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A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Had County, Nebraska, and described as follows: Beginning at a point <br />on the north right of way of U.S. Highway No. 281, said point being 56.9 feet north of the southeast corner of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Five (5); thence westerly along said north right of way line a <br />distance of 1,307 feet to a point on said north right of way line and being 49.2 feet north of the south line of <br />said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4); thence running northerly and parallel to a line through the center of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) a distance of 33.8 feet; thence westerly and parallel to the south line of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) a distance of 25 feet to a point on a line through the center of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1/4), also being on the corporate line of the Village of Doniphan; thence northerly along the <br />corporate line of the Village of Doniphan, also being on a line through the center of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE1 /4) a distance of 691 feet; thence Westerly along the corporate line of the Village of Doniphan and <br />parallel to the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) a distance of 761.5 feet; thence northerly along <br />the corporate line of the Village of Doniphan and parallel to the east right of way line of the Union Pacific <br />Railroad a distance of 407 feet; thence westerly along the corporate line of the Village of Doniphan and <br />parallel to the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) a distance of 467.0 feet to a point on the east right <br />of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence northerly along the east right of way line of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad a distance of 469.4 feet; thence easterly and parallel to the north line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of 610 feet; thence northerly and parallel to the east right of way line of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad a distance of 285.5 feet; thence easterly and parallel to the north line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE1 /4) a distance of 350 feet; thence northerly and parallel to the east right of way line of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad a distance of 700.0 feet to a point on the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4); thence <br />easterly along the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) a distance of 1,583.1 feet to the East Quarter <br />corner of said Section Five; thence Southerly along the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) a <br />distance of 2,588.5 feet to the point of beginning <br />AND <br />Exhibit "A" <br />201406130 <br />Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Lot Twenty Nine (29) in Scudder's Second Addition to the Village of <br />Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, thence northerly along the west boundary line of said Lot Twenty Nine (29) <br />and continuing in a straight northerly line, extended, from the northwest corner of said Lot through and <br />across the street abutting the north side of said Scudder's Second Addition to the north boundary line of <br />said street, being Cedar Street; thence at right angles in an easterly direction and along the north boundary <br />line of said street, being also the north corporate boundary line of the limits of the Village of Doniphan at this <br />point and continuing to the northeast corner of the corporate limits of said Village, being the Northeast <br />corner of the intersection of said street with South Street; thence in a southerly direction along and upon the <br />east boundary line of South Street, being also the corporate boundary line of said Village to a point directly <br />east of the south line of Lots Eighteen (18) to Twenty Nine (29) extended, thence west, across and through <br />South street and continuing along and upon the south line of said Lots Eighteen (18) to Twenty Nine (29) of <br />Scudder's Second Addition, and being the north line of the alley abutting this Addition, to the point of <br />beginning, said Lots in said Scudder's Second Addition now vacated, and said land being a part of the <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Kansas- Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc. in Deed 105, Page 240, <br />described as: A small tract of land In the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 9 North, <br />Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest <br />corner of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter, thence North 83 feet; thence East 25 feet; thence South 83 <br />feet; thence West 25 feet to the place of beginning, subject to Highway right of way of the South 33 feet, and <br />EXCEPT a tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Five (5), Township Nine <br />(9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: Beginning at the Narthwest corner of Block One (1), Madelln Fry's Addition to Doniphan, Hall <br />County, Nebraska; thence running northerly, along the easterly right of way line of the now abandoned St. <br />Joe and Grand Island Railroad, on an assumed bearing of N 01° 04' 10" W, a distance of 467.00 feet, to a <br />point on the east line of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Doniphan Railroad Subdivision, and to the ACTUAL point <br />of beginning; thence running N 01° 01' 50" W, along the east line of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Doniphan <br />Railroad Subdivision and its extension, a distance of 475.28 feet; thence running N 89° 16' 28" E, a distance <br />of 466.89 feet; thence running S 01° 02' 42" E, a distance of 473.19 feet; thence running S 89° 01' 07' W, a <br />distance of 467.00 feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning, now known as Lot One (1), Hayes Family <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPT Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Oudot A, <br />Hoffman Subdivision, an Addition to the village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPT Lot One (1), <br />Nelson Family Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPT a tract more particularly described in Report of <br />Appraisers recorded as Document No. 200802883 EXCEPT a tract more particularly described in Quitclaim <br />Deed recorded as Document No. 200802685 <br />