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��14��135 <br /> h�alth-care insurance receivables, Medicaid and Medicare recei�ables, <br /> Veterans Administration recei�ables, ar other gavernmental recei�ables, <br /> pri�ate patient receiva��es, and HMC� receivables, �b} payment inta.ngi�les, (c} <br /> guaranties, letter-�f-credit rights and �ther supp�rting ok�ligations relating to <br /> the property described in clauses (a} and (b}; and (d} a1I of the pr�ceeds of the <br /> pr�per�y descri�ed in claus�s �a�, �h} and (c�. Notwithstand�ng the faregoing, <br /> "Accounts Recei�able" shall nat include accounts arising from the saie of <br /> �perator's equipment, in�entory or ather goods, other than accounts arising <br /> from the sal� of �peratar's in�entory in the ordinary course of �perator's <br /> . <br /> usiness. <br /> _ 14. Impasit�on DepoS�ts. All deposits made with Se�ured Party by I]�btor for payments <br /> of the fol�owing �col�ective�y; "Im �sitians"}: mortgage insurance premiums (or , <br /> monthly ser�ice charges in li�u thereof�, ground rents, premiums on policies of fre <br /> and oth�r property insurance, water rates, Taxes, and municipallgo�ernment util�ty <br /> charges and special assessments; a�l other required escrows and deposits, including <br /> any reser�es for replacements; and any ather depasits as may he required by any <br /> Anciliary Agreement; <br /> a. As used herein, "Taxes" means all taxes, assessments, vault rentals, and other <br /> charges, if any, general, specia�, or otherwise, including all assessments for <br /> schaols, pu�lic betterments, and genera� or l�cal improvements, which are <br /> levi�d, assessed or imposed by any public authority �r quasi-pul�lic author�ty, <br /> and which, if not paid, could become a lien on the Land ar the Impra�ements. <br /> b. As us�d herein, "Ancilla A reement" means any separate agreement <br /> betvveen 17ebtor and Secured Party for the purpose of establishing escrows ar <br /> replacement reser�es for the Mortgag�d Property, establishing an account to <br /> assure the completion �f repairs or impro�ements specified ir� such agreement, <br /> or any other agreement or agreements between Debtor and S�cured Par�y <br /> which pra�ide for the establishment af any other fund, reser�e or account <br /> includ�ng but not limited to those reserves and escrows required by HUD in <br /> con�.ection with construction acti�ity, if any, ar�d th�se reserv�s and escrows <br /> required by HUD in connection vvith the Project. 5uch agreements may <br /> in�lude, but are not limited ta, any s�nking fund agreement, which pro�id�s <br /> for a depreciation reimbursem�nt account to pay future principal payments <br /> und�r the Nate, where Medicaid �r third-party reimbursement 15 on a <br /> depreciation plus interest basis; and any depr�ciation reserve fund agreement <br /> which rovides for an escrow or trust accaunt with an approved custodian or <br /> P <br /> trustee established far replacing equipment and for funding of depreciation in <br /> � accordance with a schedule appro�ed by HUD. <br /> 15. l�efun�is or Rel�ates. All refunds or rebates of Imp�sitions by ar�y G�vernmental <br /> Authorit or insurance cnmpany (other than refunds applicabl� to periods before the <br /> y . . <br /> real property tax year in whi�h the Security Instrument is dated}; <br /> 16. Security Deposit5. All f�rfeited security deposits under any L�ase; <br /> B-5 <br />