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��14�5977 <br /> Any amou�ts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall becom� debt of BorroWer secured by <br /> this Security�nstrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the No�e rate from the da�e af disbursement <br /> and sha11 be payable,�uith such interest,upan nt�tice from Lender ta Borra�ver requesting payment. <br /> If this Security Instrum�nt�s on a leaseho�d, Borrower shall corr�ply w�th a11 the pro�isions of t�.e�ease. If <br /> Borrawer acquires fee t�tle ta the Proper�y,the leaseho�d and the fee�itle sha11 nat merge unless Lender <br /> agrees�a the merger in writing. <br /> '!D. IlAort�age�nsurance.�f Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a coridition of making the Loan, Borrovver <br /> sha��pay the premiums required to�maintain the Martgage Insurance�n effect. If, for any reaso�,the <br /> Mortgage Insurance co�erage required by Lender ceases ta be a�railable from the mortgage insurer that <br /> pre�iously provided such insuranc�and Barrower tivas requ�red to make separately designated payments <br /> �oward the premiums for Mort�age In.surance,Borra�er shall pay the premiums required ta obtain coverag� <br /> su�stantial�y e�uivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effec�,a�a cost s�bstantiaily equ�va�ent to <br /> the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insura�ce previ�us�y in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer <br /> se�e�ted by Lender. If subs�antially equ�valent Mortgage Insurance co�erage is not a�ai�able,Borrower shall <br /> continu�to pay to Lender the amoun�af the separatel�des�gnated paym�nts that�vere due when the <br /> insurance�average ceased to b�in effeGt. Lender w�11 accept,use and retain these payments as a <br /> nanwrefundable loss reserve in lieu of M�r�gage Insurance. Such loss reserve sha�l be non-refur�dab�e, <br /> notwithsta.ndi�ag the fac�that the Laan is ultimately pa�d in fu11, and Lent�er sha11 not be required to pay <br /> Borrower�.ny interest ar earnings on such loss reserUe. L�nder can no longer require�oss reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Insurance caverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires}provided by an <br /> i�s��er sel�c�ed by Lender again b�comes availab�e, rs obta.i�ed,a�d Lender requires separatei�designa�t�� <br /> paymen�s to�ard the premiums for Mortgag�Insurance. If Lender required Martgag�Insurance as a <br /> condition of making the Loan and Borro�t�ver was required ta make separate�y designated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Mor�gage Insurance, Borrawe�shall pay�he premxums required to mair� M�rtgage <br /> Insurance in effect,or to provide a non-refundable�oss reserve,until Lender's requirement for M�rtgage <br /> Insurance ends in acGordance tivith any written agreement between Borrov�er and Lender providing for such <br /> ��rmination or until terminati�n is required by Applicable Law.Nothing in this Section 1�affects <br /> Borrower's ob�igation to pay interest at the rate pro�ided in the No�e. <br /> Martgage Insurance reimburses Lender(�r any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur <br /> if Borra�uer does not repay the Loa.n as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insuranc�. <br /> Mortga�e insurers e�aluate their total risk on all such insuran�e in force from time to t�me,and may�nter <br /> in�a agreements with other par�ies�hat share or modify their r�sk,or reduce losses. These agreements are an <br /> terms and condXtions that are satisfactory to the mortgage in�urer and the other party�or parties�to these <br /> agreemen#s. These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to mal�e payments using any source af funds <br /> that the mortgage�nsurer may have available(which may in�lude funds obtained fr�m Mortgage Insuranc� <br /> premiums�. <br /> As a resu��af these agreements,Lender, an�r purchaser of the Nate,another insurer,any reinsur�r, any <br /> �ther entity,or any af�liate of any of the foregoing, may receive(dYre�tly ar ind�rect�y)amau�.ts that <br /> derive from�or mi�ht be character�zed as�a por#ian of Borro�ver's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in <br /> exchange far sharing or modifying the mor�gage insurer`S risk,ar reducing lasses. �f such agreement <br /> pro��des that an affi liate af Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exGhan�e fnr a share of the <br /> premiums pa�d to the ir�st�rer,the arrangen�ent is oft�n termed"ca�ti�e reinsurance." Fur��e�: <br /> q�333�4397�5 4233 z75 �917 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac llNIF�RM INSTR�MENT WITH MERS �� Fvrm 3�28�141 <br /> VMP Q VMPfiA(NE}41342)An <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financial Services Page 9 af 1� <br />