<br /> App��cabie Law. As used in this Secur�ty �nstrumen�; the �erm "Appl�cable Lav�" shall mean a�l contro��ing
<br /> applicable f�deral, stat� and �o�a� s�a�utes, r�gulat�ons, ordinances and administrati�e rules axad arders �that ha�e
<br /> �he effec�of lavv�as we��as al�applicable fna�,non-appealab�e judi�ial�piniflns.
<br /> Charges; Liens, Borro�er shal� pay a�� �a�es, assessments, charg�s, f nes and impositions at�-ihuta.bie to the
<br /> Property whi�h may attain pr�ari�y a�er�h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument, and l�aseho�d payments ar graund ren�s, if any.
<br /> At the requ�st�f Lender,Borrower sha�l pror�pt�y furn�sh to Lender rece�p�s e��dencing th�paymen�s.
<br /> Barrawer sha��pr�mp�ly d�scharge any lien�rhich has priori�y over th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�unless Borra�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in writ�ng �o the pa�ment of�he ab�i�a�ion secured by the Iien in a manner a�ceptable �o Lender; �b�
<br /> con�ests �n gaad fai�h �he lien by, or defends agaa.ns� enf�rcemen� of�he l�en in, �ega� proce�dings vwhich in �he
<br /> Lender's opini�n operate to pr�ven� �he enforcemen� of�he Iien; ar �c� secures fram �he ha�der of the I�en an
<br /> agreemen�satisfactory ta Lender subordinating�he lien to this Security �ns�rumen�. �f L�nder detennines tha�any
<br /> par��f�he Prop�rCy �s subjec�to a lien v�h�ch rnay at�a�n prior�ty o�er this 5ecuri�ty �ns�um�n�, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrower a no�ic� �dentify�ng th� �ien. Borrower shal� sat�sfy�he �ien or�ak� �ne or more �f�he act�ons se�for�h
<br /> abave with�n 1�da�s af the g�v�ng of no�ice.
<br /> �-Iazard or Pr�per�y In�urance, Borrower shall keep�he improvements nov�existing or hereafter�rec�ed on�he
<br /> Prop�rty insur�d agaxns��oss by fre,hazards inc�uded w��hi�.��he�erm"�x�ended co�erage" and any at�er hazards,
<br /> �nc�u��ng floads or flood�ng, for wh�ch Lender requires �nsurance. Thxs insuran�e shall be ma�n�ained in the
<br /> amounts and far the periods�ha�Lender requir�s. The insurance�arrier pro�id�ng the�nsurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borrower sub���t to Lender's appro�a� v�hi�h shall n�� be unreasonably wi�hheld. �f Bnrrower faz�s t� main�a�n
<br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lend�r may, at Lender's op�ion, ol��a�n covera.ge �o protec� Lend�r's r�ghts in the
<br /> Prflper�y in accordance vv�th sec��on�itled Pr�tec�ion of Lend�r's Rights in the Prop�rty.
<br /> AIl insurance policies and renewals sha�l be acc�p�ab�� �o Lender and shall iva.clude a s�andard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have�he right�o hold�he pol�cies and renewals. �f Lender requir�s, Borrower shall promp�Iy g��e�o
<br /> Lender alI receip�s af pazd premiums and renewal no�ices. In the��ent of�oss, Borr�wer shal�g��e promp�n��zce
<br /> ta the insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make pr�of�f�oss if not mad�prompt�y hy Borr�wer.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr��ver otherwise agr�e in wri�ing, insurance proceeds shal� be applied �o re�toration or
<br /> r�pair of�he Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretion, the restorat�on ar repair �s ec�nam�cally feasible
<br /> and Lender's se�ur�ty is nat �essened. If, in Lend�r's sole discretion, �he res�ora�ion ar repair �s no� ecflnomical�y
<br /> feasible or Lender's security v��uld be I�ssened,�he insurance proceeds sha��be app�ied to the sums secure�by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument, whether or not then due, vwith any excess paid �o Borrower. �f Borrawer ab�.ndons �he
<br /> Prop�r�, �r does not ansWer wxthin the number of days prescr�bed by Applicable Law as set for�h in a noti�e from
<br /> Lender�o Borrov�er�hat�he �nsurance carrier has offered to settle a clarm, th�n Lender may collect�he �nsurance
<br /> pr�c�eds. Lender may use the pro�eeds t� r�pa�r or res�are the Proper�y nr�� pay sums secured by fih�s Security
<br /> Instrument,whe�her ar no�then due.The period af tzme for Borrovver�o ansvv�r as se�far�h in�he no�ice w�11 beg�n
<br /> v�hen�he na��ce�s gi��n.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrovver��herwise agree in v�rx�xng, an�applrca��on of pr�ceeds to principa�sha��no�extend
<br /> or pos�pone the du� da�e �f the payments due und�r�he Contrac�or chang�the amoun�of the paymen�s. �f und�r
<br /> the sect�on titled Ac�e�eration; Rem�d�es, the PrQperCy �s acquired by Lender, Borrower's right ta any�nsuran�e
<br /> policies and proceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Proper�y prior to the a�quisi�ion shall pass ta Lender �o �he
<br /> �x�ent af the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument�nmediate�y pr�ar to the a�quxs��ifln.
<br /> Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Protect�vn of the Pr�perty; Sorrawer'� Loan AppZication; LeaSeho�d�.
<br /> Borrovver sha��not destroy, damage or irnpair�he Proper�y, a�l�v�the Praperty�o de�eriorat�, or c�mmi�was�e on
<br /> th�Proper�y.BQrrower sha�1 be zn default if ax�.y farfei�ure ac�zan or proceed�ng,whe�her ci�i�or cr�minal, �s begu.n
<br /> �hat in Lender's good faith�udgmen� cou�d r�sult in forfeztu.re of th� Proper�y ar o�herwise mater�ally xmpair the
<br /> lien created by �his Security Znstrument �r Lender's security in�er�st. B�rrower may cure such a default and
<br /> re�nsta�e, as pro��ded�n se�tion�it�ed Borro�ver's Right to Reinstate, by causing�he a���on or praceeding to be
<br /> d�smrssed��th a ruling that, in Lender's gaod faith det�rm�nation,precludes f�rfeitur�of the Bflrrov�er's znteres�in
<br /> the Properry or ather ma�erial impairment �f�he lren crea�e� by thzs Se�urity Zns�rument ar L�nder's security
<br /> �nterest.Borrower sha�I also be�n defaui�if�orr�wer,during the laan application pro�ess,gave materxa��y false flr
<br /> �naccura�e �nforma��on or s�atements t� Lender �or failed to provide Lender wi�h any ma�erral �nforma�ifln� i.n
<br /> �onnec�zon w��h�he loan e�xdenced by�he Contrac�. If�his Security�nstrumen� �s an a�easehold, Barrawer shall
<br /> comply w��h al��he pr�v�siflns of�he�ease. �f Barrower acqu�res fee��t�e to�he Proper�y,�he�easeh�Id and the fee
<br /> tztle shall n�t merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger�n writ�ng.
<br /> Protecti�n of Lender's Rights in the Proper�y. If Bflrro�er fai�s to perform �he covenan�s and agreem�nts
<br /> conta�ned in�his Securxty Znstrumen�, �r there is a legal proceed�ng that may s�gn�fican��y aff�c�Lend�r's r�ghts �n
<br /> the Properry �such as a proceeding in bar�kr�aptcy, probate, for �andemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> r�gu�ations�, then Lender may do and pa� f�r �hatever is necessary to pra�ect th� value of the Fr�per�y and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Proper�y. Lender's a��io�.s may�nclude paying any sums secured by a�zen whi�h has priority
<br /> over�his Se�urity Instrument, appear�ng in cour�,pay�ng reasflnable at�orneys'fees and en�er�ng�n the Property to
<br /> make repairs..�ithough Lender may�ake act��n under this sec��on,Lender does no�have to da so.
<br /> Any amflunts disbursed by Lender under th�s se��ion sha�l become addx��anal deb� of Barro�ver secur�d by this
<br /> Se�urity Instru�nen�. Unless Barrower and Lender agree to other terms o�payment, these amounts sha�� bear
<br /> interest from the date of disbursement at �he same ra�e assessed on ad�an�es under �he C�ntrac� ar�d shall be
<br /> payable,vSrith in��res�,upon no�ice fr�m Lender�o��rrawer request�ng pa�ment.
<br /> C�2fl4�-2�13 Compliance Systems,Inc.9Fg5-1�2E-2013LZ.4.721
<br /> Consumer Rea.I Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL243d Pa�e 2 Qf 5 www.compIiancesystems.com
<br />