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��14����7 <br /> fu11 of aIl sums seGured by th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. However, �his optian sha11 not be e�ercised b� Lender �f <br /> ex�r��se is prohib��ed hy fe�era��aw as of th�c�a�e of this Security Instrument. . <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this �pti�n, Lender sha�1 g��ve Bflrrav�rer nfl�i�e of acceleration.� The notice shall pr�v�de a <br /> pe�riod of nat �ess �han �he minimum number �f days estab�ished by Applic�ble Law from�he da�e th� notice is <br /> deli�ered or mai�ed v�ithin vvhi�h �orro�ver mus� pay al� sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen�. If Borro�er <br /> fails ta pay��ese sums przar�a the e�p�ration of th�s period, Lender may in�oke an�remedies permitted by this <br /> Secur��y�nstrument v�i�haut fur�her na�ice or d�emand on Borrower. <br /> B�rr�werrs Right to Reinstate. �f B�rrawer mee�s cer�ain cond��ions, Bflrrov�er shall have �he righ� to ha�e <br /> enfor�ement of�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� discomt�n�red a�any t�me pri�r�o the earlier of: �a} S days �ar su�h o�her <br /> period as Applica�b�e Law ma�specify fvr rei�s�a�ement}bef.ore sale af tlae Property pursuant ta ar�y p�v�er of sale <br /> conta�ned in �his Security Ins�rument; or �b} entry af a �udgmen� enforc�ng th�s�Se�urity �nstrument. Those <br /> canditivns are tha� Borr�wer: �a} p�ys Lende� a1I su�ns v�rhich�then wauld be due under�his Secur�ty �nstrument <br /> and�he�ontract as if n�accelerat��n had o�c�rred;���cures any defaul�of any other cavenants or agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays aI�exp�nses incurred in enforc�ng�his Security Instrumen�,including,but not�in�i�ed to,reasonable at�arneys` <br /> fe�s to the ex�en�permitted by law; and�d}�akes such ac�i�n as Lend�r rnay reasona�bly req�ire�a �.ssure�hat the <br /> l�en af�his Securit��ns�rumen�, LenderTs righ�s in�he Property and Borrower's obliga�i�n to pay�he sur�s secured <br /> byY�his Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon re�ns�a�ement b�Borr��er, �his Se�urity �nstrument <br /> and the �b�iga���ns secured here�b� shall remain fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acce�era��on had occurred. However, this <br /> right�a reins�a�e sha�l n�t ap�ly in�he case of acceleration under the sec��on titled Transf�r of�he Property or a <br /> �nnefi�ial Interest�n B�rr�we�-. , <br /> H�az�rdaus Sub�tances.Borra�rer sha�1 not�ause�r per�mi�the presence,us�, disposal, s��rage, or release�f any <br /> �3azardaus Subs�ances an ar in�he Prfl�ert�.F orr�w�r sha�l nat da,nor a�lo�an�one e�s�to do,a�y�hing affecting <br /> th� Pr�perty tha� is �n v��lation �f any �nvironn�enta� La�. The preceding fi�� sen�ences sha�1 n�t apply to the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n�he Property af small c�uan�i�ies of Hazardous Subs�ances tha�are general�y rec�gnized <br /> to be appropria�e to n��ma�residential uses and to maintenance af the Proper�y. <br /> B��rov�er shall promp�l�give Lender writ�en notice of any�nves�igatian,��a�m, demand,�awsu�t�r ather action by <br /> ar�� go�rernmental or r�gu�at�ry agen�y or pri�a�e parCy in��Iving the Pr�perty anci an�r Hazardous Subs�ance �r <br /> Envi�onmental Law of v�h�ch Barrower h�s ac�ua� kna�v�edge. �f Borrawer �earns, ar is na��f ed by any <br /> governmen�a�or regulatory au�hority,tha�any remoWal�r oth�r remediat�on�f any Ha�ardous Su�stance affecting <br /> the Property is necessary, B�rrnvver sha�l �r�mptly �ake a�� necessary r�medial actians 1n a�cardance vvith <br /> E�vironmenta�Law. <br /> As used iri�h�s paragraph, "�][a�ardous Subst�nces" are those suhstances defned as t��ic or hazardous substances <br /> b� En�ironmen�a� Lav�r and the follov�ing su�s��nces: gaso�ine, kerasene, o��rer flamrnab�e or ��xic petroleum <br /> p�-oducts, ��xic pesticides and herbicides, ��lati�e so�wen�s, ma�erials c�n�aining asbestos or formald�hyde, and <br /> radiaac��ve ma�eria�s. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "En��ranmen�a�Law"means federa�lavvs and laws❑f.�he sta�e of <br /> Nebraska that re�a�e to hea�th,safety�r en�ir�nmenta�pr�tec�ion. <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shal� gi�v� natice to Sorrawer pr�or t❑ acceieration fo�lo�v�ving �arrower's <br /> b�-each af any ca�enant ar agreement in�h�s Sec�rit�Instrumen#ar the�antract unde�whic�a��eleratian <br /> is p�rmit�ed �but r�vt prinr t� a�cQleration under the sect�an titled T`ran�fer of the �roperty vr a Bene�c�ai <br /> Xnte��st in Barrower, unl�s� App���ab�e �aw prav�des othervvi5��. T��e not�ce sha�l spe�ify: �a� the d�fau�t; <br /> (b} �he action required �o cure the c��f�u�t; �c� �. d��e, n�t �ess th�n the m�nimum n�umber �f da�s <br /> e�ta���sh�d by Appiicable Law from the d�te the n�tice i5 g��en to Barr�wer, by vv��i�h the c�efau�t mu�t be <br /> c�r�d; a�d �d} �hat failure tn cure the de�au�t nn ar befare the date specif�ed �n �he notice may result in <br /> a�ce��ration of the sur�� 5ecur�d by this Securit� Instrum�nt and sale vf �h� Property. To the ex�ent <br /> p�rmitted by law, the no��c� sha�l further infurm �3orrower of the right ta reinstate after acceie�ati�n and <br /> the r�ght ta bring a court ac�ion tfl assert t�e non-existence of a default❑r any oth�r d��ense�f B�rrawer t� <br /> a�c�e�eratian and sa�e. If the default�s not cured vn ❑r�efore the date specified in th� noti��,Lender at its <br /> o�ti�n may requ�re immed�a�e �aymen� in ful� of a�� sums secur�� by this Security xnstrumex�t withnut <br /> fur�her demand and may invak� �he power �f sale and any othe�- rem�dies permitted �� A�pl�cab�e Law. <br /> '�To the extent per�rn��ted �y law, Lender �hal� be e�titled �o collect a�� e�pense� incurred �n pursuing the <br /> r�m�d�es prov�ded i� this Section, inc�u�i�g, but n�t limited �a, r�as�nah�e attorney5' fees a�d costs of title <br /> e�vid��ce. <br /> I�the povver af sa�e is in�ok�d,Trus�ee shall recor� a n��ice of defau�t in each c�unt�in wh�ch �ny part of <br /> the Property��laca�ed and shal�rmail copies of such notice�n the mann�r prescribed by Ap�licable Law to <br /> �ar�-nwer and ta the ather persons prescribed 1ay �.ppli�a�le �avv. Aft�r �he time required by Appiicable <br /> Law, TruStee �ha�i give pu�l�c r�atic� of sa�� ta the p�rsans and in the manner prQ�cribed by App�icable <br /> L�av�v. Truste�,with�ut demand an Borrower,sha�l sell th�Praperty at pub�ic auctio� ta the highest bidder <br /> at th�time and p�ace and under the terms d��ignated in�he notic�vf�ale in one or more parcels�nd in a�.y <br /> ord�r 'I'rustee determine�. Tru�tee may postpone sa�� af all or any parce� of th� Property hy puhlic <br /> ann�uncement at the time and place af an�y�re��ausly scheduled sale.L�nder or its des�gnee may purchase <br /> t�e�'roper�y at any sa�e. <br /> �p�n re�eipt vf payment of the pr�ce hid, Trust�e sha�l del��ver t� the purchas�r Trustee's deed c�n�eying <br /> t�he Prop�rty. Th� re�itals �n the Trus�ee's dQ�d sha�� be pr�ma facie evidence of the truth�f the stat�ments <br /> mac�e there�n. Trustee shali appiy the prnc�eds �f th� sa�� in the foilowing order: (a� to al� casts amd <br /> expenses of exercising the pvwer of sa�e, �nd the �a��, including th� payment�f the Trust��'s fees a�tually <br /> C�2�a4-2013 Campliance Systems,Inc.9F96-A2B3-2Q]3L2.�.72� <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Sec�xrity Tr�strurrient DL243U Page 4 0#'S �v,rww.�amp� <br />