<br /> satisfact��n, pra��d�d that such �nspect�on sha�l be undertak�n promp��y. Lender ma�r pa� for the repa�rs
<br /> and r�storation �n a szng�e d�sbursement�r in a series �f progress pa�rments as the w�rk is�ompleted.
<br /> Un.�ess an agreernent �s made �n wri�ing or Appl icable Law requires �nterest t�be paid on such
<br /> M�sce��aneous Praceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borr�wer an�r �nterest�r earnings on such
<br /> M�sce��aneous Proc�eds. �f th�res�orat�on or repa�r is no�economical�y �eas�ble or Lender's securi�y would
<br /> be less�ned, �he M�sce��aneous Pr�ceeds shal� be appl�ed�o�h�sums secured�y th�s Security �nstrumen�,
<br /> wheth�r ar not�h�n due, ���h the excess, if any, pa�d�o Borrower. Such M�sce�laneous Pro�eeds sha�� �e
<br /> applied in th�ord�r provided f�r in Section�.
<br /> �n th�even�of a to�al �aking, d�struct��n, or lass i��a�ue�f�he Proper�y, the Misce�Ianeous Proceeds shall
<br /> be app��ed�o the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whe�her ar not then du�, with th�e�c�ss, if any,
<br /> pazd�o Barrawer.
<br /> In the�ven�af a partial taking, des�ructian, �r l�ss �n value af the Praper�y in wh�ch the fair market�a1ue of
<br /> the Proper�y �mmediately�efore the par�ial taking, destructian, �r lass in value is equal �o or greater�han the
<br /> amaunt of the sums seGured by th�s Security Instrument �mmedia�ely befare the partia� �aking, d�s�ruction, ar
<br /> loss �n�alue, un�ess Borrower and Lender oth�rwis�agree in writing, th�sums secured by th�s Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument shall be reduced by�he amaun�of the M�scel�aneous Proceeds mu�t�p�ied by the fo���wxng
<br /> fraction: �a}th��ota� amaunt of th�sums secured �mmed�a�e�y befflre the part�a��ak�ng, destruc��on, or l�ss
<br /> in�a�ue div�de�i by �b}�he fair market value af the Proper�y immediately befQre�h�partial taking,
<br /> ��stru��ion, ar��ss in valu�. Any ba�ance shall be pai�t�Borrow�r.
<br /> �n the even��f a par��al tak�n�, destructi�n, or lass in�a�ue of the Prop�rty in u�hich the fa�r mar�et value�f
<br /> the Propert�im.rn�edia�e�y�ef�re the par�ial tak�ng, des�ruc�xon, or�oss �n value is �ess than the amoun�of the
<br /> sums secured immediat��y before the part�al tak�ng, destru�t�an, or�ass �n va�ue, un�ess B�rrower and
<br /> L�nder�therwi��agre�in writing, the M�scel�aneous Pro�eeds sha�l be app�ied to the sums s�cur�d b�th�s
<br /> S��ur��y �nstrumen�wh�ther or not the sums ar��h�n due.
<br /> �f�he Pr�per�y�s abandoned by Borrou�er, or if, after n�ti�e by Lender to Borrow�r�hat the C�pposing Par��
<br /> �as de�ned�n�he nex�sen�ence}�ffers��make an award to set��e a c�aim for damages, Barrou�er fai�s to
<br /> respond to Lender w�thin 3�days after�he dat��he nat�ce �s gzven, Lender xs authorized to co�iect and app��
<br /> �he Miscellaneous Proceeds ei�her�o restorat��n ar repa�r of�he Proper�y or�o the sums se�ured by�h�s
<br /> S��urity In�trumen�, �vhether or not then du�. "�ppos�ng Par�y" means th��hird par�y��aat o�es Borrower
<br /> Mis�e��an�nus Procee�s�r�h�par�y against whom Barr�wer has a right of actian in r�gard�� Miscellaneous
<br /> Prac��ds.
<br /> Borrower sha�i be�n default�f an�acti�n�r pr�ceeding, wheth�r�ivil or crimina�, is begun tha�, in Lender's
<br /> �udgm�nt, couid resu�t�n forf���ure of�he Praper��or a�her ma�erxa� �mpa�rment of Lend�r's in�eres� xn the
<br /> Property�r rights und�r th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�n�. Borrower can cure such a defau�� and, �f acce�era��on has
<br /> ��curred, re�nsta�e as pr��ided in S�c�ion �9, b� causing�he acti�n or praceeding to b�d�smissed w��h a
<br /> ruling�hat, �n Lender's judgment, preclud�s forfeiture�f the Pr�perty�r o�her material �mpairment af
<br /> L�nder's �nter�s� �n�he Praper�y or rights under this Security �nstrument. The proGeeds of any award ar
<br /> ��aim far da�nag��that are attr�butab�e to the impa�rmen�of L�nd�r's znteres�xn�he Prap�rty are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall h�pa�d ta Lender.
<br /> AlI Miscellaneous Pr�ce�ds that are not app��ed to r�storation�r repair of the Property shai� be app��ed zn th�
<br /> �rder pr�v�ded for�n Section 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singie�arnily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT F�rm 3q�8 11�"I
<br /> VMP[� VMPfi{N��[13��y
<br /> WaiT�rs Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 1 Q of�7"
<br />