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��14���53 <br /> Exhib��"A" <br /> A tract of�and�omprising a Par�of�he Soufheast�uar�er��E�143 of Section Six��},Tawnship Ten��a} <br /> North,Range T"welve(12}WeSt of the 6�h P.M., in Ha�l�oun�y,Nebraskas rnore �articuiar�y described as <br /> foilows: Beginning at the southwes#corner of 5aid sou�heas�quar�er,�hence running norfheriy alnng�he <br /> wes���ne of 5aid sou�heas�quarter a d�stance af�,644.95 fee�ta�he nvrthwes�Corner of said sou�heast <br /> quarters�hence runn�ng easferly a�ang�he nor�h Iine of said southeasf quarter a di5#ance of 15U fee�; �hence <br /> def�ecting right �.�I°6' and runnfng sou�hwesterly a d�s�ance of 9�.42 fee�; thence deflectxng Ieft 6�° 1�` and <br /> runn�ng sau�herly a dfs�an��oF 343.� fee�; thence deflec�ing Ief�56° ��' and running sou�heasterly a dis�an�e <br /> of 173.�4 feet; �hence deflec#ing r�gh�55°33' and runn�ng sou�herly a dis�anCe of�,I5�.81 feet�o a poin#on <br /> the sau�h l�ne of said southeas�quar#er; then�e runn�ng wes��rly along�he�outh �ine of sa�d soufheas� <br /> quarter a di��an��of��7.95 feet�o th�point of beginn�ng. <br />