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��14��144 <br /> CLINT�N: <br /> Lat 1, Blo�k 3, Seeser's Third Add�tion to the City of Clinton, Clinton ��unty, Iowa. <br /> �EDAR FALLS <br /> PARCEL �: � <br /> A par� of the S�uth�ast �uarter of the Nartheast �uarter af S�ction �9, T�wnsh�p 89 North, <br /> Rang� 13 West of the Sth Principal Meridian, B1ack Hawk�ounty, Iowa, described as fol�ows: <br /> Cammencing at a point on the Sauth �ine af the Nartheast �uarter of said Sectian �9 that is <br /> 491.5 feet West�f the South�ast corner of the Nor�heast Quarter of said Section; runr�ing thence <br /> West along the Sauth line af the Northeast Quart�r of said Section a distance of 38U.5 feet; <br /> thence North paral�el �vith the East line of the Northeast Quarter af said Section a distar�ce of <br /> 1,222.4 feet to the center of the �Vaterloa and Cedar Fa�ls Road �now Univers�ty A�enue};thence <br /> Sautheaster�y alon�the�center of said road a distance�f 41�.9 feet; thence S�uth along a line that <br /> is parallel with th� East line ❑f the Nartheast �uarter of said Section I,��6.4 feet to the plac� of <br /> b�ginn�ng, E�CEPT the South 743.54 feet in eyen width ther�nf, ANI3 E�CEPT th� por�ion <br /> pre�iausly con�eyed to the �ity of Cedar Fa�1 s, Iawa, AN D E��EPT that portion conveyed to <br /> the State af Iowa by D�eds recorded in Land Deed Record 11� at page 375 and Deed Record 485 � <br /> at page 3 97. <br /> The abov� property, after excepting the portions previously con�eyed ta the �ity of�edar Falls, <br /> �awa and excepting the p�rtions c�nveyed to the State af�awa by Deeds rec�rded �n Land I]eed <br /> Record �14 at page 375 and Deed Record 485 at page 397, rs mare particularly describ�d as <br /> follows: �ommencing at the intersection of the North line of Spier's Addition ta �edar Fa�ls, <br /> Iowa and the West line of Campbe�l-Janda Addit�ion to Cedar Falls, Inwa; thence North �U <br /> degrees �5 minutes 48 seconds East 343.54 feet along said �Vest lin� of �ampbell-Janda <br /> Additian to th� poir�t of b�ginning; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 24 seconds �e�t 38�.73 <br /> feet to the East lin� of �rchard Hill Plat in �edar Fails, Iawa; thence Nor�h �� degre�s 21 <br /> minutes 14 sec�nds East 418.84 feet alang said East line of�rchard Hil� Plat to the South right- <br /> af-way lin� of Univ�rsity A�enue; thence South 67 degr�es 4� rninutes �5 seconds East 4��.5� <br /> feet aiong said Sauth right-of-way line t� the West line af the Third Additi�n to �rchard Hill <br /> Plat in �edar Falls, �nwa; thence South �� degrees �5 minutes 5� sec�nds West 263.57 fe�t <br /> along said �Vest lin�of the Third Addition tn �rchard Hill Piat to the point of beginning. <br /> PAR�EL 2: <br /> Non-exclusi�e storm sew�r easement as contained and described in the De��lopment Agr�ement, <br /> recorded in Book 334 of Misc., at pa�e 975, in the �ffice of the County Recorder, Black Hawk <br /> �ounty, Iowa. <br /> SZ-2 <br />