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��14��1�� <br /> r�quired by R�SPA, and Barraw�r shall pay to Lend�r�he am�un�nec�s�ary t�ma�e up the def��iency in <br /> a�cordance with RESPA, but in no mor�than �2 monthly paym�nts. <br /> Up�n payment in full of aIl sums secur�d by th�s Securi�y Instrumen�, L�nder shall promp��y refund to <br /> B�rrow�r any Funds held b� L�nder. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrou�er shall pay all ta��s, assessmen�s, �harges, fines, and�mpos�ti�ns a�tributab�e t� <br /> �he Proper�y which can attain pr��r�ty aver this Security �nstrumen�, Ieas�ho�d payxn�nts ar gr�und rents on <br /> the Property, �f any, and Commun�ty As��c�a�zan Dues, Fee�, and A�ses�ments, if any. Ta the ex�ent that <br /> �hes��tems are EsCrow �tems, Barrower shall pa�r thenl in the manner provided in Sectian 3. <br /> B�rrow�r sha�l promp��y d�scharge any �ien which has priarity o�er this Security Instrument unl�ss <br /> Barrower: �a3 agrees in writing to the payment af�he obligation secur�d by the lien �n a manner acceptab�e <br /> to Lender, bu��n�y sa lar�g as B�rrower�s perf�rming �uch agreement; �b}contests�he�ien in g�od faith by, <br /> or defends aga�ns�enfarcement�f�he��en�n, ��ga� proce�d�ngs wh�ch �n Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> the enf�r�emen�of�he��en wh��e�hose prflceedings are pending, but an�y until such praceedings are <br /> �flncluded; or�c} secures fram�he holder of the lien an agreemen�sa�isfactory to Lender subordinat�ng the <br /> �ien ta�h�s Se�uri�y Instrument. If Lender determines that any par�of the Prop�r�� is subjeCt to a��en wh�ch <br /> �an attain priori�y over�h�s 5ecuri��Instrument, Lend�r may giv�B�rrov�er a notice iden�xfy�ng�h���en. <br /> 'U�l'i�hin �4 days �f the da�e�n which�hat natice is g�ven, Borrower shal� satisfy the��en or�ake one�r more <br /> af�he actions set forth a�ove in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require B�rrawer t�pay a one-time charge far a real esta�e�a�veri�cation andl�r repor�ing <br /> service Lender in connection with this L�an. <br /> 5, Praperty �nsuran�e. Borrower shall ke�p th� imprti��men�s n�w exis�ing ar h�reaft�r erected an the <br /> Prop�rty �nsured against loss by fire, hazards �nc�ud�d wi�hin the�erm "extended c�verage," and any other <br /> hazard� in�luding, but not l�mited to, �arthquake� an.d flaods, f�r wh�ch Lender requires insurance. Th�s <br /> xnsuran�e sha��be ma�n�ained�n�he amaun�s �inc�ud�ng deductzb�e��ve�s} and for the periods that L�nder <br /> r�quzres. V�hat Lender requ�res pursuant to the preceding s�nten�es can change dur�ng th�term of the Loan. <br /> The insuran�e carrier prav�d�ng �he insurance�ha�l be chasen by Borrower sub�ect to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Barrower's cha�ce, which right shall not be e�ercised unreasanab�y. Lend�r ma�requ�re <br /> Borrower ta pay, �n cannection wi�h this Loan, �ither: �a} a�ne�time charg�for fload z�ne de�ermina�ion, <br /> Gertificatian and tracking serv�ces; �r�b} a one-tim��harge for fl�od zone determ�na���n and certz��cation <br /> serv�c�s and subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur wh�ch reasonabiy might <br /> af��Ct such d��erminat�on or c�rtif�ca��an. Borrower sha�� a�so be respons�b�e for th�pa�m�nt of any fees <br /> �mposed hy�he Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency �n c�nn����on w�th the rev�ew of any f�ood zone <br /> determination resu���ng from an abj�c�ion b�Borrower. <br /> If Borro�ver fails ta maintain any af the�o�erages describ�d abo�e, Lender may obtain znsurance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's op�ion and Borrawer's expense. Lender is under no obligatian to purchase any par��cular t�pe or <br /> amount af c�verage. Therefore, such c���rage shall cover Lender, �u�migh�or m��ht n�t pratec�Borrower, <br /> Borrav��r's equity in th�Proper�y, or�he conten�s�f the Proper�y, agains�any r�sk, hazard�r liabi�ity and <br /> migh�provide�reater or�esser coverage than was prevzaus�y in eff�c�. Borrower ackn�wledges that�he�os� <br /> of the �nsurance coverage s�ob�a�ned migh�signi�cant��exc��d the cost af insuranG�that Borrower cou�d <br /> ha�e obta�ne�. Any amounts d�sbursed by Lend�r under�his S�c�ion S sha�i becom�add�tional d�b�of <br /> B�rrow�r secured by thi� Security Instrument. These am�un�s shall bear xn�eres�at the Na�e rate from the <br /> date af disbursemen�an�.shall be payab�e, v�r��h �u�h�nteres�, u��n n���c�from Lender to Borrovver <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> N��RASKA-5ingte Famiiy-F�nni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP a VMP54NEf t7 30�} <br /> Wqlt�r�Kluwer Financial 5er�iGes Page fi of 17 <br />