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��14��141 <br /> remedy��es} imposed, and the timelines for �orrective actions. Then, unless otherwise requested <br /> by HUI] or Lendery the next communi�ation from the �perator shall be notification that the <br /> citations have been clear�d hy the issuing regulatory agency. The receipt by HUD a,ndlor Lender <br /> of noti�es, reparts, surveys, �orrespondence and other inf�rmation sha11 n�t in any way impose <br /> any obligation or liab�lity on HUI], Lender or their respeCtive agents, representatives or <br /> designees to take �or refrain from taking} any action, and HUD, Lender and their respective <br /> agents, representatives and designees shall have no �iability f�r any faiiure to act therean or as a <br /> resu�t thereof. <br /> �d� �perator shall at all times maintain in full force and effect the Permits and <br /> Approva�s. W�th�ut the prior written consent of HZJD, �perator shall nnt c�nvey, assign, <br /> encumber, transfer, relinquish or alier�ate fr�m the Project any of the Permits and Appr�val�. <br /> �perator sha11 ensure that the Healthcare Facility is at all times operated in accordan�e with the <br /> requirements of the Permits and Approvals, an.d that none of the Perm�ts and Apprnvals is placed <br /> at r�sk of suspension, revocati�n, rescission, terminat�on ar �imitation, as evidenced by, without <br /> limitation, any communication fr�m regulatory�r fund�ng entities so indicating. <br /> (e� �]Vith�ut �imiting the generality of any �ther provision of th�s Agreement, <br /> within tw� (�} Business I]ays after written request by HUD or Lender, �perator shall deliver to <br /> HUD �r Lender, as applicabie, any financia� or �perational reports, or other inforrnation re�ating <br /> to the perf�rmance of the Healthcaxe Faci�ity that HUD or Lender, respectively, each lri lt5 <br /> discretion, deems relevant to r�sk assessment, in�luding Without limitation any Medicare or <br /> Medicaid cost reports. To the �xtent such reports or other inforrnatian indicate, in HUD's ar <br /> Lender's respectiv� determination, that m�tigating action is ne�essary in order t� preserve the <br /> Permits and Approvals or otherwise to provide for operation of the Healthcare Faci�ity in <br /> a�C�rdan�e With Program �bl�gativns, �perator shall take such mitigating action immediately. <br /> 4. PR�FESSI�NAL LIABILITY INSUR.AN�E. �perator shall maintain, andlor <br /> cause to b� maintain�d, professional liab�lity insurance that �omplies W�th Program �bligations. <br /> Annually, upon such time periods as set forth in Pr�gram �bligat�ons, �perator shall provide, or <br /> cause to be pr�vided, to HUI] and Lender, a certifi�ation af compliaxiCe With such professional <br /> liabx�ity insurance requirements, as appraved by HUD. <br /> 5. ��NDITIUN �F THE HEALTH�ARE FA�ILITY. <br /> (a} �perator shall maintain in de�ent, safe and sanitary conditi�n and gaod <br /> repair th� Healthcare Fa�ility and any other parts of the Project f�r which �perator is responsible <br /> for maintaining pursuant to any Borrower-�pera�or Agreement. <br /> �b} �perator shall not remodel, reconstruct, add to, or demolish, vvith�ut prior <br /> consent of HUD, any part of the Proj e�t or subtract from any r�ai or personal pr�perty of the <br /> Proj ect, except in the ordinary course of business and which do nat materia�ly irnpair the value of <br /> the Proj ect. <br /> (c} �perator sha�1 not use any portinn af the Proj ect for any purpose except <br /> the Approv�d Use. <br /> Previvus versivns obso�ete Page�of'I B form HUD-9Z46fiA-�R�F �Rev.�8113} <br /> Replaces HUD-924SS-NHL <br />