<br /> Appi��a�le Law. A� used �n th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument, the term "App�i�ab�e Lav�" shall mean a11 controlling
<br /> ap�licable federal, sta�e and 1�ca1 s�atu�es, regula�i�ns, ardinances and admiriistra��ve ru�es arid arders ��ha�have
<br /> the effect�f 1aw}as wel�as a�l ap�l��able fina�,nan-appealab�e�ud�c�a�op�n�ons.
<br /> Cr�argesy Liens. Barrov�er shal� pay al1 tax�s, assessrnents, charges, fines and im_p�s��ions at�ributable �o the
<br /> Pr�p�rty wh��h may attain priority over th�s Secur���nstrument, and Ieaseh��d pa}�rrients �r gr�und rernts, �f any.
<br /> At�he request of Lender,Borrower shall pr�m�tly furnis���Lender receipts e�idencing the payme�ts.
<br /> Borr�v�rer sha�l promp�ly discharge �ny Iien which has priority o�er th�s Securit��nstru�rn�n�unless B�rrav�er: �a�
<br /> ag�ees iri v�ritxng �o the payment �f the obliaa���n secured by the Iien in a manner a�cep�able to L�nder; (b}
<br /> contests �n gt��d faith the lien �y, or defends against enf�rcemen� of�he �ien �n, �ega� pr�ceedings vsrhich in the
<br /> Lender's opin�an operate to preven� the enfo�-cement of�he lien; �r ��} �ecures fram the h�lder of�he lien an
<br /> a�eemen�sa�isfac�ory to Ler�der sub�rdina�in�the l�eri to�his Securit��nstrr.��ent. �f Lend�r de�erm�nes�hat any
<br /> part❑f the Property �s subj ec�to a�ien whi�h may attain priority over�his S�curifiy �nstrumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Borrov�er a no�i�e �dentify�ng the �ien. Borro�,�er sha�� sa�isfy the l�en or take flne or mare af�he ac�ions set f�r�h
<br /> above w��hin 1�da�rs of the g��ing�f notxce.
<br /> Hazard or PropQrty Insurance.B�rrawer sha�1 keep�he impravements nov� ex�s�ing or hereafter erec�ed on�he
<br /> Praperty insured aga�ns�loss�by f�re,hazards included v�rithin�he term "extended co�erage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inrluding flo�ds �r flaflding; for which Len�ler re�uires insurance. This insurance sha�l be mai��ained in t��
<br /> am�unts and for�he periads�ha�Lender requires.The insuran�e ca�rrier pro�iding�he�n�urance sha��be chosen�y
<br /> Borrav�er sub�ect �o Lender's apprv�al which. shai� no� be unreas�nably �v��hhe�d. �f Borrov�er fails to maintain
<br /> co�erage described above, Lender may, at Lender's ���ion, obtain caverage to p�r��ec� Lender's rights in �he
<br /> Proper�y in aCcor�an�e wi�h sec���n tit�ed Prv�tectian af Lender's R�ghts in the Property.
<br /> Al.� insurance pol�c�es and r�newals shall be accep�a�le to Lender and sha�l �nc�ude a standard m�rtgage �lause.
<br /> L�nd�r shall have the right�a h�Id�he poiic�es and rene�a�s. If Lender requ�res,Bor�ov�er sha11 promp�ly g�ve�o
<br /> L�nder all rec�ip�s of pa�d premiums and renevva�n�t�ces. �n the e�en�❑f l��s, Borrower shail gi�e promp�no�ice
<br /> t�the insurance carr�er and L�nder.Lender may m�ke proof of�oss if nv�made prornp��y by Borrav�rer.
<br /> U�Iess Lend�r and B�nruwer ��l�erwise agre� �n vv-r�i��ng, �nsuran�e proceeds shall be ap�l�ed �o rest�ration or
<br /> repa�r �f the Pr�per�y damaged, if, �n Lender's s��e d�sc�etion, �he res�oration ar repair �s ecan�mica�ly feas�ble
<br /> an�d Lender's security �s no� lessened. �f, in L�nder's sole d�scretion, the res�orat�o�n or repa.ir is not e��n�mi�ally
<br /> feasible ar Lender's secur�ty vvauld�e lessened,the insu�ance praceeds shall be applied t�the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Secu��ty Instrumen�, vrrhether or n�� then due, vv��h any excess paid to B�rrov�er. If B�rr�wer ab�.ndQns the
<br /> Prop��-ty,or does n�t ansv�er�vithin the numb�r of days prescribed�by Appl�cable La�v as se�for�h in a n�tice from
<br /> L�nder t�Borrower tha��he insurance carr�er has offered to settle a c�aim,then Lender may c�llect th� insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may us� the proceeds �o re�a�r �r restore the Prope�-�y �r to pay sums secur�d by�his Security
<br /> Instrument,whether or no��hen due.The per�ad of��n�e far Barrawer�a answer as set�f�r�h�n�he n�ti�e vv��l beg�n
<br /> w�her�the no��ce is g�ven.
<br /> U�less Lender and Borrawer atherwise agree iri v�ri�ing, any applica��on of pr�ceeds�a principal sha�I no�extend
<br /> or pos�pone th�due date of the payments due under the Contrac�or change�he amoun�of�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sectian�it�ed Accelerati�n; Remedies, t�e Praperfiy �s a�quired by Lender, Borrower's r�gh�to an�insurance
<br /> p�licies and pr�ceeds resu��ing fr��n damage t� �he Proper�y pr�or t� the acqu�si��on shai� pass �� Lender to the
<br /> e�tent of�he sums secured by this�ecurity�nstru�nent�mmed�ate�y pr�or ta the acquisi�ion.
<br /> 1'�res�r�ation, Maint�nance and Protectiom of th� 1'raperty; Borrower's Laan Appiicati��; Leaseh�ids.
<br /> B�rr�v�er sha1�na�destray, damage or impa�r the Proper�y, al�ovv�he Praperty�� deteriora�e, flr c�mm�t�vas�e on
<br /> the�roper�y.Borravver sha�l be in default�f aY�y farfei�ure ac��on�r prvCeeding,vvhether c�v�l�r criminal,is begun
<br /> �hat �n LenderTs g�od faith j udgm�nt could�resu�� �n forf�iture of 1�he Pr�p�r�y or otherw�se mater�a�ly �mpair#he
<br /> li�n created by �his Security �nstrumen� or Lender's security in�erest. Borrov�er may cure such a defauXt and
<br /> re�ns�ate, as prov�ded�n section�it�ed Barrvwer's R.ight t� Reirista�e, by causing�he ac�ion�r pr�c�eding�fl be
<br /> dismissed v�ith a rul�ng that, �n Lender's g��d faith determ�nat�on,pre��udes forfeiture�f the Borrower's�nterest�n
<br /> the Property or other �ma�er�al �mpair�ment of�he l�eri created by �his Security �nstrumen� or Lender's securi�
<br /> iri�er�s�.B�rr�w�r shal�a�so be�n defau���f B�rrovver,dur�ng the loan applicatian process,�a�e rna�eria�ly fa�se or
<br /> inaccura�� infarmation or sta�ements �o Lender ��r fa�led t� pr��ide Lender v�ith any materia� informa�i�n} in
<br /> connection v��th�he 1�an ev�denced by�he Cantrac�. �f�his Security�nstrumen� is o� a leaseho�d, �arr�wer shall
<br /> comply wi�h a���he pr���sians of�he lease.�f B�rro�ver acquires fee�i��e to the Praper�y,�he�easeho�d and the fee
<br /> �i�:le sha�1 na�n�erge unless Lender agrees t��he merger�n v�r�ting.
<br /> P�rv�e�tivn of L�nder's l�igh�s i� the Pro��ert�. �f Borrov�er fa��s to perform the covenants a�d agreements
<br /> conta�ned in th�s Secur��y Instrument, or�here �s a Iega�pr�ceed�ng that rnay s�gn�fican��y af.fec�Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Property �su�h as a proceed�ng in hankr�p�c�, prabate, f�r ��ndemnation or forfe�ture nr�� enf�rce laws �r
<br /> regu�atians}, �hen Lender may do and pa}� for wha�e�er �s necessary t� protect �he va�ue af t�e Pr�per�y and
<br /> L�nc�er's rights�n�he Pr�per�y. Lender's actiflns may�nclude paying any sums secured by a��en v�hich has priar��y
<br /> ��er th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, appear�ng�n caur�,paying reas�nable at��rneys'fees and entering an the Proper�y�o
<br /> make repairs.A�th�ugh Lender may take ac�ion under this sec��on,Lender does no�have to da sa.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under thi� section sha�I become add���anal deb� �f Borrov�er secure� by this
<br /> S�cur��y �nstrument. Unl�ss Borr�wer and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�, these amoun�s sha�l bear
<br /> in��r�st from the date af d�sburs�men� a� �h� same rat� assessed on advances under �he �ontrac� and sha�� �be
<br /> paya��e,with�nterest,upon na��ce fra�n Lend�r�a Borr�v�r�r requesting paymen�.
<br /> CS�2fl04-2�i3 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.9F�5-A2B3-�013L2.0.721
<br /> Consurner Real Estate�Security Instrument DL2D36 Pa�e 2 of 5 wr,uw,cornpliancesyst�ms.cam
<br />