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��14��133 <br /> HEALTHCARE DEED �F TRUST,SE�URITY A�REEMENT,ASSI�NMENT �F <br /> RENTS,AND FIXTURE FILING [NEBRASKA} <br /> THIS HEALTHCARE DEED �F TRi]ST, SE�URITY AGREEMENT, ASS�GNMENT <br /> �F RENTS, AND FI�TURE FILIN� �NEBRASKA�, WHICH, F�R AS L�NG AS THE <br /> L�AN IS INSURED (]R HELD BY HUI], SHALL BE DEEMED T�BE THE M�RTGAGE <br /> AS DEF�NED BY PR�GRAM �BLI�ATI�NS �this"Security Instrument"}, is made as of <br /> this lst day of Se t�mher 2�14, between�R___A_�,►,N_D ISLAND BI KF�RD C�TTAGE, <br /> L.L.�.,a limited liabi�itY companv organized and existing under the laws of Kansas,whase <br /> address is clo National Health In�estors Inc. 222 Rob�rt Rose Dri�e Murfreesbora <br /> Tennessee 37129, as grantor,trustor and borr�wer�"Borrow�r"�,to FIRST AMERI�AN <br /> TITLE INSURAN�E C�MPANY, as trustee �"Tru�tee"}, a corpnration organized and <br /> ex�sting under the laws �f Californ ia, far the benefit of KEYBANK NATI�NAL <br /> ASS�CIATI�N, as heneficiary, and as Lender " " , a nati,anal banking a55o�i,ati nn <br /> �"Lender"�, whose address is 8115 Preston Road Suite$U� l]a�las Texas 752�5. <br /> Borrower, in consideration of the Indebtedness and the trust Cr�ated by this Security <br /> Instrument, irrevocably grants, c�nveys and assigns to Trustee and Trust�e's successars and <br /> asstgns, in trust� Wlt�l�7�W�r�f Sa.Iea the Mortgaged Proper�y, including the Land located in Hall <br /> County, State of N�braska and described in Exhibit A, attached t❑and incorporated in this <br /> Security Instrument,to ha�e and to hold the Mortgaged Property unto Trustee and Trustee's <br /> successors and assigns. <br /> T� SE�URE T� LENDER the repayment af the Indebtedness evidenced by the Note <br /> from Borrower payable t� Lender dated as of the date of this Security Instrument, and matur�ng <br /> on�ctober 1,2U49, in the pr�ncipal amount of Four Millian Five Hundred Thir -Ei ht <br /> Thou�and Six Hundred and No11UU Dol�ars �$4,538,6U�.U�} (the "Loan"�, and al� renewals, <br /> e�tensions and modifcations of th� Indebtedness, and the perforrnance of the co�enants and <br /> . agreements of Borravver conta�ned in this Security Instrument and the N�te. <br /> Borrower represents and warrants that Borrower is lawful�y seized of the Mortgaged <br /> Praperty and has the right,power and auth�rity to mor�gage, grant, con�ey and assign the <br /> Mortgaged Property, and that the Martgaged Proper�y is unencumbered except for easements and <br /> restr�cti�ns 1 isted in a schedu�e of exceptions to cn�erage in any title insurance po 1 icy i ssued to <br /> Lender contemporaneously with the execution ar�d recardation of this Se�urity Instrument and <br /> insuring Lender's interest in the Mortgaged Proper�y. Borrower�ovenants that Borrower shall <br /> warrant and defend generally such titie to the Martgaged Property against all claims and <br /> demands, subject to sa�d easements and restrict�ans. <br /> �o�enants. Borrower and Lend�r co�enant and agree as follovvs: <br /> 1. DEFINITI�NS. The definition of any capitalized term or word used herein can <br /> be found in this Security Instrument, and if not found in this Secur�ty Instrument,then found in <br /> the Borrower's Regulatory Agreement andlor in the Note. The following t�rms, when used in <br /> this Security Instrument(in�luding when used in the abo�e recitals}, shall have the fo�lowing <br /> . <br /> mean�ngs: <br /> Previous�ers�ons obsolete Page �of 4� form HUD-�4aoo-�RCF�Re�.D3l13} <br />