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��14��1�� <br /> B�RR��VER��VENANTS that Barrawer is lawful�y seis�d of the estat�her�by con�eyed and has�he r�ght to <br /> grant and convey th�Property and tha�the Proper�y is unencum�ered, ��cept for encumbrances af record. <br /> Barr�wer warrants and�ill defend genera�ly the tit�e�o the Property against aIi claims and demands, subj�ct to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY INSTRUM�NT combin�s uniform cnvenan�s for nat�onal use and nfln-un�form cavenan�s wi�h <br /> limi�ed�ar�atzons by jur��d�ct��n�o cons�i�ute a unxform security �nstrument covering real prflper�y. <br /> Unifvrm Covenants. Barr�w�r and Lender c��enan� and agre�as fa�l�ws: <br /> 'I. Payment vf Principa�, �nte��st, Escrnw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges, Borrower <br /> shall pay �vhen due the pr�ncipal �f, and int�res�on, �he deb�ev�denced by�he N�te axzd any prepayment <br /> char�es and�ate charges due under�he��te. Borrower shall a�so pa�r funds for Escrow Items pursuant to <br /> Sect�on 3. Payments due under�he Na�e and this S�curity �nstrum�nt shaii b�ma��in t�.S, currency. <br /> Howe�er, if any ch�ck ar ather instrum�nt received by Lender as payment under the N'�te ar�h�s Securi�y <br /> Ir�strument xs re�urr�ed t� Lender unpaid, L�nder may require�hat an�r�r ai� subsequ�nt paym�nts due under <br /> the Nate and�h�s Secur��y �nstrument be made �n one or mare of�he following forms, as select�d b�Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} maney arder; �c} c�r��f�ed�heck, bax�k check, �reasurer's check�r cashier's che�k, pr���ded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an ins�i�utian vvh�se depasits are insured by a federal agenCy, ins�rumenta���y, or <br /> entity; �r�d} Eiectronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments ar�deemed rece�ved by Lender wh�n re����ed a��he�ocati�n designa�ed in the Not�or at such <br /> other lflcatian as may be designa�ed by L�ender in accardance with�he notice pr�visians �n S�ction �5. <br /> L�ender may return any paymen�or par�ial payment if the payment�r partia�.paymen�s are insuf�iczent t� <br /> bring the Laan current. L�nder may accept any paymen��r partial payment insuff�cient�o�ring th�Loan <br /> current, withou�waiver of an� rights hereunder�r prejud�ce to x�s rights �fl refuse such paym��at or part�al <br /> payments �n the future, but Lend�r is not nb��ga�ed ta app�y such payments at�he time such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Period�c Pa�men� �s app��ed as of i�s s�hedul�d du�date, then Lender need not pay znt�res� <br /> on unapp�ied funds. L�nder may ho�d such unapplied funds unti� Barraw�r m.ak�s paym�n�s ta br�ng the <br /> Loan�urren�, If B�rrow�r does no�da s�within a reas�na�l�period nf t�me, Lender sha�� e�ther appl� such <br /> funds�r return�hem�a B�rrower. If nat applied�ar��er, such funds w���be app�ied ta the ou�s�anding <br /> princ�pa�ba�ance under the Nate immed�ate�y prior to foreclosure. No offset or claim�vhi�h Borr�wer n-�gh� <br /> ha�e n�w or in�h�fu�ure aga�ns� Lend�r shal� relieve Borrower fram making paymen�s du�under the N�te <br /> and this Securi�y Ins�rument or performing the cov�nant�and agreements secured by this�ecurity <br /> �nstrument. <br /> Z. App[��at�on vf Payments vr Pra�eeds. Ex�ep�as o�herw��e descr�bed in�h�s Sectian�, aII paym�n�s <br /> accepted and app�x�d by Lender shal���app��ed in the follawing Qrder of prior��y: �a} inter�st due under the <br /> Nnte; �b}principal due under the Note; ��} amount�due under Sectian 3. Such payments shal�be appl�ed to <br /> each Period�c Paymen� in the order in which �t became due. Any remaining am�unts sha��be appl��d�rst�a <br /> late charges, second ta any other amounts due und�r this Security �ns�rument, and then ta reduce the <br /> princ�pai ba�ance of the Note. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment fr�m Borrow�r fQr a delinqu�nt Periodic Paym�nt which includes a suf�c�en� <br /> amount ta pay an��at��harge due, the payment may be applied to the de�inquent paym�n� and�he�ate <br /> charge. If more than on�Period�c Paymen� is outstand�ng, Lender ma� app�y any paymen�rece�ved from <br /> Barrawer t� the repayment of the Periodic Payments �f, and to�he ex�en��hat, each payment can be pa�d �n <br /> ful�. Tn th�ext�nt that any excess e��s�s after the payment �s app��ed to the full payment of on�or m�re <br /> Periadic Payments, such e�cess may�e app��ed�o any late charges due. Valuntary prepayments sha�I be <br /> app�ied f�rst�o any prepaymen�charg�s ax�d then as d�scrib�d in�h� N�te. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Ma�UN�FC3RM ENSTRUMENT Form 3Q2$1101 <br /> VMP� VMPS�NE){13��y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />