherwise, <br /> Nu�sance, VIlaste. Trus�or shal� n�t cause, conduGt or perm�t any nuisance nvr commifi, permi�, or suf�er any <br /> stripping of or `rvas�e on ar to the Property or any por�ion vf the Property. Without �imiting the generality of the <br /> foregoing, Trustor will not remo�e, ar grant�o any v�her party�he right to remo�e, any�imher, minera(s {�ncluding <br /> oiI and gas}, caal, clay,scaria,soi�, gra�e!or rock products w�thaut Lender`s prior written consen�. <br /> �emv�al vfi�rnprvvements. Trustor shall not demv[ish ar remo�e any Impro�ements-�rarra the Reai Proper�y without <br /> Lenderrs prior�rvrit�era cansent, As a condition�o the rem�val of any�mprovemen�s, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements sa�is�ac�ory �o L�nder to rep�ace such fmpro�emen�s with lmpro�ements v� at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender`s F��ght tv En�er. Lend�r and Lender's ag�nts and r�presentati�es may en�er upon the Rea� Praperty at ali <br /> reasonable fiimes t� at�end ta Lender's in�eres�s and to inspect the �eal Property far purposes of Trusto�'s <br /> comp[ian�e wi�h the terms and condifiions of this Deed v'f Trus�. <br /> � C�mpliance with ��vernmenta! Requirements. T�rusto� sha�€ promptly comply w�th �lI laws, vr��nances, and <br /> regu[ations; now or hereafter �n �fFec�, o� a�[ go�ernrnen�al authorities app�icah�e �o the use or o�cupancy �f the <br /> Property. Trustor may cvn-�est in gvad fai�h any su�h �av�r, ❑rdinance, or regula�ion and wi�hhold campliance during <br /> any proceeding, inc[uding appropriate appea[s, so long as Trustor has nvti#ied Lend�� in wr-iting prior ta doing so <br /> and so long as;in Lender's sole opinion, Lenderts interests ;n the Property ar�not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trusto�t� aasi adequate security or a surety bond, �-easana��y satis�actary to Lender,t�p�-�tect Lender's interest. <br /> . Du�� tv Pro#ect. Trus�or agrees neifiher to abandan or [eave unattended �he Property, Trustor shall do all other <br /> acts, in a�dition to�hose acts se��orkh above in this sectian, vuh�ch from �he character and use o�F�he P�rvperty ar� <br /> reasanably necessary to prflte�t and p�eserve�he Property. <br /> DUE�N SALE-CQNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's op�ion, d�c[are immediate�y due and payable a[[sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upon the sa[e or transfier, withou�Lender's prior written consent, ��af[��-any part of the <br /> Real Prvperty, or any interest in�he Rea� Praperty. A "sale ar tra-nsfer" means the �onWeyance of Fieal Property vr any <br /> righ�, �itle �r �nterest in the Rea[ Property; whether [egal f heneficial or �quitab[�; whether voluntary or in��f un-�ary; <br /> whether hy vutright sale, deeci, rnsta[[men� sale cvntract, land cantract, con�ract �or deed, [easehold interest wi�h a <br /> �erm grea�er�han�hree ��} years, [ease-optian cont�act, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial in�eres� in <br /> or to any land trust ho(ding titCe �o �he �eal Proper�y, ar by any other m�th�d of con�eyance o�an in-�eres� in the Real <br /> Properky. However, this aption sha�i not b� exerc�sed �y Lender if such exerc�se �s prvhibited by #edera[ law or by <br /> iVebraska�a�nr.. <br /> T�4XES A1VD L�E1VS, The follawing provisions reia�ing fio the taxes and li�ns D1"� �hE Proper�[y are par� vf this �3eed a# <br /> T�-us�: <br /> F'aymenf. Trustar sha11 pay when due �and in a[[ events prior$v delinquency} aE�fa�es, sp�ciai�axes, assessments, <br /> char�es {incfuding inrater and sewer�, fines and irriposi-tions ��vied against or on account ot�he Property, and sha[[ <br /> pay when due all claims for vU�:rk dane on or€vr ser�ices rendered or mat��ria� �urnEshed tv �h� Property. Trustar <br /> shall maintain�he Prvperty��ee�f a!I iiens ha�ing priority a�er or ec{ua[t❑the in�erest of Lender under this Deed o�r <br /> T�-ust, except for fihe lien of �axes and assessmen�s n�t due, except for the Existing �ndebtedness re�erred to <br /> be�ow; and except as otherwise prov€decl in this Deed af Trust. <br /> �ight to Contest. Trustv�may wEthha[d paymen�o�any#ax� assessment, vr c�aim in connect�on wi�h a govd �a�th. <br /> dispute vWer the ob�igation to pay, sv �vng as Lender's interes�en the Property is not�eopardized: l�f a lien arises or <br /> is fi[ed as a resuf� �f nonpayment, Trustor shal[ wi-�hin �i-Kceen �15} d�ys af�er the lien arises or, ifi a lien is fiied, <br /> v►r�tl�ir� €i�t�er� ��5� days after Trustar has .no�ic� ���he filir�g, sec�r� th� discharge o��the lien, �r �� requ�sted b� <br /> �.ender, deposi�k�rvi-th Lender�ash or a s�f-�icient corp��-ate s�re�y�or�d or o�her sec��-i��sa�is�actory ta �erader in an <br /> arno�n�.sufFic�er���� discharge�he 9ien p[us �n�c�sts and �ttorneys° �ees, or other charg�s tha�cou�� ac�rue as � <br /> resul�����orec[osure�r sa�e under the laerte in�r�y��n��s�,��-usta�sha:!! d�fend i�se9�and �.ende�and shal[sa��sfy <br /> any�dverse judgrnen��e€are en�rore�me�t aga�ns��he �roper�ye �rustor sha;[[narne �ender as an additiona� obligee <br /> under any sure�y band furnished in the contest p�oceedings. <br /> � Er�iden�e o�Payrnent. Trustor shall upvn demand �urnish to Lender sa��s�actary e�idence vfi payment o�t.he ta�€es <br /> or assessments and shal� aufihori�e the app�-oprrate governmental offiCial to deli�er ta L.�nder a�any time a irvri��en <br /> s�atement a�the taxes and assessments against the Proper�y. <br /> iVotice o��onstru�tivn. Trus�or shall notify Lender at leas�fifteen {'��} days before any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, ar any ma�erials a�e suppEEed to the Pr�perty, if any mecha�ie's lien, materialmen's lien, �or <br /> o�her [ien could be asserted on a�coun� of the v+�ark, ser�ices, �r mate�rials. Trustor w�f� upon reques� of Lender <br /> furnish t� Lender ad�anc� assurances satis�acfiary t� Lender that Trustor can and wi�l pay the �os� of such <br /> irr�prv�eme.nts, <br /> P�QP��TI' DAltil�►4GE INSUFiAlVCE. The �ok[awing pr��isians �e9ating �o insuri�ig the Prvperty are a part of-�his C3eed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> iVlain#enan�e af �nsurance. T�-usto� shall pr�cu�-e ar�d maintain policies of fir� :nsu�-ance with standard extended <br /> co�erag� end�rsements �n a repiacemen� basis for �he fuf� insurable value co�ering al� lmprouements ❑n t�e F��al <br /> P�-oper-ty in an amoun� sufficien� �o a�oid appficat�on of �ny coinsurance claus�; and wi�h a s�candard mar�gagee <br /> ��a.use in favor of L�nder,�vg�ther with such other hazard and [ia�ility insuranCe as Lender may reasonab[y require. <br /> Pa[icies shall be vtirrit�en �n �orm, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonably aGceptahle tv Lend�r and issued by a <br /> cornpany ar �ompanies reasonably acceptable to Lender, Trus�ar, upon request of Lender, will de[i�er to Lender <br /> �rom time tv �ime the pvlicies or cer�ificates o� insurance �n fvrm sati;sfactory to Lender, �ncluding stipu[ations that <br /> ca�erages wi[[ no� be cancelled ❑r dimanished wifhou� at least ten ���} days prior written natic� �a Lende:�. Ea�h <br /> insurance po[ic�r alsv shall include an endvrserr�ent providin� �ha� cv�erage in fia�or o� Lender v��ll not �e impair�d <br /> in a�y wa�by any a��, omissivn or defauft vf Trusta� or ar��vthe€�persor�. Should�he �ieal Prop�r�y be [ocated in <br /> an a��a desigr���ed �y�he e�dmir�is�ra�or v�the Federai �rx��e�geric� llllanager�ent Age�ncy as a speciai f�oo� ha�ard <br /> area, �r�stor ag�ees �o obtair� �nd mai�ntain� �ederal Flood lns�ran�e, �f a�ai[able, �or the �ul� unpaid princ�pal <br /> - ba��nce o��he �oa�ar�d any pr€Qr 9iens�n the p€�a�erty se�Ur�ng�he �van, �p�o the rnaximum �po[i�y�im��s set unc�er <br /> �he �Va�i�na� F@o��i lnsuran�e Pr�grara�, �r as a�her�rise required by �encle�r �nd ta rnain�a�:n such �ns�ranrce far�he <br /> �erm ���he�o�r�. <br /> App�acafian v�Prviceeds. Trustor shall promp�[�no�ify Lender o�any loss or damag� �o the Property. Lender may <br /> make proof a� loss if Trustvr fai�s �o do so wi�hin fifkeen ��5} days of �he casua[ty. �111hether or not Lender's <br /> se�urity is im_paired, Lender may, a�Lender's election, receiWe and retain �the proceeds of any "rnsurance and �pply <br /> the proceeds to the re.ductian of�h� lndebtedness, paymerit of any �i�n a���cting th� Property, or the restoration <br />