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��14���34 <br /> Parce� ID Number: which currently has the address�f <br /> 3D8 E 7TH ST �S�ree�) <br /> �RAND ISLAND �CityJ, Nehraska 585�1�317 (Zip Cade) <br /> �"Property Add ress"}: <br /> T�G ETH E R WITH al� the improvements now or hereafter erect�d an the praperty. and al I ea��m�nt�� <br /> appurtenan�es, and fixture� now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also he <br /> co�ere� by this Seeurity Ins�rument. All af the fore�o�ng is referred ro in this 5�curity �nstrument as the <br /> "Praperty." Borrower understands and agrees that M ERS holds only lega�tit�e to the�nteres�gran�ed by Borrawer <br /> in �his S��urity Instrument� bu�, if n�cessary tv comply with !aw or �us�om, M ERS �as n�minQe fo� L�nder an� <br /> Lender's successar5 and assign5} has the right: to exercise any or al1 of thvse interest�, incfuding. hut n�t lirnited <br /> to. the right ta f�reclose and s�ll the Property; and to take any action required of ��nder in��uding. but �ot <br /> limited ta, releasing and�ancel�ng this Se�urity in�trument. <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENANTS that Bor�ower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby con�ey�d and has the right to <br /> grant and �on�ey the Property and that the Prop�rty is unencumbered, ex�ept for eneumbrances of r�card. <br /> Barrowe�warrantS and will defend �enerally th� title ta the Property against all �laims and demands, subject to <br /> any en�umbranc�s af��cord. <br /> THIS SECU R�TY INSTRU M ENT combines unif�rm coaenants fvr nat��nal us� and n�n�niform ca�enants with <br /> limited variations�y jurisd�ction to constitute a unifarm seturity in�trument co�er�ng real property. <br /> Unifarm Cv��nants. B�rrower and �ender co�enant and agree as follaws: <br /> 1. Payment of Prin�ipal. Interest, Es�r�w �tems, Prepayment �harges, and Late Charges. Barrower <br /> sha�1 pay when due the principal of, and interest an, the debt e�idenced by the Nvte and any prepayment <br /> �harges and late charges due under the Not�. Borrower sha�l a�so pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to <br /> Section 3. Payments due under the Nate and this 5ecurity instrument shall be rnade in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe►►er. if any �heck or �ther instrument reeei��d hy Lend�r as payr��nt under the N�#e or th�s Security <br /> Instrument i5 returned to Lgnd�r unpaid, Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under <br /> the Note and this Seturity in�trument be made in one or more of the following farms,as selected by Lender: <br /> �a��ash;[b� money order;[��certified check, bank�heGk,treasurer's�hetk or�ashier's checl�, pro�i��d any <br /> su�h che�k is drawn upon an institu�ion whose deposits are insured by a federa� ag�ncy. instrumen#ality. ar <br /> entity; ar�d} Ele�tr�nic FundS Transf�r. <br /> Payrnents are de�med re�e��ed by �ender when r�cei��d at the la�at�8n des�gnated �n the N�te or at such <br /> othe� laca�ion as may be designated by �ender in accardance with the notite prov�sions in Section 15. <br /> �ender may return any payment or par�ial payrnent if th� paymQnt �r partial payments are �nsuffi�i�nt to <br /> bring the Loan current, Lender may a��ept any payrnent or partia� payment insuff���ent to b�ing thQ Loan <br /> current. withaut wa��er �f any rights hereunder or prejudi�e to its rights ta refu5e such payment or partiai <br /> payments �n the future. but �ender is n�t ob�igated to apply su�h payments at the time su�h payments are <br /> ac�ep�ed. If each Periodi� Payment i5 applied as of its scheduied due date, th�n �end�r need n�t pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds. ��nd�r may hoid su�h unappfied funds wntil Borrower makes paym�nt to br�ng the Loan <br /> curr�nt. �f Borrnwer daes nvt do so within a reason�ble perivd nf time, �ender shal� either app�y su�h fund5 <br /> or return them �o Sorr�wer. If nat applie� earlier, such funds wifi be appiied to th� outstanding principal <br /> balance under �he Not� immediately prior to fare�losur�. No offset or �laim which Borrawer �night ha�� <br /> now or in the futu�e against �ender shal� reli��e Borrower from rnaking payments due und�r the Nat� and <br /> th is Secu rity Instrumen�ar performi ng the co�ena nts and agreements se�ured by�h is 5ecurity Instru m ent. <br /> 0�1123984fi35 Citibank V� <br /> NEBRASKA3ingle Family�an�ie MaelFreddie Mac�NIFDRM INSTRUMENT WiTH MERS Farm 30�8 1101 <br /> VMP� . VMP6A[NE]{1302).DO <br /> Waiters Klwver�inancial 5er�ices Page 4 af�7 <br /> 1 <br /> � � <br />