<br /> �'�. Ha�ardousSubstances.As used in this Sectian 21: (a} "�Ia�cx�c�au.s�S'u�sta�tce.s�"are those substances
<br /> defin�d as toxic or hazardous substances,pol�utants,or wastes by Environmental Law and the fa�lowing
<br /> substa.nces: gaso�ine,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic pestic�des and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and r�.dioactive materials; (b}
<br /> "�r�viro�r�ental Law"means federa�laws ancl laws of the jurisdicti�n where the Property is la�ated that
<br /> re�ate to health, safety or enviranm�nta�protection; (c) "Environ�Q�t�l C'lQa�up"includes any respanse
<br /> action, r�media�action, or remaval action, as�efined in En�ironmenta.l Law; and(d}an "��tviro�tme�ttar
<br /> Co�dition"means a condition that can cause, contribute to, ar ot�.erwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> �orrower shall not cause or permit the pr�sence,use,disposal, starage,or reieas�af any Haza.rdous
<br /> Substan�es, or threaten�o release any Hazardous Substances,an or in the Pr�perty. Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor a1�o�v anyone �lse ta do,anything affec��ng the Property(a}that is in violatian of any Environmenta.�
<br /> Law,�b}�vhich creates an Environmenta.l Condition,or(c)which,due to the presence,use,or release af a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�n�e,creates a condition that ad�ers�ly affects the value af�he Property, The preceding two
<br /> sentences sha11 not apply to the presence,use,ar storage on the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substances that are generai�y recognized to be apprapriate to n�rm�.l residentral uses and�o main�enance af
<br /> the Property(including,but not limited ta, ha�ardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> Bonrower sha11 prom����give Lender wri�ten notice flf�a�any�n�estigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> actian by any go�e�rnmental or regu�atory agency or private party in�olving the Praperty and an�r Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Env�ronmenl�ai La�v of v�hich Borr�wer has actual kno��edge, (b}any En�ironmental
<br /> Condition, includir�g but not limited to,any spilling, l�aking,discharge,rel�ase or thr�at of re�ease of any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstance,and�c)any canditian caused by the presence,use or release af a Ha2ardous Substa.nce
<br /> �vhich ad�ersely affects the va�ue af the Prnperty, rf Borrower learns, or is notified�y an�go�ernmenta.�or
<br /> regula�ory autharit�,ar a�y pri�ate�arty,that any removal ar other remediatian of any Hazarda�s Substa.rice
<br /> affecting the Property�s necessary,Borrower sha��promptly�ak�all necessary remed�a�actions in
<br /> aecordance with En�ironmental Law.Nathing�terein sha11 crea�e any obligatian on Lend�r for an
<br /> En�ironmenta.l Cleanup.
<br /> N�n-Un�form Cavenants.Barrower and Lender covenant and agree as follo�vs:
<br /> 22. Acceleratian;Remedies.Lender sha�l gi�e no#ice to Borr�v�er prior to accelera�itin follo�ing
<br /> Borrower's brea�h of any Gavenant or agreement in this SeCurity Instrument�but not prior to
<br /> a��eler�tion under Sect�Qn 18 unless Applicabie Law provides oth�rwise}. The natice shall specif�: �a�
<br /> �he default; �b}the actian required tv cure the default; �c}a�ate,not less than 3U days from the date
<br /> the notice is given�o��rrower,by which the default must be cure�; and td}tha#failure to cure the
<br /> defau�t tin or before the date specified in the natice may result in acceleratiQn of#he sums secured by
<br /> this Se�urit�Instrument and sale of the Praperty.The notice shall further�nform Borrower of the
<br /> right to reinstate after a�celerati�n and the right ta bring a court action ta�ssert the nan-existenGe of a
<br /> defaui#or any other defense vf Borrow�r to acceleration and sa�e.If the defau�t is nat cured on or
<br /> bef�re the date specified in�he notice,Lender at�ts vption ma�require immediate payment in fu��vf
<br /> all sums secured by th�s Security Instrument withaut fur#her demand and rt�a�invoke the power vf sale
<br /> and an�other remedies p�rm�tted by App�icable Law.Lender shai�be entitled to collect all expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this�ectian�Z,in�luding,but nat limited to,reasonable
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs vf t�tle e�idence.
<br /> q�333a439725 0�33 �75 1417
<br /> ��NEBRASKA�ingfe Fam�ly-Fannie MaslFreddfe Mac LJN�F�RIVI INSTRUMENT 11VITH MERS Form 3028 1ID1
<br /> VMR C� IIIV�PfiA(NE){1302}.44
<br /> Walters Kluwer�inar�ciaf Services Page 14 af 17
<br />