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��14�5947 <br /> to e�ecu�e and deli�er-to the purchaser or purc�asers a�such sa�e any deeds�f�vn�reyance g�ad and sufficient at <br /> �aw,pursuant ta the statute in such case made and pra�rided. Tlie Trustee shall app1�the pro�eeds af the Trus�ee's <br /> sale, first,to the��sts and expenses of exer�ising�he pv�er�f sale and�f the sale, inc�udulg the payment of�he <br /> Trustee's fees actual�y incurred; sec�nd, ta payment af the �bligat�un se�ured by �he trust deedy th�rd, �� the <br /> pa�ment of�r t�-ust deeds, mor�gages, or o�her ��enhoXders and the ba�an�e, if an�, t� t�e persan �r persons <br /> Iegal�y en�itled thereto. The�rec�fals iu �he Trus�ee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of the �ru�h of the <br /> sta�ements made in it.If Lender ch��ses ta�n�oke the p��ver�f sa�e,Lender or Trustee w�ll pro�ide noti�e of sale <br /> pursuant t� app�icab�e la�. Any su�h sale or a sale made pursuant t� a judgment�r a de�ree for the f�reclosure <br /> here�f may, at tb.e option of Lender, be made en masse. The commencement ❑f proceedings t� f�reci�se this <br /> Securi�r Instrument�n any manner au�hor�zed by�a�sha�l be deemed as e�erc�se of the above opti�n. <br /> Upon th� ��currence �f an Event �f Defaul�, Lender shall immed�ate�y be entitled fa ma.k� appiicat��n for and <br /> abtain the app�xntment�f a recei�re�•f�r�he Proper�y and�f the ea�niugs, incame, issue and prafits�f��,�i�.h the <br /> p��vers as the courti makiug the appointments confers. Grantor hereby ure�vvcably cansenf� �o such appoYntment <br /> and�aives not�ce of an�r applica��an theref�r. <br /> N� '�AIVER.No dela�r�r fai�ure of Lender to exerc�se any righ�, r�medy, po�nrer or pr��ilege hereunder shall <br /> affect�hat righ�,remedy,po�er ar pri�rilege nnr shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude the exer��se�f <br /> any righ�,remedy,p�wer or pri�rilege.No Lender delay or failure t� demand strict adherence to the terms vf this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument sha��be deemed to constitu�e a course af candu�t inconsist�nt�i�h Lenderts right at any t�me, <br /> bef�re �r after an event �f default, to demand str�c� adherence �o �he terms of�hi.s Secur�ty Instru.ment and the <br /> Related D�cumen�s. <br /> SUBSTITUTE TRU�TEE.Lender, at��s vpti�n,ma}�from t�me tu t�me remove Trus�ee and appvint a suc�essvr <br /> trus�ee ta any Trus�ee appainted hereunder by an inst�rument recorded in �he caunty �n which this Security <br /> Instrument �s recorded. �i�hou� c�nve�ance �f the Pr�perCy, �he suc�essar trus��e sha1l succeed �� ai1 �he tit�e, <br /> pvwer and duties c�nferred u�on Trust�e here�n and b�applicable�aw. <br /> JUIIVT AND SE''L�ERAL LIABILIT�.If this Secur�ty Ins�.rument shvu.�d be s�gned by m�re�han one person,all <br /> persons executing th�s Security Instrument agree that they sha�l be jo�ntly and se�rera�Iy loaund,wh�re permitted by <br /> law. <br /> S�It'V'IVA�. Lender's rights:in�his�Secur�ty Instru.ment�ll c�ntinue in�ts su�cessors and ass�gns. This Security <br /> Insi�ument is hind�ng on a1I heirs,e�e�utors,adm�n.istra�ors,assigns and su�cessors of Grant�r. <br /> N�TI�ES A.ND 'L�L�'AI'L�R��F N�TI�E. Unless o�herv�rise re�u�red by applical�Ie �a�, any n�ti�e Qr demand <br /> gi�ren liy Lender to any par�y. is considered effe�tive: [i� v�hen it is d�pasi�ed in the Un�ted �fa�es Mail�ith the <br /> appr�pr�a�e postage; �ii} when i� is sent v�a �lectron�c mail; (i�i� v�rhen it is sent via facsimi�e; �i�v} when it is <br /> dep�s��ed�vith a na�ionaXly rec�gnized o�ernight cour�er serv�ce; �W} on the day�f persnna� deli�rery; or �vi} any <br /> other c�mmerc�al�y reasonab��e�neans.A copy❑f any no�ice sha�l be sent t�each party at the address of the party <br /> g��en a�the beginning of this Securit� Instrument un�ess an al��rnative address has heen pr��rided t� Lender in <br /> v�rr��i�g. To the e��ent permi�ted by 1aw, Grantvr waives notice of Lender's accep�ance of�his S�curity Instrumen�, <br /> defenses based on sure�ship,any defense aris�ng fi om any elec�tian by Lender und�r the United States B anlffupfc� <br /> �vde, Unifo�m �vmmercial �ode, as enac�ed in th� s�a�e v�rhere Lender is �ocated ar other applicab�e law or in <br /> equ�ty, demand, no�ice �f accelera�ion, notice �f nonpaym�n�, presentmen�, protest, natice af dishonvr and any <br /> ather no�ice. � <br /> RE�ITEST��R N�TI�E�: Grantor reques�s that c�pies of fihe not�ce�f defau.��and no�ice of sale be sent�o the <br /> address of each party gXven at�he beg�nning af�he Securi�y Inst�-ument. <br /> T� THE E�TENT P�RNiITTED BY LA'L�V, GRA�T�R WAIVES ANY RIGHT T� N�TI�E, �THER <br /> THAN T�IE N�TICE PR�'�I]�D AB�'LTE, ANl3 'L�VAT�ES A�VY RI�lEIT T� ANY HEARIN�, <br /> JUDICIAL UR QTHER�IS�, PRI�R T� LEIYI]ER E�ER�ISING ITS RiGHTS UNDER THIS <br /> S�CTIRITY INSTI�UMENT. <br /> WAIVER ���.I'PRAISEIVIENT RIG�ITS. Grantvr wa�ves all ap�ra�sement r�gh�s to the Pr�perty�� <br /> the exten�permit�ed by law. � <br /> . LENDER'S E�PENSES. Gran�or agrees to pa�r a�l e�penses�ncurred by Lender in connectxon with enforcement <br /> of��s ri�hts under�he Inde��edness,th�s Secu.rity Instrument or�n�he e�rent L�nder is made party��any�i�igati�n <br /> because of the exis�ence�f�he Indebted.ness�r�this Security�, as we11 as c�u.�-�costs, collectivn charges <br /> and reasana�le at�orneys'fees and dis�ursements. <br /> ASSIGNABILIT�". Lender ma� assign �r otherw�e transfer �h�s Security Instrument or any �f Lender's rights <br /> under�hrs Security Ins�rument wi�hout n�tice to �ran�or. �ran�or may not assign this Secur�ty Ins�rument or any <br /> par�vf the Secur�t�r Instrument w�thout�ie e�press vt�r�.t�en cflnsent of Lend�r. <br /> �U�RNING LA'V�. This 5e�urity Ins�rument v����e gaverned by�he laws of the State af Nebraska inc�uding <br /> a��pra�eedings arisYng from�us Security Instrumen�. <br /> SEVERABILYTY. If a caur� of compe�ent jurisdictifln determines an� term or prov�sion af this Secur�� <br /> Instrument �s �nva�id or pr�hi�7�ed by applicable la,w, that term or provision wi.1l be ineffective t� the extent <br /> required.Any term�r pro�risi�n�hat has be�n determi.ned�o be�n�alid or pr�hibited wi�l be severed from the rest <br /> �f the Security Instrument v�ithout invalidating �he remainder of ei�her �he affec�ed pr��ris�on or �his Secur�t� <br /> Instrument. <br /> �2��4-2❑13 Compliance Systerras,Inc,�fiFS-A072-2�13L2.0.5fi5 <br /> Cnmmercial Real Estate Se�ur�ty Instrument-DL4fla7 Pa�e 4 of S ww►v.�omplia�r,� <br />