<br /> fu�� of aI� sums secured by �hxs Se�uri�y �ns�rumen�. ���vever, �h�s option shall no� be exercised b� L�nder if
<br /> ex�rcxse xs prohxbit�d by federal lavv as af the da��of�h�s Se�urity�nstrum�n�.
<br /> �f L�nder ex�rc�ses �h�s optzon, Lender shall give Borrovver notice of acceleration. The na�ice shai� provide a
<br /> per�od of not Iess than �he min�mum nu.mbe� of days estab�ished by Appl�cable Lav� frflm the da.te �he natice is
<br /> de�iwered or mailed w��hin which Borrflvv�r mus� pay aIl sums secur�d by thrs Se�urity �nstrument. Yf Borrovver
<br /> fai�s �o pay �hese sums pri�r�o �h.� exp�rat�on of�his period, Lender may in�flke any remedies permi�ted by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument without fur�her no�ice or�d�mand on BorroWer.
<br /> �ar�awer�s Right ta ReinState. �f Borrower meets cer�ain canditions, Borrower shall hav� the right �a have
<br /> e�fflr�emen�t of this Securxty Znstrument discantinued at any time pr�or to �he earlier vf: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> p�eriod as App��cable Law may specify for reinstatem�nt�before sa�e of�he�roperty pursuan�to any pow�r of sale
<br /> c�nt�.�ned in this Securxty �ns�rur�ent; or �b} entry of a �udgmen� enfor��ng �his Secur�ty Instrumen�. Th�se
<br /> c�nditions are �ha� Sorrav��r: �a} pays Lend�r a�� sums wh�ch then would be due under this Security Instrumen�
<br /> a�.d�he�ontract as�f no a�celera�ion had occurred;�b�cures any defaul�flf any other covenan�s or agreements;�c}
<br /> p�.ys a��expenses incurred in�nforc�ng�his S�curi�y�nstrumen�,including,but n�t�imited to,reasonab��at�arneys'
<br /> fees to the exten�permit��d by�avv; and�d}t�akes such act�on as L�nder m.ay reas�nably require to assure�hat the
<br /> lien of�his Securit�Instrum�n�,Lender's rights in the Properry and.Borrovver's ob�iga�ion�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> b� �hxs Secur�ty �nstrumen� sha�� �on�i�r�ue un.changed. Upon r��ns�atement by Barrower, this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and the ob�iga��ons se�ured hereby sha�l remain ful�y effect�ve as if no acce�era�ion had �ccurred. �awever, this
<br /> r�ght�o reinstate sha�l not apply in the case of acce�era�xon under the section ti�Ied Transfer of the Pr���rty nr a
<br /> �en�f��ia�In�ere5t in Borrov�ver.
<br /> I�azardous Substan�es.Borrower sha11 not rause or perm���he presen�e,use, dxsposal, starage, �r re��ase�f any
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ances on ar�n�he Praper�y.Borrower shall no�t do,nar allow anyone else to do,anyth�ng affecting
<br /> the Prflperty �hat is in v�olatian of any �nvz�onmental Lav�. The pre�eding �o sen�ences sha�l not apply to �he
<br /> p��s�nce,use,ar stflrage on the Praperry of smal��uan�i��es of Hazardous Subs�ances�ha�are generally recogni�ed
<br /> �o be appropria��to normal residentxaX uses and to ma�n�enance of the Property.
<br /> Borraw�r shal�promptly give Lender written no�ice of any inves�iga�ion,��aim,dexnand, lawsui�or o�h�r action by
<br /> any governmen�al or regula�ory agency or priva�e par�y involving the Properry and any Hazard�us Su�stance ar
<br /> Environmen�a� Law flf which Borrower has actual knowl�dge. �f Barrower Iearns, or is no��f�d by any
<br /> �overnmental or regu�a�ory au�hority,that any r�mo�al or other remed�atifln of any�3azardous Substanc�affec��ng
<br /> ��e Property is n�cessary, Borrovver shal� promp��y �ake a11 necessary remedial a�tions in accordan�e vvith
<br /> En��ronmental Lav�.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardaus Substan�es" are those substances def�ned as toxic ar haz�.rdous substances
<br /> bg� Envir�nxnental Law and �h� fo��oWing s�ubs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, a�her flammab�e Qr �oxxc petrol�um
<br /> pr�du�ts, �oxic pestic�des and herbx�ides, va�at��e s��Uen�s, ma�erials con�a�.n�ng asbestos ar f��-�ma�dehyde, and
<br /> radiaactr��ma�erials.As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmental Law"means federa�laws and laws of�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that relate to hea�th,safety or en�iranmenta�protec�ion.
<br /> Acce�eratron; Remedies. Lender shai� gi�e no�i�� to Borrawer prior to a�celerat�vn f�llov�ing �vrrower'�
<br /> b�each of any�ovQnant�r agr�ement in this Security Ins�rument or�he Cvntract under wh�ch acce�eration
<br /> �s permitted (�ut n��t pr�or to acce�eration under th� sect�an �itled Transfer of the Property ar a Bene�c�aZ
<br /> Int��-est �n Borrower, un�ess Applicable Law pro�ides othervvise). The notice �hall �pec�fy: �a) the defau�t;
<br /> �b} the ac��or� required to cure the defa�ult; �c� a date, nat less than the minimum number �f days
<br /> e�tablished by App��cable Law frvm the d�te the notice is g�ven to Borrower, by whieh the d�fau�t must be
<br /> cured; and (d� that fa��ure to cure �he defaul� on or befvre the date �pecif�ed in the not��e may resul� in
<br /> a�ce�eration of the sums secured by this Security InStrum�nt and �ale af the Proper�y. To �he �xten�
<br /> pPrmitted by �aw, the notice shal� further i�nform Barrower of the right tfl re�nstate af�er�ccelerat��n and
<br /> t�e right to bring a�ourt actian to assert the nonwexistence af a default�r any other defense�f Borrower ta
<br /> acce�.eration and saie. If the defaui� is n�t rur�d on or before the date specified �n the notzc�, Le�der at its
<br /> aption may require �mmedzate payrnent i� full �f a�I sums secured by this Secur��y Ins��-umen� withou�
<br /> f�r�her demand and may �nvoke the power of sa�e and any other remedies permitted by �►ppif�able Law.
<br /> T� t�e extent permitted by Iaw, Lender s�a�� be entitled to co��ec� aI� expenses incurred in pursuing the
<br /> r�medies prfl�ided in this Section, fncludin�, but not Iimited to, reasvnable a�torney5' f�es and ca5ts❑f t�t�e
<br /> evid�nce.
<br /> If th�pow�r of sale �s�nvoked,Trus�ee sha�l record a not�ce af default in each county in wh�ch any part of
<br /> the Property is located and shal�mail copies of such notice�n the manner prescribe�l by App��cable Law to
<br /> B�rrov+c�er and to the other persons prescr�bed by Applicabie Law. After the time req�uxred �y Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee �ha�t gi�� public n�tice of saie to the per5ons and in the manne� prescribed by �pp�icable
<br /> Lawo Trus�ee,vvi�haut demand on Rorrower, sha�l sell the Property at pubiic auctian to the h�gh�st�aidder
<br /> at th�e time and p�ace and under the term5 de5�gnated in the natice of sa�e in vne or more parceIs�nd in any
<br /> order Trustee determines. TruS�ee may postp�ne sale of all or any parce� of �he Prap�rty hy public
<br /> announcement at the time and place�f any pre�iou�ly schedut�d sa�e. Lender�r its designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sale.
<br /> U�o� receip� of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall �e�iver tti the purchaser Trustee's deed �onveying
<br /> �he Property. The recita�s in the Trus�e�'s �eed shall be prima facie evid�nce of the truth of the state�nents
<br /> m�de �herein. Trus�ee sha�� appiy the pracee�s of �he sa�e in the following order: �a) ta aIl costs and
<br /> expe�ses of exerci5ing the power of sale, and the �ale, in��uding �he payment of the Trustee's fees actua��y
<br /> �2�44-2413 Complian�e Systems,Inc.9F96-B l ED-20i 3LZ.�,72I
<br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Security Instrument I3L243d Pa�e 4 of 5 ww��v.camp�iancesystems.c�m
<br />