<br /> 2'!. Hazardaus5ubstances.As used in this Section 21; �a} "I�azar�ou.��Su�i.s�t�rcce.s"are�hose subs�ances
<br /> d�fined as toxic or ha�ardous substances,po�iutants,or�rastes by Environmental La�v and the fo�law�ng
<br /> substances: gasoxine, kerosene,at�ier flammable or taxic petroleum products,�oxic pes�icides and herbicides,
<br /> vola�ile so�vents, materials conta.ining asbestos or forma�deh�de, an�radiaaetive materia��; �b)
<br /> "�n�viro�fne�tal Lawv"means federa�laws and la�rs of the jurisdiction�here the Property is �acated�hat
<br /> relate tQ heaith, safe��or en�iranmental pratection; �c} ".�nvi�o�►nental Clea��,�"inc�udes any response
<br /> c7.C�1�11y remedial aGtion, or remo�al�.ction, as defined�n Environmental Law; and(d)an "�'��vi�o��ne�tal
<br /> �o�ditio�t"means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an En�ironmenta.I�leanu�.
<br /> Borrawer sha11 nat cause or permit the preser�ce,use,disposa�, storage, ar release of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�a.r�ces,or threaten to rel�ase any Hazardou�Substances,on or�n the Property. Borro�er shall not do,
<br /> nor al�ow anyone else to do,anything affecting the Property(a}that is in�iolation of any Environmenta.l
<br /> La�, (b)which crea��s an EXa�xronmen�al Condition,ar�c)which,due�o the presenee,use,ar release of a
<br /> Hazardous�u�stance,�rea�es a condit�on tbat ad�ersely affects the value of the Property. The preceding two
<br /> sentences shall nat apply to the presence,use,or s�arage on�the Property of sma11 quantitie�af Hazardous
<br /> Substances�hat ar�generaily recogn�zed to be appropriate to norma�residential uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Property��nclud�ng,but not limited to,hazardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrow�r shall promptly gi�e Lender written notice of�a}any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action by any governmenta.l or regulat�ry ag�nc�or private party involving the Property and any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance or Environmental La�of which Borrower has actua�kno�v�edge, �b}any Environ�m.ental
<br /> Condition, including but not Iim�ted to, any spiliirig, �eaking,discharge,re�ease or threat�f release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and�c}any condition caused by the�resence,use or release af a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> �vhich adversely affects the value of the Pr�perty. �f Borrower learns,ar�s not�fied by a�y gavernmenta�or
<br /> regulatory authority,ar any priv�.te party,that any remova�or other remediatio�.af any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affect�ng the Praperty is necessary,Borrower shall prompt�y take a�l necessary remedial act�ons in
<br /> aceordar��e�vith Environm�ntal Law.�othing herein shall create an�ob�igation on Lender for an
<br /> Envirarlmenta���eanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform�a�enants.Borrower and Lend�r covenan�and agr�e as fo�lavvs:
<br /> 2�. Acceleration;Remed�es,L�nder shall gi�e notiee to Borrower�rior to acceleration fvliow�ng
<br /> B�rrav�er's breach af any covenant vr agreemen#in�his Secu�ity Instrument�but n�t prfor t�
<br /> ac�elera�ion under Section 18 unless Applicable Law pr��ides�ther�vise}.The not�ce shall specif�: (a}
<br /> the default; �b�the�ction required to cure the default; �c}a date,not�ess than 3U days from the date
<br /> the notice is g��en ta B�rrower,by which the defau�t must be cured; and�d}that failure ta cure the
<br /> default on or befare the date specified�n the notice may resu�t i�acceleration of�he sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sa�e af�he Praperty.The notice shall further inform Barrvwer af the
<br /> right#v reinstate af#er accelerat�on and the right tv bring a court action to assert the nvn-exi5tence of a
<br /> defau�t flr any other defense of Borrovver to accelera�ion and sale.If the default is nvt�ured on vr
<br /> before the date spec�f ed in the notice,Lend�r at its apt�on ma�require immediate p�yment in fu�l vf
<br /> all sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument w7ithvut further demand and may inWoke the power of s�le
<br /> and any tither remedie�p�rmitted by Applicable Law.Lender sha��be ent��led to�ollect�1�expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies prQ�ided in this Sect�on 22,including,but nvt�imited�v, reasonable
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs of title eviden�e.
<br /> q�33�9053795 0�33 555 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�g�e Famiky-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNIF4RM INSTRLIMENTlNITH MERS Farm 3U28 1ffl1
<br /> VMP Ca7 VMPBA�NE}[1342}.QQ
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page 14 af 17
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