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��14��1�� <br /> B�RR��VER �C]VENANTS that Barrower�s lativful�y seised�f the esta�e hereby canvey�� and has the right�� <br /> �rant and conv�� the Prop�rty and that �h� Prap�r�y is un�n�umb�r�d, except for encumbrances of recard. <br /> Barr�wer v�arran�s and�v�ll defend g�nerally the titie to �h�Propert� aga�nst all cla�ms and demands, subjec�t� <br /> an�encumb�ances of re�nrd. <br /> TH�S SECURITY�NST`RUMENT combin�s un�form cov�nants for national use and nanwuniform cavenants with <br /> l�m��ed�ar�at�ons by�ur�sdiction�a consti�ute a unif�rm security instrum�nt co�ering real property. <br /> Un�fvrm C�venants. Borrow�r and Lend�r co�enant and agr�e as fo�lows: <br /> �, Payment �f Princ�pa�, Interest, EsGrow It�ms, P�epayment Charges, an� Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shail pay when due the pr�ncipal of, and interest oni the debt e��denced by the N�te and any prepay�nen� <br /> charg�s and�ate�harges due under the Note. B�rrower shali a�so pay funds far Escrow Items pursuant to <br /> Sectzon 3. Paymen�s due und�r the N�te and this S�cur��y �nstrumer�t shai� be mad�in U.�, currency, <br /> Hawever, if any check or��h�r znstrumen�rece�ved b� L�nder as payment under th� N�te�r�his Se�uri�� <br /> Instrument is returned to Lender unpa�d, L�nder may requ�r�tha� any or a�� subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> the Note and this Securi�y Instrument be�made in one or m�re of the fol�owzng forms, as �e�e��ed by Lend�r: <br /> �a}�ash; �b} money arder; �c}cert�fied check, bank check, treasurer's che�k�r cashier's �heck, pro�ided any <br /> such check is dravvn upan an institution whose d�pasi�s are insured by a federal agenc�, ins�rumentali�y, or <br /> ent�t�r; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece�ved b�Lender when rec��ved at�he�ocat�an designa�ed in the Note or a�such <br /> other Ioca�ion as may be designa�ed by Lender in accorda�ace vv�th the nntiCe pr���s��ns �n S�c��on �5. <br /> Lender may r�turn any paymen�or partial payment if the paym.ent�r partial paymen�s ar�insuffi�ient tfl <br /> bring�he L�an eurrent. Lender may accept any paym�n�or par�ial payment insufficient ta bring�he Loan <br /> curren�, withou�wa�v�r of an� righ�s h�reunder or prejudiG�to its righ�s to refuse such paym�n�or partial <br /> pa�ments �n�he future, but Lender is not obl�gatec�t� agply such pa�ments at the time such paym�nts are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Per�od�c Payment is app�ied as of i�s schedu�ed due da��, �hen Lender need no�pay int�rest <br /> on unappli�d funds. Lender may ho�d such unapp��ed funds until B�rrower makes pa�ments�o brin�the <br /> Laan current. �f Borrower do�s no�do so w��h�n a reasanab�e per�od of t�me, Lender sha�l ���her app�y such <br /> funds or return th�m to Barrow�r. �f not applied�ar��er, such funds w�l�b�appi�ed�o�he outstanding <br /> prinCipal ba�anC�under the No���mm�diat�l�prior t� for�closure. No offset or c�a�nz v�h�ch Borr�wer might <br /> have n�w ar�n th�future against L�nder shal� reli�ve B�rraw�r frorn making payments due under the Nat� <br /> and thzs�ecurz�y �nstrument or perf�rmin� the covenant� and a�reements secured by�his S�curi�y <br /> �nstrurnent. <br /> �, App[i�ati�n of Payments vr Pro�eeds. Except as o�herw�se described in this Sect�on 2, ai1 payments <br /> accepted and appii�d by Lender shal��e app�i�d zn the fo��ow�ng order of pr�ority: �a} interest due und�r�h� <br /> �ote; �b}prin��pal due under the Not�; �c} amounts due under Sec��on 3. Such paymen�s sha�� be appl�ed tfl <br /> each Periad�� Pa�ment in the�rd�r in whi�h i�b�came due. Any rema�ning amoun�s shall b�applzed f�rst to <br /> late Ghar�es, s��and to any��her amaunts due under this Se�ur��y Ins�rument, and�hen�o reduce the <br /> pr�nc�pa�ba�ance of�h�Nate. <br /> �f Lender rece��es a paymen�from Borrower for a delinquent Per�odi� Paymen�which�nc�udes a suff�c�ent <br /> amount to pa� any late charg�du�, the pa�rment rn�.ay be appl�ed�o�he de��nquent payment and th��ate <br /> �harge, �f mare than one Periodic Paym�nt is outstanding, Lender may app�y any payment received fr�m. <br /> Barrower�o the repaymen�of the Periadic Paymen�s if, and ta the e�tent tha�, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu��. To the e�.�ent that any ex�ess�xists af�er the payment is applied to the fu�� payment of�ne flr more <br /> P�r�od�c Pay�men��, �u�h exc�ss ma�be app��ed to ar�y Iate charg�s du�. Vo�untary prepaym�nts shall be <br /> appiied f�r,st�o any pr�pa�ment�harges and�hen as descrxbed �n�he N�te. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIFDRM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3028 11�i <br /> VMP� VMP�{NEy�1302) <br /> WaEters Kt�wer�inanciat Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />
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