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��14��137 <br /> provided that neither the B�rrower-�p�rator Agr�ement nor Master Lease shall be c�nsidered a <br /> Loan Document. <br /> "Ma�ter Lease" means that �ertain Master Lease, relating t� the leasing af, inter al ia, the <br /> Healthcare Facility by Borr�wer to Master Tenant. <br /> "Master Tenant S�curity Agreements' means that certain Master Tenant Security Agreement <br /> dated as af substantially even date hereWith, relating ta the Proj ect, and made�y Master Tenant <br /> ta Lender. � <br /> "�p�rator" means Grand Island Bickford ��tta � � co LL� a Kansas limited liabili <br /> compan_y, the operator.of the Healthcaxe Facility, pursuant to that certain Sublease A�reement, <br /> by and between�perator and Master T�nant. <br /> "�perator's Regulatory Agreement" means that certain Healthcare Regulatory Agreement - <br /> �perator, re�ating to the Proj ect and entered into by �perator for the benefit af HUD. " <br /> "Pro j ect" means any and all assets of what��er nature or wherever situated related to th� Loan <br /> knav�m by the FHA pr�j e�t number listed an the first page of this Agreement, inc�uding without <br /> limitati�n the Mortgaged Property, the Hea�thcare Fa�ility, any Improvements, and any �ollateral <br /> owned by the �peratvr securing the Loan. <br /> "Reas�nable �perating Expenses" means expenses that arise from the operation, maintenance <br /> and r�ut�n� repair of the Pr�j ect, �ncluding al� payments and deposits required under this <br /> Agreernent and any Loan Dacument, ax�d c�mply with the requirements of�4 �FR �32.1��7, or <br /> . <br /> succ�ssor regu ation. <br /> N�W THEREF�RE, in consideration af HUD's c�nsent to the leasing of the aforesaid <br /> Healthcare Facility by Borrower ta Master Tenar�t and in arder to comply with the requirements <br /> of the National H�using Act and the Regulatians adapted by HUD pursuant thereto, Mast�r <br /> Tenant agr��s to the terms of this Agreement for itself, lt5 SUCCe55�r5, heirs a17C�. a.SSl�r15, in <br /> connection with the operation of the Healthcare Facility, the Mortgaged Property, and the Pr�j ect <br /> operated thereon. <br /> 1. SUB�RI]INATI�N. <br /> The Master Lease sha�� be subj ect and sub�rdinate ta this Agreement, the Master <br /> Tenant Security Agreement, the Borrower's Se�urity Instrument, the Borr�wer's <br /> � Regulatory Agreement, and the �perator's Regulatory Agreernent. Master <br /> Tenant shall make payrnents under the Master Lease when due, axld such <br /> payments shali be sufficient to all�vv Borrower ta pay all Borrower's required <br /> Loari payments, including withvut limitation, any payments to reserves for taxes <br /> or insurance, payments to replacement reserves, payments to debt service <br /> reserves, and to fund any maintenanc� andlor repairs f�r Which the Borrower has <br /> r�S�JDri51b111ty. If at the end �f any ca�endar year, or any fiscal year if the Pr�j eGt <br /> aperates an the basis of a fiscal year, payments under the Master Lease have not <br /> been suffici�nt to pay for the above item.s, the Borrawer and ll�aster Tenant up�n <br /> Previous�ersions vbsolete Page 3 of'14 farm HUD-92337-�RCF�Rev.�3113} <br />