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��14��135 <br /> applicable jurisdictions, then the Rents �including the Government Payments to the maximum <br /> extent naw or h�reafter permitted l�y applicable la�v) sha�l be ir�cluded as a part of the Collateral <br /> and it is the intent�on of Master Tenant that in this circumstance this Agreement create and <br /> perfect a �ien nr� the Rents in fa�or of Secured Par�y, which lien shall be effective as of the date <br /> of this Agreement, pro�ided, however, that to the extent Master Tenant may ha�e granted an <br /> assignment or security interest to Secured Party in any o�the [�ther Sub�eases in c�nnection <br /> with any of the �ther FHA-insured Loans prior to the execution of this Agreement�to the ful�est <br /> extent perm�tted by applicable �aw w�th respect to the Healthcare Assets}; nothing ir� this <br /> Agreement is intended to nullify, �oid, amend, modify, delay the effectiveness, affect the <br /> priority, or otherwise affect any such assignment ar grant of security int�rest. <br /> �c} Mast�r Tenant shall ha�e the right, p�wer and authority to collect Rents <br /> as such rights are Iimited or aff�cted by th� terms nf the Laan Docum�nts, Master Lease <br /> Documents, and "Program �bligations" �as defined in the Security Instrument�. Upon the <br /> accurrenc� and continuance of an E�ent of Default and notice by the Secured Party, subject to <br /> applicable law with respect to G�vernment Fayments and Accounts, the permission giv�n� ta <br /> Master Tenant pursuant to the pre�eding sentence to exercise its rights, power and authority <br /> under Leases shal� terminate and Secured Party may e�erc i se its r�ghts, pawer and autharity <br /> und�r the L�ases, in wh�le ar in part, as specified by Secured Party in �ts notice (subject ta <br /> Secured Party taking su�h enforcement acti�n as may be requ�red by applicabl� law as a <br /> conditi�n for enfor��ment of an assignment of rents or leases}. Master Tenant agrees to comply <br /> w�th and ohser�e Master Tenant's ab�igatians und�r all Leases, including Master Tenant's <br /> obligations, if any, pertaining ta the maint�nance and disposition af security deposits, both <br /> before and after any such terminatiofl of th� Master Tenant'S�'l�ht5. � � <br /> �d� Mast�r Tenant �.ckn�w�edges and agrees that the e�ercise by Secured <br /> Party, either directly ar �y its designee, �f any �f the rights �onferred under this assignment <br /> shall not be construed to make Secured Party a mortgagee-in.-�possession �f the Healthcare <br /> Fac�lity�� �ong as, and to the extent, Secured Party, or an auth�rized agent�f Secured Party, has <br /> not entered into actual possessian of the Heaithcar� Facility. The ac�eptan�e by Secured Party <br /> af the assignment of the Leases and Rents shall not at any time or in any event obligate Secured <br /> Party to take any action under this Agreement ar to expend any money ar ta incur any expenses. <br /> Secured Party shall not be �iab�e in any way for any injury or damage to persan or prapet-�y <br /> sustained by any person or p�rsons, firm �r carp�rati�n in or about the H�althcare Fa�ility <br /> unless Secured Party is a martgag�e-in-possession. Prior to Secured Party's actual entry into and <br /> taking p�ssessi�n �f the Healthcare Facil�ty, Secured Party shall nat �1� be obligated ta perf�rm <br /> any of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in any Lease (or otherwise have any <br /> ol�ligatiar� with respect to ar�y Lease�; �2} be obligated to appear in or d�fend any action or <br /> pro�eeding relatin� to th� Leases or the Healthcare Faci�ity; �r �3� be resp�n�ible for the <br /> operati�n, contr�l, care, management or repair of the Healthcare Facility or any porti�n af the <br /> Healthcare Facility. The execution of this Agreement by Master Tenant shall constitute <br /> conclusive e�idence that all r�sponsibility for the operation, cantro�, care, management and <br /> repair of the Healthcar� Facility is and shall be that of Master Tenant, prior ta such actual entry <br /> and taking af possessian. <br /> (�} Upon de�i�ery of notice by Secured Party to Master Tenant of Secured <br /> Party's exercis� of Secured Party's rights under this Agre�ment at any time after the accurrence <br /> Previous�ersions obsvlete Page 5 of 2� form HUD-92340-�RCF�Re�. �3113} <br />