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��14��145 <br /> full of al� surr�s s�cured by fih�s Secur��y �ns�rumen�. �ov��ver, �h�s aptian shall not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is�rahibited by federal lav�as of the date of this Security�ns�rumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �his option, Lender shall gi�e B�rr�wer na�i�e �f acce��ration. The no�ice shall prauide a <br /> per�od �f not less than �he minimum number of days esta��ished by App�iCa�Ie �a�v fram th� date �he notice �s <br /> d�li�ered or mailed w�th�n which Sorrower mus� pa� aIl sums s�cured �y this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. �f Borrawer <br /> fa��s �o pay these sums pr�or to the exp�ration of this �eriod, L�nder may i��oke any remedi�s permi�ted by �his <br /> Security Ins�rument v�i�hou�fur�her no�ice or demand on Borrower. <br /> �orr��v�r's R�ght �o Reinstate. rf Bflrr�wer mee�s certain conditions, Borrower shall have the righ� to ha�e <br /> enfar�ement of this Security Instrumen� discan�inued a� any t�me prior to the eariier of: �a} 5 days �or su�h other <br /> periad as Applicable Lav�may specify f�r re�ns�a�emen�)before sale of th�Proper�y pursuant�o any power of sale <br /> contained in this Secur�ty Znstrum�nt; or ��� entry of a ju�.gment enforcing this Securz�y �nstrumen�. Thase <br /> c�nditions are �ha� Barrflvver: �a� pays Lend�r a�� sums Wh�ch �hen wau�d be due under this Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> amd�he�ontract as if no a�ce�eration had occurred;�b}cures any defau��of any other co�enants or agreemen�s;��� <br /> pays aIl�xp�nses incurr�d in enforcing�his S�curity�nstrument, including,�u�nat l�mi�ed�o,reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to�he ex�ent permitted by law; and�d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably requ�re t� assure�ha�the <br /> lien of th�s Security rnstrumen�, Lender's r�g�ts in the Propert�y and Borrower's flbl�g��ion�o pay�he sums se�ur�d <br /> by �his Security Instrumen� sha�l �ontinue unchanged. Up�n r��nsta�em�n�by Borrawer, this Security �ristrument <br /> and the obliga��ons secured hereby sha�l remain fully effec�i�e as �f no ac��leration had occurred, However, �his <br /> righ�to reinstate shall not apply in�he case of acce�eratian under�he section t��led Transfer af the Pr�p�rty�r a <br /> �enefic�al Int�rest in Borrower. <br /> I-�a�ardous Substances.Borrower shal�no��ause or permit the pres�nc�,use, disposal, storage, or rel�ase of any <br /> �azardaus Substances on or�n�he Property.�3orr�wer sha��n�t do,nar al�ow anyone else to do,any�h�ng affec��ng <br /> the Proper�� �hat is in �io�atifln of any Envir�nm�n�al Law. Th� precedzng t�vo senten�es sha�l nfl� app�y to �he <br /> presence,use,�r s�orage�n the Proper�y flf small quan�it�es of Ha�ardaus Substances that are genera��y recognxzed <br /> �a be appropr�at��o normaX residen�ia�uses and to marn�enanc�of the Property. <br /> Borrovver shal�promptly give Lender written notice�f any investiga�ion, ciaim,demand, iawsuit ar other ac��on by <br /> any governr�en�al or regulatory agen�y or pr�va�e par�y �n�o���ng th� Prop�rty and any Ha�ardous Subs�ance or <br /> En�ironmen�al Lavv af which Borr�wer has a��ua� knowledge. �f Sorrower learns, or is natifed by any <br /> g�vernmen�a�or regu�a�ory author�ty,tha�any removal or o�her rem�diation�f an�Hazardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Proper� is necessary, Borrower shall promptly �ake all necessary remed�a� actions in accordance w��h <br /> En��ronmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�azard�us Subs�ancesi4 are�hose subs�an�es def�n.�d as�ax�c or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Enviranm�n�a� Law and the follow�ng subs�ances: gas�line, kerosene, o�her flammable or toxic petro�eum <br /> p�oducts, toxic pestic�des and her��cid�s, �r�latile sol�en�s, materials contai�.ing asbes�as �r forma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�oac�ive�naterials.As used�n this paragraph, "En�ir�nmental Law"means f�dera� lavvs and lavvs of�he sta�e af <br /> Nebraska that rela�e to hea�th,safety ar en�ironmental pra�ect�an. <br /> Acce�eratian; Remed�es. Lend�r shal� giv� noti�e to B�rrow�r prior t� acce�eration fo�Iovving Borrovver's <br /> �reach of any�o�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument or the�on�tra�t under vvhich acce�era�ion <br /> is perm�tted �bu� nfl� pr�or to a�celeration under the sect��n �itled Tran�f�r of the Property or a Beneficial <br /> Interest in Borrower, unl�ss App�icable Lavv pro�ides otherwise�. The notice sha��speci�y: �a3 the defau�t; � <br /> �b} the activn rQyu�red �o cure the defauZ�; �c} a date, not Iess than the m�nimum r�umb�r of day� <br /> e�tablished by Appliea�le Law from �he d�te�h�notice is given to Bvrrov�er, by which �he defau�t must be <br /> cur��; and �d) tha� fa��ure ta �ure the defau�t �n �r before th� date spe��fied in the noti�e may resul� in <br /> a�ce�eration �f �h� sum� secur�d by thi� Se�uri�y Instrument and sa�e of the Proper�y. Ta the exten� <br /> p�rmitted �ay �aw, the no�ice shall further inform I3orrower of the right t� refnstate after accelera�ion and <br /> the right to br�ng a court action to as5er�t�e non-exis�ence of a default or any vther defense of Borro�ver to <br /> a���leratian axad sa�e. If�he defau�t is not�ured on or befare �he date specified in the n���ce, Lender at its <br /> opt�vn may r�qu�re immed�ate payment �n full af aIl sums secured b� �h�s Security I�strume�t wi�hvut <br /> further d�mand and may invoke the pow�r of sale and any other rem�dies perm�tted by Appiicab�e LavY, <br /> To the �xtent permi�ted by �aw, Lend�r shall be ent�tled t� collect alI ��penses incurr�� �n pursu�ng the <br /> remedies pro�ided �n th�� Section, �ncluding, bu� nat limited to, reasanab�e att�rneys� fees and costs vf title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the power�f saie is invoked,Tru�tee shalZ record a notice of defau�t in eaeh coun�y �n which any part of <br /> the Propert��s �ocated and sha��mai�capi�s of such na�ic� �n the manner prescrrbed by Appiicable Lav�to <br /> Borrower and to the other pers�ns pres�rzbed by Appli�abl� Law. Aft�r the tirn� required by Appli�ab�e <br /> Law, Trustee �hal� g��e pub�ic noti�e of sale ta the p�r5ons and in the manner pre5crii�ed by Applicable <br /> �av�. Trustee,��thout demand �n �3flrrow�r, sh���sell the Property at public auctian �v�he highest bidder <br /> at the time and p�a�e and under the terms designa�ed in the not�ce of sal��n one�r more parcels and in any <br /> order Truste� determines. Trustee may postpone saie vf aIi or any parce� of the Prvper�y by publ�c <br /> announcem�ent a�the time and place of a�y pre��ous�y sch�du�ed sale.Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> th�Proper��at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt af payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trustee shall de�i�er to the purchase�- Trustee's deed �onveying <br /> �he Prop�rt�. The re��tais in the Trustee's deed shal� be prima fa��e e�ide�ce of�he�ruth of the��atement� <br /> made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale �n the ffll�fl�v�ng order: �a} to a�� casts and <br /> ea�penses af exercising the p�wer of sale, and th� sale, inc�uding the paym�.ent of�he Trustee's fe�s actually <br /> Q 20�4-2�t 3 Campl:ance Systems,Inc.9F9d-1 a2E-2Q 13L2.4,721 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Ir�strument DL2436 Page 4 vf 5 www.camptiancesystems.cvm <br />