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��14��135 <br /> used n�vv or in the future in�onne�t�on vvith the�wnership, manag�ment or operation <br /> of the Hea�thcare Facility andlor any other por�ion�f the Pr�ject, or are locat�d on the <br /> Land ar in the �mprovements, and any operating agreements relating to the ProjeCt, <br /> and any surveys, plans and specifi�ations and contracts f�r architectural, engine�ring, <br /> and construction serv�ces relating to the Project, and all other intangibl� pr�perty and <br /> rights relating to the aperation of, or used in cannection with, the Project, including <br /> a�l certifications, approvals and governmental permits relating t� any acti�ities on the <br /> Lar�d. P�rsona�ty includes a�l tang�ble and intangible persanal property used in <br /> conne�tion �vith the Health�are Facility �such as major mo�able equipment and <br /> systems}, a�counts, licenses, bed authorities, cer�if�ates of need required to vperate <br /> th� Healthcare Facility and ta recei�e b�nefits and reimbursements under pro�ider <br /> agreemer�ts with Medicaid, Medicare, State and local programs, payments from <br /> healthcare insur�rs ar�d any oth�r assistance providers; all certifications, permits and <br /> a pro�als, instruments, Rents, �ease and contract rights, and equipment leases relat�ng <br /> p <br /> to the use, operatinn, maintenance, repair and improvement of the Health�are Facility. <br /> Generally, intangibles shall also include aIl cash and cash escrow funds, such as but <br /> r�at lirnit�d to: reserve fnr replacernent accounts, debt ser�ice reser�e accounts, bank <br /> accounts, residual rec�ipts accounts, and in�estments; <br /> a. As used herein, "Rent" means all rent due pursuant to any Master Lease or <br /> �perator Lease, any payments due pur�uant t� any Residential Agreement, <br /> any other lease payments, re�enues, charges, fees and assistan�e payments <br /> arisin from the operati�n of the Proje�t, including but not limited to, if and <br /> � <br /> for sa long as applicable, workers' compensation, social security} M�dicar�, <br /> Medicaid, and other third-party r�imbursement payments, Acc�unts <br /> Re�ei�able ar�d all paymer�ts and income arising from the operation af the <br /> Healthcare Facility andlor the provision �f servi�es t� residents thereof. <br /> r Ri hts. All current and future ri hts, including air rights, develapmer�t rights, <br /> �. �the g g . <br /> zonin ri hts, and other similar rights or interests, easements, tenements, rights-of- <br /> � g <br /> way, strips and gores of�and, streets, aileys,roads, sewer rights, waters, waterc�urses, <br /> . and a ur��nances related to or benefitir�g the Land or the Improvements, or both, and <br /> pp <br /> all ri hts-of wa , streets, alleys, and roads which may have been or may in the future <br /> � y <br /> be vacated; <br /> 7. Insurance Policies and Proce�ds. A1� insurance policies co�ering any of the <br /> Mort a ed Pro ert , and all proceeds paid ar to be paid by any insurer of the Land, <br /> � � p Y <br /> the �m ro�ements, the F ixtures, the Personalty, or any other part af the Mortgaged <br /> � <br /> Pro ert whether or not Debtar obtained the insurance pursuant t� Secured Party's <br /> p Y� <br /> requirement; <br /> 8. Awards. Ail awards, payments and other campensation made or to be made by at�y <br /> �a�ernmer�tal Authorit with respect to the Land, the Irnpro�ements,the Fixtures,the <br /> y <br /> Persana�t or ar� other part �f the M�rtgaged Praperty, including any awards or <br /> Y Y <br /> settlements resultin from c�ndemnation proceedings nr the total nr par�ial taki�g of <br /> g <br /> the Land the �m ro�ements, the F�xtures, the� Personalty or any other par� af the <br /> a p <br /> B-3 <br />