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��14��144 <br /> "Go�ernmental Authority" shail mean any court, board, agency, cammission, office or other <br /> authority nf any nature whats�e�er for any go�ernmen�al unit�fed�ral, state, c�unty, district, <br /> municipa�, city or otherwise}, in�luding Healthcare Authorities,whether now ar hereafter in <br /> exist�nc�. <br /> "Hea�th�are Auth�rities" sha�l mean any�o�ernmenta� Authority or yuasi-Go�ernmenta� ' <br /> Autharity or any agency, intermediary, board, auth�ri�y or entity with jurisdicti�n over the <br /> ovvnership, operation, u�� or occupan�y�f the Healthcare Faci�ity as a skilled nursing�r assisted <br /> li�ing faci�ity or nursing hame. <br /> "Lease Co�erage Ratio" shall mean a ratio for the prec�ding twel�e �12} mon�h periad in <br /> . <br /> W 1C : <br /> (a} the numeratnr is EBITDAR of the �perators for such p�riod as set forth in <br /> the financial statements required hereunder for that period; and <br /> (b} the den�minator is the amount of principal and interest due and payable �n <br /> the Loar�s (�xclusive of any prepayment penalties�r premiums}. <br /> "Legal Requirements" sha�l mean all federal, state, county, municipal and �ther go�ernmental <br /> statutes, laws, rules, orders, regulat�ons, ordinances,judgm�nts, decrees and injunctinr�s af <br /> �o�ernmenta� Authorities or Healthcare Authorities affecting the Project or any part thereof, or <br /> the canstru�tion, use, alteration or operation thereof, or any part thereaf,whether now ar <br /> hereafter enacted and in force, and all permits, licenses and authorizations and regulations <br /> relat�ng thereto, and aii co�enants, agreements, r�strictxons and encumbran�es cantained in any <br /> instrum�nts, e�ther of r��ard or known to 4peratnr, at any time in forc� affe�ting the Project or <br /> an ar�th�r�of, includin , �vithout limitation, any which may(a} require repairs, modifications <br /> Yp � <br /> or aiterations in or t�th� Praject or any part thereof, or(b� in any vvay limit the use and <br /> en j oyment thereof. <br /> "Material Risk of Termination" shall be deemed to occur vWhen the applicable Go�ernmental <br /> Authority gives written nntice to the �perator, or the �perator shall ha�e recei�ed written noti�e <br /> from the a licable �overnmental Auth�rity or the appiicable�o�ernmental Authority has <br /> , p� . . . . . . . <br /> �nformed the L�nder or HUD in writin�,that such autharity intends to terminate any Permit <br /> and Appra�al and th� final date for such termination is within forty-fi�� t45� days. <br /> "Perrnits and Appro�als" has the meaning set farth in the �perator Regulatory Agreement. <br /> IN W ITN ES S �HEREC]F,the undersi�ned ha�e ex�cuted, seaied ar�d deli�ered this instrumer�t <br /> as of th� day and year first aba�e vvritten. <br /> Previous versions obsolete Page 9 of� form HLID-92333-DR�F�Rev.�3113} <br />